既然生而为CBC, 就是一个CBC的活法.根本不需去和别人或国内人比较.关于孝顺, 国内现在不孝顺的熊孩子多了去 .作者: jiyingss 时间: 2017-12-5 22:32
有条件的话,国内小学4年级读完后再来加,适应半年左右,再考私校名校,这样最好,孩子将来有出息还能善待父母~作者: LO_CONSTRUCTION 时间: 2018-1-17 11:17
We should try to keep our Chinese traditions to our CBC child. Since no matter how they are fluent in English/ French, they are still Chinese/ Asian. Imagine if a French living in the states who doesnt speak french, or an italian who doesnt speak Italian . It's gonna be so ashame. I dont understand why some CBC are racist toward their own culture. 作者: easyfocusgroup 时间: 2018-9-25 15:22
这个没有对与错,只能去当时情况。作者: 君子好逑 时间: 2018-10-16 20:23
LO_CONSTRUCTION 发表于 2018-1-17 12:17
We should try to keep our Chinese traditions to our CBC child. Since no matter how they are fluent i ...