外交部长商鹏飞(Francois-Philippe Champagne)阁下、英国外交大臣多米尼加国·拉布(Dominic Raab)、与澳大利亚外交部长马里斯·佩恩(Marise Payne)今日发布以下声明: “我们对计划在香港出台国家安全相关的立法表示严重关切。 “由中国与英国签署的,具有法律效益的联合声明,确定香港将会享有高度自治的权利。联合声明指出香港法律也将确保包括个人自由、新闻自由、集会自由、结社自由、以及其他自由在内的权利与自由。同时,联合国两项人权公约(ICCPR和ICESCR)的条款将继续生效。 “在没有香港人民、立法机构、以及司法机构直接参与的情况下,代替香港制定这样的法律,明显将侵犯保障香港享有高度自治权利的“一国两制”原则。” 声明英文原文: The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Dominic Raab, the United Kingdom’s First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs; and Marise Payne, Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Women, today issued the following statement: “We are deeply concerned at proposals for introducing legislation related to national security in Hong Kong. “The legally binding Joint Declaration, signed by China and the United Kingdom, sets out that Hong Kong will have a high degree of autonomy. It also provides that rights and freedoms, including those of the person, of the press, of assembly, of association and others, will be ensured by law in Hong Kong, and that the provisions of the two UN covenants on human rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, shall remain in force. “Making such a law on Hong Kong’s behalf without the direct participation of its people, legislature or judiciary would clearly undermine the ‘one country, two systems’ principle under which Hong Kong is guaranteed a high degree of autonomy.” |
全七子112: 任何加国华裔公民都要去支持加国维护全球民主人权的政策, 切忌在享受著加国民主人权时, 作出言行不一的举动, 也要严防那些加国以外的杂音, 这些杂音, 只会令到咱 ...
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