当地媒体联系了Max的母亲时Karla Begley,她流下了痛苦的眼泪。Begley泪眼婆娑的问,“谁会这样说一个孩子呢?”
Max的44岁母亲贝格利(Karla Begley)坐轮椅﹐她患上多发性硬化症﹐在28岁那年开始受病魔缠绕。
Max的外婆Brenda Millson星期五打开邮箱,发现了这封信。信中让他们“去树林里生活在拖车中,”甚至建议她13岁的外孙实施安乐死。
To the lady living at this address:
I also live in this neighborhood and have a problem!!!! You have a kid that is mentally handicapped and you consciously decided that it would be a good idea to live in close proximity neighborhood like this???? You selfishly put your kid outside everyday and let hime be a nothing but a nuisance and a problem to everyone else with that noise polluting whaling he constantly makes!!! That noise he makes when he is outside is DREADFUL!!!!!!!!!! It scares the hell out of my normal children!!!!!!!! When you fell your idiot kids nees fresh air, take him to our park you dope!!! We have a nature trail!! Let hime run around those places and make noise!!!!!! Crying babies, music and even barking dogs are normal sounds in a residential neighborhood!!!!! He is NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is a hindrance to everyone and will always be that way!!!!! Who the hell is going to care for him?????? No employer will hire him, no normal girl is goign to marry/love him and you are not going to live forever!! Personally, they should take whatever non retarded body parts he possesses and donate it to science. What the hell else good is he to anyone!!! You had a retarded kid, deal with it… properly!!!!! What right do you have to do this to hard working people!!!!!!! I HATE people like you who believe, just because you have a special needs kid, you are entitled to special treatmen!!! GOD!!!!!!!
Do everyone in our community huge a favor and MOVE!!!! VAMOSE!!! SCRAM!!!! Move away and get out of this type of neighborhood setting!!! Go live in a trailer in the woods or something with your wild animal kid!!! Nobody wants you living here and they don’t have the guts to tell you!!!!!
Do the right thing and and move or euthanize him!!! Either way, we are ALL better off!!!
One pissed off mother!!!!