这年头,许多妹子活得都像个女汉子。 能挣钱花钱文艺酷炫小清新,也能换灯泡扛纯净水做饭修电脑打蟑螂 …… 一个人活出了千军万马的气势。 和亚洲许多国家的女性相比,中国的姑娘们算是挺独立的一拨了。 尤其是一线城市的不少妹子,即使算不上战斗力破表,但该有的经历与见识都还是有的,活得也都挺充实。 结果某天,小海狸突然在国外 Reddit 论坛上看到了这么个帖子: ▲ " 为啥中国 20 几岁的妹子都这么幼稚?" 据显示,发帖的是个瑞典人。这枚瑞典小哥是这样吐槽的—— @ saladfingers6: Why are Chinese girls so childish compared to girls at the same age from Europe and North America? One theory I heard is that because they had to study so hard all day long and didn't get a chance to really play as children. 为啥和欧美的同龄妹子比起来,中国妹子这么幼稚啊?我听说,是因为中国的乖宝宝们从小就得好好学习,没办法像小孩一样愉快玩耍,所以长大了要补回来? …… 这话说的,从结论到理由都挺奇怪就是了。 然而没想到,底下附和他的人还挺不少?? 有说因为东亚人的审美里有 " 萌萌哒 " 的幼齿情节 …… @Luan12: Some of it is just East Asian pop culture, I think. If I'm not mistaken, it kind of started with the whole kawaii thing in Japan and other countries have developed their own versions. 貌似因为东亚的某种流行文化吧 ~ 日本就有 " 卡哇伊 " 之类的爱好,然后其他国家也纷纷发展出了自己 " 萌 " 文化。人家就好这口。 有说中国的独生子女都被宠坏了,所以很幼稚 …… @aguyfromhere: Because of Princess Syndrome or Princess Sickness. 估计很多中国妹子有公主病吧? Basically, the most recent generation of young adults in China are the product of parents that grew up in some of the worst conditions China had seen in a long time, followed immediately by great political and social change, and then finally prosperity. 基本上呢,中国最近的这代年轻人,他们父母都经历过艰难时期的苦日子。然后前人栽树后人乘凉咯,到了他们出生的时候,中国已经繁荣发展了起来,这些孩子从小就衣食无忧了。 This transition in such a short time, coupled with the 1 child policy, perfectly positioned a whole generation to grow up as ultra spoiled brats--never wanting for anything. Also keep in mind the culture of China has always been group oriented and being very independent isn't highly valued like in the west. 再加上啊,他们这一代大多是独生子女,从小到大被父母宠得一塌糊涂,要啥有啥,你说人家还有什么奋斗的动力?更何况,中国的文化里挺重视家庭和集体的,你要是活得太独立,人家还未必待见你。 还有说这是中国传统文化的原因,造成女性性格的弱化 …… @ beefers1Canada: Basically, this. Traditional gender roles ( highly influenced by Confucianism ) are still highly prevalent, and "cute" culture is often a manifestation of this in modern times. In this sense, it's about staying within one's place in society ( hence the low value of independence ) , and for women, it is to be submissive and needy. 我觉着是酱的:在中国啊,受儒家思想影响,传统性别角色的刻板印象还是挺普遍的,加上现在的 " 可爱 " 文化也很有市场咯。而对于女性来说,社会对于她们的角色定位就是顺从和依赖男人的。个性独立的姑娘反倒不被看好了。 更有不少当场吐槽中国妹子太幼稚的 …… @ saladfingers6: It's a good point that it is related to the non-independence of these girls. When I see Chinese guys with a girl like this walking behind like a burden and sometimes see her upset and starting to cry or similar right on the street, I wonder if this is normal and actually attracting to Chinese guys. 真的,中国妹子真是太不独立了。有时会看到中国汉子和妹子走在街上,妹子就像个包袱一样跟在汉子后面,甚至还当街哭兮兮,简直了 …… 这种妹子在中国很常见吗?中国汉子真的好这口吗?? @juzplanecrazie: I believe it is. I think what you are seeing is called 撒娇 ( sa1jiao1 ) which translates culturally to "act like a whiny, spoiled child to get what you want" and a lot of men like it as it allows them to be and feel needed by the woman. 楼上的,中国汉子可能真的好这口。你看到妹子苦兮兮的样子,可能是她们在 " 撒娇 " 吧?呃撒娇这词是啥意思呢 …… 就是做出那种被宠上天的熊孩子的样子,为达到目的各种一哭二闹三上吊。但偏偏很多男人就吃这套啊,因为这样感觉自己在妹子面前很 man 啊 ~ 很能依靠啊 ~ 这位提到中文词还友情附带拼音(连音标的标注了),真是不容易 @OuiNonUnited States: I've met grad school students, getting their MBA who wear Hello kitty clothes, have an apartment all in hello kitty, do everything but suck their thumb and pout at every little "hardship". I totally agree that it exists. I don't know how widespread though. 我也看到过许多中国学生,都读 MBA(工商管理硕士)了还穿着 Kitty 猫的衣服,一屋子里也全是 Kitty 猫,整天没事就吮手指,碰到芝麻大点儿的事也要噘嘴装嫩发嗲 …… 有些中国妹子确实很幼稚啊,虽然不造这样的情况普不普遍就是了。 关于 " 中国妹子幼不幼稚 " 这个问题,小海狸其实觉得挺奇怪的。 一方面,那些眼花缭乱的偶像剧与言情小说里,确实有许多傻白甜的 " 无脑 " 女主,撒着娇发着嗲和霸道总裁之流谈着腻腻乎乎的恋爱。她们时不时还闹个脾气 " 作 " 一下,让男主哄一哄,成为了感情里的迷之调味剂。 可另一方面,我们又能在现实生活中接触到大量独立而成熟的姑娘,她们理智又温和,待人接物也都很 " 正常 ",离幼稚和公主病十万八千里远。 也许有人会说,很多姑娘是在喜欢的人面前才会 " 作 "。男女朋友的关系毕竟有些特殊,任性一点也无妨。 也有人觉得,这就是老外的刻板印象,各种抹黑中国妹子罢了。 刻板印象?以偏概全?恶意抹黑? 还是 …… 事实? 或许,不同的人也会有不同的答案吧。 |
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