这星期六可以在我家玩儿,规矩可以到时候再定,基本是综合各地的规矩。玩的很小,几块钱的输赢,带几个钢崩儿就可以了。特别适合拿LOAN和BURSARY的同好。作者: montreal_guy001 时间: 2003-6-11 14:50
We need more friends, especially those who have Majiang or can provid space for playing.
Come on, guys, Majiang is always fun.作者: montreal_guy001 时间: 2003-6-11 17:27
Now we have Majiang and Place for this week. We just need some guys or lady who want to play this weekend in downtown area.
Please post you reply or email :
montrealguy_001@yahoo.ca作者: montreal_guy001 时间: 2003-6-12 14:09
We now have four friends and we have MaJiang, We may play this weekend if everything goes well.
We need more friends to join us so that we will have enough people to play every week.