老车开始烧机油: 车每次发动后3秒之内冒蓝烟,然后就没有了。换机油大约一月后每星期要添0.25L. 朋友说换valve guide seals。不知道是否值得? 若不换,还能开多久?作者: DonCherry 时间: 2004-8-7 11:54
Most things you can do is to try with high grade "stop smoke"
sealer and oil treatment, which you can find in Canadiantire.
Repairing the valve stem is a job, cost would be as same as
the value of the car.
Yes, it sounds like valve stem sealer problem.作者: ftl 时间: 2004-8-7 12:29
多谢DonCherry。 祝好。