也许正如参加那次比赛的一位网友在反思时所说的:这是出自于一份自傲和清高。我想它也许会成为阻碍你进步的最大的敌人,这就是我的忧虑。由于篇幅关系,在这里就不谈这种想法产生的原因了,请注意后面在本人主页的《心理诊所》里的相关文章《自认为“高手”的你,是不是高估了自己》。作者: color188 时间: 2004-8-4 00:42
[quote] "do you find that when they have time, they always hit the same fast pace shots: bing, bing, bing, and with the same spin, they never change the style when they have time to choose different shots, or just different pace, or just make an easy shot, they are extremely predictable, they are just shot maker, not player."
They are rally players indeed.
Well, first of all, I'd like to make it clear and I think all my tennis buddies will understand I meant. The article was to joke with us, the beginners.
Once upon a time, I saw a post claimed himself as 4.0~4.5 level. Though I wish there would be more this level Chinese players here, I have consulted Knight and I guess that buddy was a little bit misunderstanding of the classification. Personally, I think I am still struggling around 4.0
Still, I'd like to get a chance to learn some from you. A match is a good one while I am afraid of 0:6 and 0:6. I need more mental training. ;)