据加拿大广播公司(CBC)报道,总理杜鲁多今天在一年一度的圣诞节致辞中,祝加拿大人圣诞快乐!他说圣诞节假期就是要向周围的人们表示爱意,所有加拿大人在假期以及新的一年,要彼此扶持、互相关爱。 杜鲁多说,“这个最伟大节日的传统之一,就是我们大家要互相照顾,这实际上是加拿大人一年到头都在做的事情。” 他还说,“这是一个给予和回馈的季节——支持我们社区中需要帮助的人们,探望一下可能是独自一人过节的邻居。” 杜鲁多赞扬了在加拿大和海外的加拿大军人,并顺便提到自由党最近的竞选口号,希望加拿大人在新的一年“共同前进”。 (Submitted/Prime Minister's Office) 杜鲁多圣诞节贺词全文如下: "Merry Christmas, Canada! "Today, our family joins Christians everywhere to celebrate the birth of Christ. "This time of year is full of joy, light and traditions, whether it's wrapping gifts, choosing the perfect tree, or keeping the roof clear for the reindeer. "Some of us are getting together with the whole family. Others are sharing a table with friends. Maybe you're keeping the kids entertained in the snow or taking it easy and catching up with loved ones. "Whatever we're doing, Christmas is a time to celebrate Christ's message of compassion and show people we love them. "It's the season for giving and for giving back, from supporting folks in need in our communities to reaching out to neighbours who might be alone for the holidays. "We're especially thinking of our service members here in Canada and overseas who give so much to our country. Thank you for everything you do. "You know, one of the greatest holiday traditions is taking care of each other and it's something Canadians do all year round. "Rain or shine or snow, we show up for each other, because that's who we are. "So today, let's come together and let's move forward together in the new year. "From our family to yours, Merry Christmas." |
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