Post by sayu
作者: White Lily 时间: 2004-11-27 22:09
A store Called Bou Clair or something
In Central Marche near Metro Ceremazie.
Take 146 ouest, take off at Chambanel street. Cross the tunnel and you will find the store at your left hand.作者: crystalwang 时间: 2004-11-29 01:28
somerled街上,靠近cavendish有一个布店非常好。做102,104,138可以到作者: ammax 时间: 2004-11-29 10:08 标题: 能告诉jean-talon地铁站附近的那条街具体怎么走吗? 听人说在jean-talon地铁站附近有卖布和毛线的街,专程去,却没有找到。知道的朋友能告诉一下具体的街名,或怎么走吗?谢谢了。
Post by sayu
作者: maltose 时间: 2004-12-1 11:59 标题: Several stores you can go There are several stores. You can find the store near you in their website
Near Jean-talon metro, you can find street St-hubert with glass roof over the street. There are many inexpensive stuff in that street. I remember seeing fabric store in that street, but don't remember the number. sorry. But you can go there as if window shopping & you probably will find some interesting stuff