美国西南航空公司空姐指控同公司的一名机长和一名副机长在一次执飞匹兹堡市到凤凰城期间,通过隐藏摄像头实时观看乘客上厕所。 事件发生于2017年2月27日,当时空姐Renee Steinaker正在一架从匹兹堡飞往凤凰城的1088航班上。她无意间在驾驶舱看到的一幕,让她感到震惊不已。 About two and a half hours into the flight, Capt. Terry Graham asked for a flight attendant to come to the cockpit so that he could leave to use the restroom, the complaint says. Airline policy requires that two crew members are in the cockpit at all times, the complaint says. 诉讼说,在飞行大约两个半小时后,机长Graham要求一位空乘人员来驾驶舱,这样他可以去使用洗手间。根据航空公司规定,任何时候都必须有两名机组人员在驾驶舱内。 After Steinaker arrived and Graham left, Steinaker spotted an iPad in the plane's cockpit that appeared to be streaming live video of the pilot inside an airplane lavatory, the lawsuit said. 诉讼称,Graham离开之后,Steinaker在飞机的驾驶舱中发现了一个iPad,这个 iPad似乎正在播放机长使用厕所的实时画面。 此时,副机长显得很慌张的样子,向Steinaker解释说摄像头是公司的秘密安保措施,西南航空所有的飞机上都已配备。 When the flight attendant asked the co-pilot, Ryan Russell, if the iPad was streaming video from the lavatory, he said the camera was part of a "new security and top secret security measure that had been installed in the lavatories of all Southwest Airlines' 737-800 planes," the document alleges. 空姐询问副驾驶员Ryan Russell,iPad是否正在直播卫生间内的画面?他说摄像头是“西南航空在所有的737-800的卫生间统一安装的,是一项新的安全措施和属于最高机密。” ▲Two Southwest pilots live streamed video from a plane's bathroom to the cockpit, flight attendants' lawsuit alleges Via CNN 但是这个解释没能让Steinaker信服,她用手机拍下了iPad的直播画面,并向西南航空管理层报告了这件事。但是Steinaker却被警告不要将此事告知任何人。 Steinaker says she took a picture of the iPad with Graham's image in the lavatory, the lawsuit says, and showed it to the rest of the flight attendants. 诉讼称,Steinaker 拍下了iPad画面中机长使用厕所的照片,并向其他空姐展示了该照片。 After Steinaker and other flight attendants on Flight 1088 reported the incident to the airline's management, the lawsuit says, the airline tried to silence and intimidate them. 诉讼称,Steinaker 和其他1088航班的乘务员向航空公司管理层报告了这一事件后,航空公司试图让他们保持沉默和并威胁他们。 The flight attendant says she was directed by a supervisor to keep the incident to herself because "If this got out, if this went public, no one, I mean no one, would ever fly our airline again," 这位空姐说,她的上级要求她不要公开此事,因为“事件一旦公开,就没有人,我的意思是没有一个人会再次乘坐我们公司的航班。” ▲Two Southwest pilots live streamed video from a plane's bathroom to the cockpit, flight attendants' lawsuit alleges Via CNN 该空姐的律师称,飞行员的行为分散了机组人员的注意力,损害了飞行安全。而且事发后,两人并没有被停飞。 The lawsuit claims Steinaker "became physically ill at the recognition" that the pilots had "watched and possibly recorded her disrobing and using the toilet." She was also concerned for the "passengers including children who had utilized the lavatory," it states. 诉讼称Steinaker 因意识到机长已经“可能观看并记录下她的换衣服和上厕所的视频”而“身心不适。” 她也对“其他包括儿童在内使用洗手间的乘客,”表示担心。 ▲Lawsuit: Southwest pilots streamed video from bathroom cam Via AP "The cockpit of a commercial airliner is not a playground for peeping toms," Goldman told CNN. "Every day that these two pilots are allowed to fly for the airline is another day that our client fears she will have to work with pilots she alleges have caused her significant harm." Goldman 律师对CNN说:“一架商用客机的驾驶舱不是偷窥者的游乐场。” “现在每天还允许这两名飞行员执飞,我的客户一直担心不得不和对她造成严重身心影响的人一起工作。” 事发之后,西南航空公司的发言人拒绝对此诉讼发表评论,但表示该航空公司并未在飞机厕所内放置摄像头。 "The safety and security of our Employees and Customers is Southwest's uncompromising priority. As such, Southwest does not place cameras in the lavatories of our aircraft," the spokesperson told CNN. 航空公司发言人告诉CNN:“西南航空始终不渝地优先考虑我们员工和客户的安全。因此,西南航空不会在我们的飞机厕所内放置摄像头。” ▲Two Southwest pilots live streamed video from a plane's bathroom to the cockpit, flight attendants' lawsuit alleges Via CNN 网友认为也觉得很气愤和震惊: Damn I would expect that from trashy United Express 我以为这样恶心的事情只有美联航做得出来。 Oh my gosh. If that's in there and they're watching, who's flying the plane , because somebody's doing something else,lol 哦天哪。如果他们一直在看直播,那么是谁在开飞机?他们显然无心开飞机。 I’m finding it hard to believe you’d get BOTH pilots to go along with that? Usually there’s just one weird airline pilot per plane. 很难相信一架飞机上有两个变态的飞行员,一般来说有一个就够了。 图文:AP CNN |
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