“我只想呵呵两声。” 昨天的外交部记者会上,外交部发言人华春莹回应外媒记者“美方称中方经常出尔反尔”的问题时,作出上述表态,刷遍舆论场。 “呵呵”这个词什么意思,不必多说,中国网友会心一笑。那么用英语,“呵呵”该怎么翻译呢?长安街知事(微信ID:Capitalnews)注意到,今天,外交部发言人办公室官方微信给出了答案。 华春莹(资料图) 7月31日的外交部记者会上,有记者问,美国总统特朗普称,中方经常出尔反尔。如果要等到明年大选他连任之后才签订协议,那一定会是一个更差的协议。中方对此有何评论? 华春莹表示,我看到了有关报道。我只想“呵呵”两声。(On your third question, I have seen relevant reports and twitter. Hmm. How interesting.) 划重点: 我只想“呵呵”两声 Hmm. How interesting! 脑补一个“微笑”画面 除此之外,这次记者会上,其实还有不少“呵呵”内容。 比如华春莹表示:事实上,(美国)自己生病,却让别人吃药,也是没有任何用的。这句话翻译成英语是“In fact, it's useless to ask others to take pills when the US is ill itself. ” 长安街知事(微信ID:Capitalnews)注意到,此前,外交部的“神翻译”也颇为有趣。 比如,2018年8月,华春莹曾在记者会上表示:对于美方各种花式“甩锅”,对不起,我们不想接,也不能接。官方翻译为“The US wants to make China a scapegoat. But so sorry, we don't want to be one. And don't even think of making us one.” 再比如,发言人耿爽曾表示“中国不是吓大的”,官方翻译为“threats and intimidation will never work on China(威胁及恐吓永远对中国起不了作用)”; 7月3日,耿爽火力全开,曾连用了10个成语硬刚英国外交大臣亨特的涉港言论。这些成语是这样翻译的—— 不思悔改、信口雌黄:keeps lying without remorse 自作多情、痴心妄想:nothing more than self-entertaining 厚颜无耻:How brazen is that 不自量力:overreach 嗯……看来,还是中文更加霸气! 附7月31日记者会双语实录(节选) 问:第一个问题,中国文化和旅游部刚刚发布消息称,鉴于当前两岸关系,决定自8月1日起暂停47个城市大陆居民赴台个人游试点。台湾方面评论称,大陆的决定与蔡英文前不久“过境”美国并高调评价香港“反送中”问题有关。你对此有何评论?第二个问题,你昨天评论朝鲜《劳动新闻》涉港文章,称其发出了正义的声音,但同时却批评蓬佩奥涉港言论。香港有评论称,这是互相矛盾、双重标准。你对此有何回应?第三个问题,刚刚媒体报道称,在上海举行的中美经贸磋商结束得很快。是否表明此轮谈判不欢而散?此外,美国总统特朗普称,中方经常出尔反尔。如果要等到明年大选他连任之后才签订协议,那一定会是一个更差的协议。中方对此有何评论? Q: First question, China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism just released this information. In view of the current cross-strait relations, it decided to suspend the individual travel of residents of 47 mainland cities to Taiwan from August 1. Taiwan media say this is related to Tsai Ing-wen's recent transit in the US and her blatant remarks on the recent protests in Hong Kong. What is your comment on that? Second question, yesterday you said the Hong Kong-related article in Rodong Sinmun is a voice of justice while criticizing US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's comments on Hong Kong. Some in Hong Kong say this is double standards. Do you have any response to that? Third question, the media just reported that the trade talks in Shanghai were very short. Does that signal an unsuccessful meeting? Besides, President Trump tweeted that China has been flip-flopping, and that if China wants to wait until he gets re-elected next year, the deal they get will be much tougher than what we are negotiating now. What's your comment? 答:关于第一个问题,台湾是中国的一部分,两岸事务不属于外交问题。请你向国台办询问。 A: On your first question, Taiwan is part of China, and cross-strait affairs are not diplomatic matters. I'd refer you to the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. 关于第二个问题,我不知道你提到的是香港哪些人认为我昨天的表态有双重标准。我说的都是客观的,是根据事情本身的是非曲直作出判断和评价的。 On your second question, I don't know which people in Hong Kong think my comments yesterday are double standards. What I said is objective. I make judgments and comments based on facts. 关于第三个问题,我看到了有关报道。我只想“呵呵”两声。 On your third question, I have seen relevant reports and twitter. Hmm. How interesting. 因为你知道,中美经贸磋商一年多来,是谁出尔反尔、言而无信、反复无常,大家都有目共睹。而中方对于经贸磋商的立场始终如一。双方经贸团队目前正在上海磋商,你刚才说到的最新情况,我还不掌握。在这个时候,美方放话试图极限施压是没有意义的。事实上,自己生病,却让别人吃药,也是没有任何用的。我认为,在经贸磋商问题上,美方应该更多地展现诚意和诚信。 We all know who has been flip-flopping in the trade talks over the past year or so. In contrast, China's position remains consistent. The Chinese and American negotiating teams are now in Shanghai for trade talks. I'm not aware of the latest information you mentioned. It just doesn't make any sense if the US tries to exert maximum pressure at this particular time. In fact, it's useless to ask others to take pills when the US is ill itself. I believe the US needs to show more sincerity and good faith on this issue. 来源:外交部发言人办公室【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference (2019-07-31) |
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