
标题: 女人都去哪了? [打印本页]

作者: 找女友    时间: 2003-10-26 20:23
标题: 女人都去哪了?

作者: angel1234    时间: 2003-10-27 09:57
where is handsome man in montreal?????my friend wanna find a handsome boy friend, but she couldn't find in here.......huh~~~~~
作者: angel_f    时间: 2003-10-27 10:59
hey~~~montrealguy:How are you?Nice to talk to you in here again!!My friend has been here for almost 2 months,because she wanna find her Mr.right,so   she has been going to meet one guy everyday,but, she cannot find yet still now,she told me all the guys her met are so homely.....so, montrealguy:do you know some handsome guy in montreal??can you introduce some to my friend??what about you??  :p
作者: rnotlove    时间: 2003-10-27 11:12
作者: chips    时间: 2003-10-27 11:41
angel_f :"she has been going to meet one guy everyday,but, she cannot find yet still now"
Is the handsome ratio that low in here?

MontrealGuy: "persuade her to goto social society, don't close her door and complain too much. "
"GOTO" <---are you a computer guy?
作者: xh_shadow    时间: 2003-10-27 13:10
hey, the reason you can't find a girlfriend is that you set your standards for girls too high. The population of women currently in age between 18-25 is approximately 65 million, however, in which are beautiful, intelligent, yet not already committed are merely 100 thousand. Compute for yourself how the chances are..

in my opinion, you now have 2 options. YOu can either wait for “the one” to come into your life(which is purely dependent on “缘分”), or lower your standards for girls, pay attention to your surroundings, and u'll find nice girls are everywhere arround you.
作者: angel1234    时间: 2003-10-27 23:31
i agree with Kernel 32.DLL  
作者: 找女友    时间: 2003-10-28 15:02
作者: chips    时间: 2003-10-28 15:20
MontrealGuy, I am a guy. We can meet everyday, if we work together...I need a computer job!!....Hire me if you have a computer company.
Oh, please introduce those pretty girls to me.  

KerneL32.DLL, you miss a very important option which is self improvement.
作者: angel_f    时间: 2003-10-28 16:59
hey,guys:i am serious!!not jokking!!my friend is pretty,nice,but she hasn't immigrated from china.she came here just for working and studying, of course she also want to find her Mr.right here!i know my english is not so good ,so might make someone thinks as a wrong side,i am sorry about that!!anyway, if you are a nice guy, and also looking for your Miss.right,(not for fun!!!), please contact me!! thanks!!!  
作者: 找女友    时间: 2003-10-28 18:02
是吗? 我可是既有时间又有钱,就是没有女友,那是怎么回事。是我太丑?好象也过得去,纳闷。
作者: chips    时间: 2003-10-28 20:10
MontrealGuy , you know why i asked you about job rather than the pretties 1st?.....I know that I need a good job; although, the pretties are more attractive than  job hunting.....

找女友 , you may have spent your money and time in wrong way.
作者: angel_f    时间: 2003-10-29 11:00
To montrealguy:高手!=D>I think a lot of woman want to be an Angel(o:-)),(of course me eighter .:-p )don't you think so?
作者: danyan    时间: 2003-10-29 17:20
to all you guys,

what are you all talking about, handsome, pretty, money, job?

2 months is simply nothing to find Mr. right.  It already took me more than 3 years, and I simply wish only to find a man being nice to everyone by heart and being mentally strong.  What a basic requirement! but i could not find him by now, even though i am very much confident about my nice looking, and always have a few guys following me.  

I am not demanding, but simply not very lucky.
作者: 找女友    时间: 2003-10-29 18:03
作者: tianshiaku    时间: 2003-10-29 21:09
oh I suggest all handsomes and prettys meet together on a party, then all problems will be solved. Do you all have the intereste?
contact me on tianshi_aku@163.com
作者: chips    时间: 2003-10-29 22:19
daphney, MontrealGuy  , I have been in montreal for 10 years and still single. Surely, I am not successful, but I may able to tell 找女友 what he should avoid to do. Daphney 3 years is not long , if you are ileadism.

daphney: "a man being nice to everyone by heart and being mentally strong."
For my experience, the REAL nice guys don't like to frequently   show off thier nice personalities explicitly. However, the worst guys instinctively have best presentations in front of girls. Thats why REAL nice heart guys rarely meet nice girls. Most of time, the real nice guys are KO by worst guys' presentations in 1st round. And girls even won't notice the real nice guys' existence.

daphney: "what are you all talking about, handsome, pretty, money, job?"
daphney: "but i could not find him by now, even though i am very much confident about my nice looking, and always have a few guys following me."
Daphney, do you know why you feel "very much confident" ? What will you do if you are not pretty, but you still looking for the same level of guy. You may not able to understand the feeling of ugly if you are pretty. ...human will learn to compensate thier weakness from unsuccessful experience.....I just take appearance as an example, it also applicable to other weakness...
作者: neko    时间: 2003-10-29 23:06
Daphney, I can sympathize with you.  I've been looking for Mr. Right (or even Mr. OK) for a long time.

Chips, the reason women may not pay attention to "nice guys" is because sometimes those guys try too hard and therefore seem desperate or lacking in confidence. In general, women like men who seem confident and comfortable with themselves, not really ones whose actions say, "I'll do ANYTHING for you as long as you pay attention to me!"

作者: chips    时间: 2003-10-29 23:57
Hi neko ,
neko: " ..."nice guys" is because sometimes those guys try too hard and therefore seem desperate..."
Maybe my writing was not clear enough. I didn't mean that  desperate and "try too hard" are nice guys. My main point is "presentation". Worst guys effortlessly present whatever girls like perfectly.

Think about what daphney said, "a man being nice to everyone by heart and being mentally strong."
In reality, everyone has weakness. A person who is honestly acting by his/her heart won't present perfectly. However, the imperfections of honest guys will lost points.

Also, I didn't mean that all nice guys look imperfect, and  all worst guys look perfect. I am just telling you.... understanding a person is not easy. You may have to spend years to notice a person's moral problems; especially, you are in love with this person....You may never notice how nice a person is , if he/she won't able to attract you because of his/her imperfections.

neko:"I'll do ANYTHING for you as long as you pay attention to me!"
Base on your expression, I feel that you appreciate "do ANYTHING for you No Matter you pay attention to me or not"...please correct me if i misunderstand....lets continue the discussion....it is not an arguement  ok?
作者: chips    时间: 2003-10-30 00:07
one more thing neko
"Daphney, I can sympathize with you. I've been looking for Mr. Right (or even Mr. OK) for a long time.

Why you forgot angelxxxx and her friend?  
作者: danyan    时间: 2003-10-30 00:43
to chips:

it seems that you are trying to reach a conclusion. It is really not that easy......  There is really no point to discuss like this.  The only thing i could see from your discussion is you do not understand girls.  btw, i am not telling that i know guys very well, otherwise i would have already realized my biggest wish.

Do you really think most girls can be so easily touched by any guy's nice presenting, even "in the 1st round"?  NOOOO.  We always try to get to know guys from details.  What you said is also right, the nice persons are always not good at showing, but, don't you think that you do need to do something to let the girl you love know about you?  The reason i am still waiting is i can tell who are pretending in front me.  But,... how can i tell which guy is really nice without seeing he did something really nicely??

I believe you are a nice guy, but instead of talking about on which side the problem is, pls try to understand some more about girls.  Trying to find someone reliable is the wish of all the girls.  You do need to do something to convince the girl you are the one.
作者: chips    时间: 2003-10-30 01:35
daphney :"I believe you are a nice guy"
Don't belive I am a nice guy the 1st time you read my posting

anyway, I already posted too much here tonight. Take a rest..Post tomorrow....
作者: angel_f    时间: 2003-10-30 23:33
one day,在百般无聊中看到"找女友"的帖子,于是无聊人在无聊中回了一些无聊的话。想不到竟然引起了如此"热闹"的场面....本来我就是个嘴笨的人,何况现在遇上了montrealguy and chips二位论坛高手,i think i have to shut off my mouth  wink  .About my friend, maybe she is not luck曾经有两次我作为她的“眼镜"跟她去相亲,but所见的人素质太低,first time they ask her“能否香一口”?“是否可以同居”?....如此的话,令人恶心,难怪我们会有如此感叹and ask ''where is the handsome man in montreal?''。当然这“帅”也不单指外表,最重要的还是人品的“帅"!now i believe nice girl and guy is anywhere,just you have chance to meet or not!!And不管你是新移民,老移民,大家都是出门在外不容易,何不少些扔砖头,多些帮助?in my case,i also have some troblem more than you all, but now i am trying to"凡事看开一点,别太多抱怨".i think everything will be ok!Anyway,the weekend is coming, i am going to go Jet culb with angel1234and our friend(oh, forget to say angel1234 is my roommate and good friend.还有我们口中所指的那个朋友属同一人)so guys别在这里发牢骚了,let's go to dance, make some friends there!说不定,你会遇上心中的他or她。祝愿找男友和找女友的朋友都能找到理想的意中人.oh,chips , i hope you can find a good job soon too!       THANKS
作者: chips    时间: 2003-11-1 01:54
daphney :"I believe you are a nice guy"
Thanks , Thanks

MontrealGuy:"You spent too much at website"
Thanks for noticed my problem and gave me advice.

angel_f :"oh,chips , i hope you can find a good job soon too!"
Thanks Thanks
作者: chips    时间: 2003-11-1 02:30
angelxxx, daphney , neko ..ladies in here....Could you confirm or give comments about the following claims and supports which my lady friends have told me? Are those words true?

1) Ladies told me that they prefer guys' personalities over thier appearances
Thier support: "One of our girl friends looks nice. Her boy friend doesn't look good. We all told this girl that she can find a more handsome  boy friend;  She doesn't has to be with that guy. However, this girl doesn't care about her boy friend's appearance. She doesn't look for a handsome. She still loves him. "

2) Some married ladies told me that they considered personalities over richness when they chose thier husbands
Thier support: "We had  met and spent time with many other rich guys before we confirmed with our husbands which were not as rich as the previous guys. "

3) A lady complained about her job interviewer had sexual discrimination.
Her support: "The interviewer told her that the position was suitable for both male and female; however, thier company's female employee quota was finished.  So, the  openning position only offered for male."

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