还有一个提议, 就是顺路去 yellowstone park. 只是来回加多 2400公里左右, 由montreal 到 banff 来回已经要成 9000公里.作者: yellowmoon 时间: 2004-1-28 23:03
TO jimfun:
i arrived in Canada last spring. i have not visit this country very well. i want to visit all the places that your guys are talking about here.
if you go traveling this summer, i would like to join your group. although i can not drive, i am very good at cook and i am willing to share gas and other fee for transportation.
so if it is possible there is a room for me in your grou, please let me know advance so that i need not look for other groups.
thanks.作者: christmas111 时间: 2004-1-30 00:13
住hostel记得一定要选那些在市区的...jasper的Hostel international就离市区超远...极其不方便。
另外去rockies起码要在那里准备2星期的时间,否则地方太多去不完的。作者: DORIME 时间: 2004-1-30 17:22
大多数的hostel, 是不会设在市区, 尤其在离开左大市城或在国家公园内. 而 banff 和 jasper 内的 hostel 附近不会有餐厅或市场, 所以, 一切食物要在未入国家公园之前添置. 而中国人的食物, 就要在 calgary 唐人街买. 在 banff 和calgary 以南有个 weston np, 也是十分美丽, 如果再过美国边界, 也有一个 glacia np, 值得一去,
去BANFF还是夏天去的好,别浪费了夏天那么美丽的景色。 这里是我去年去的旅游计划,也许可以帮助你订自己的计划。建议买本“NORTH AMERICA ROAD ATLAS"地图册,$19一本,附带一张光碟。地图详细包括了加拿大,美国,墨西哥的公路。那张附带的光碟是一个叫ROUTE PLANNER的软件,个软件非常的好!只要点出出发地和目的地,它会给你选出最优路线(可以时间最短或者路程最短)。它能帮你计算路上所需的时间,和我开车的实际时间差不多。
Trip Plan:
Day 1: Vancouver-->Jasper
a. Drive on the day time, arrive Jasper before dark,
b. Sleep near Jasper
Day 2:Have a trip around in Jasper
a. Fill up the gas can, and then go to Maligne Canyon, near Jasper.
b. Athabasca Falls
***. Reserve for a camp site in Jasper (better before noon)
c. Sunwapta falls
d. Columbia icefield
e. Mistaya Valley
f. Hector Lake
g. sleep near Lake Louise or "Field" town(In Yoho national park)
day 3: Yoho and Banff
a. Spiral Tunnel Viewpoints
b. Lake O'Hara( must hike 13km to the lake)
c.Emerald Lake (11km from field, should pass by 一座天然形成的桥
d.Drive to Lake Louise, the lake.`
f.sleep near lake Louise or Banff
day 4: Baff and Calgary
a. Bow Valley Parkway
b. Cameron Lake
c. Calgary City
d. Back to Vancouver before 22:00
day 5:
a. arrive Bunarby before 8:30
Route Plan:
Burnaby,Kensington Ave.( 1KM to No.1)--> No.1 highway(SE 136KM-Hope time:1:30) --> Highway 5(N 135KM-the end, then trun right time:1:40)-- No.1(SE 14KM-Kamloops,then trun left to No.5 time:15mins)-- No.5 (N 360KM-Tete Jaune Cache, then trun right to No.16 time: 6:30)-- No.16(E 106KM--Jasper town time: 1:00)
Come Back :
Calgary(Time: 00:00)-->No.1,Trans-Canada 1 ( W 627KM -- pass Kamloops,then trun left to No.5 time:6:00)--No.5( S 185KM, to the end then trun right to No.1,time:1:50)--Burnaby,Kensington Ave.
Distance infor:
Vancouver,Burnaby -- Jasper 804Km 10hr,42min
Jasper-- Lake Louise 224KM 2hr
Lake louise-- Field(Yoho) 27KM 20 minut
Field--Golden town 63KM 40 min
Lake louise-- Banff Town 55Km 30 min.
Banff town-- Calgary 132KM 1hr,20 min
Calgary -- Vancouver,burnaby 963KM 10hr