It is said,据说,射手座的箭尖直指天蝎座的心脏.
When life doesn't seem worth the living.
And you don't really care who you are.
When you feel there is no one beside you.
Look for a star.
When you know you're alone and so lonely.
And your friends have travlled a far.
There is someone waiting to guide you.
Look for a star.
For everyone has a lucky star that shines in the sky up above.
If you wish on your lucky star,
you are sure to find someone to love.
A rich man, a poor man, a beggar.
No matter whoever you are.
There is a friend who's waiting to guide you.
Look for a star.作者: weather_123 时间: 2003-11-6 23:24
错之! 魔羯(山羊)跟白羊是不合滴! 跟处女,金牛,巨蟹合!!! 作者: metal_guy 时间: 2003-11-9 17:21
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: stl888 时间: 2003-11-11 12:40
楼下。。花什么。。的, 如果是中国人,请你改名。如矮国人,那就算了。取个别让人烦的名, 拜托了。作者: か花颜で 时间: 2003-11-15 10:59
拜托,下次反感的时候请好好说话。男人的风度还要不要??作者: www25 时间: 2003-11-17 22:54
我是金牛座的女牛,为什么在倒贴处女座呀.唉 frown作者: zzqqssaa 时间: 2003-11-19 11:14
我觉得有点道理作者: stl888 时间: 2003-11-20 17:33