《洛杉矶时报》的记者对海鲜情有独钟。 These ingredients often come from the sea in Chaoshan. One episode features a local tradition of eating marinated raw seafood, such as colorful flower crabs steeped in a bath of vinegar, salt, chiles, and cilantro. 潮汕菜的原料常常来自大海。其中一集节目展现了当地吃腌制海鲜的传统,比如把五颜六色的花蟹浸泡在醋、盐、辣椒和香菜的水浴中。 腌花蟹 Another episode looks at the ancient Teochew tradition of preparing thinly sliced raw fish (we learn that the practice was later exported to Japan, becoming what we now know as sashimi). 另一集讲述了古老的潮州传统,即制作切成薄片的生鱼片(这种做法后来流传到日本,成为我们现在所知的生鱼片)。 鱼生 Plump, freshly harvested oysters are left to ferment in the sun, concentrating their briny essence and lending complexity to stir fries and stews. 新鲜收获的丰满牡蛎在阳光下发酵,浓缩了咸味精华,让土豆条和炖菜更加富有风味。 牡蛎 Eater网站的记者则是又嘴馋又好奇。 Everyone who watches Flavorful Origins will surely have a different set of favorites. The episodes Tofu Cake , Hu Tieu and Brine are my picks, because they feature the foods I craved most while watching. But I was also fascinated by the processes depicted in Marinated Crabs, Olives and Fish Sauce. 每个看《风味原产地》的人都会有自己的喜好。我最喜欢的是腐乳饼、粿条和卤水,因为看到这三种食物的时候我流的口水最多。除了好吃的,腌蟹、橄榄和鱼露这三种食物的制作流程也让我很着迷。 粿条 眼睁睁地看着这么诱人的美食,屏幕前的吃货们更是坐不住了。 完全被吸引了,一口气刷完一整季。非常优秀的纪录片。有些(烹饪)技巧简直太神奇了。这个系列可能会让正宗的中国菜成为下一个IT美食。 这是我看过最好的中国美食纪录片。电影摄影、旁白、音乐、字幕……一切都是完美的 :) 刚看了《风味原产地》里做肉丸的技艺。现在我的任务就是找到那种特殊的打肉刀,然后像雷神一样挥舞它们! 牛肉丸 |
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