标题: 北京的哥们儿姐们儿都那里去了 [打印本页] 作者: xiaowatermelon 时间: 2003-8-29 17:46 标题: 北京的哥们儿姐们儿都那里去了 我想北京了。作者: 天赐 时间: 2003-8-30 20:06
忙啊作者: 7301 时间: 2003-9-1 20:36
人在那,人在那。告诉你北京有个新规定:从现在开始有“前科”的人员要是“进去”了。2008年前就别想出来了。你要小心哦。--嘻嘻。开个玩笑,希望你能笑笑。我也很想北京。作者: jeffrey lee 时间: 2003-9-3 18:13
我上上星期刚回来,吃得爽极乐作者: 千寻 时间: 2003-9-5 08:04
我上星期刚回来,吃的美极了,玩的快不知道姓啥了... 作者: adamdu 时间: 2003-9-5 08:20
我也是!不过刚到,就快被课压疯了!都没空想咱北京的亲切和工体的牛X声了:(作者: racoon 时间: 2003-9-8 11:35
真是羡慕啊,我在这里快馋死了。这儿有真正的北京涮羊肉吗?还想诚征十二月前从北京到蒙城的朋友帮忙带点东西。时间不急,十二月前就行。体积不大,重量不沉,是几件衣服。有能帮忙的吗?谢谢。联络我:dunandong@hotmail.com作者: tony99 时间: 2003-9-16 16:53
找到了北京涮羊肉,别忘了在这里公告一下,大家共享呀!作者: hiverdecember 时间: 2003-10-3 18:23
Montreal这地方好象北京的特少。 我住朝阳,原来在东城上学。想找一北京的室友,为的是有共同语言。我有一3 1/2的20平米大厅空着,现在就自己住。近地铁Jarry。272-6782, cheeruplm@yahoo.ca作者: 巴黎 时间: 2003-10-3 20:48
在网上见到几位北京朋友,真的很高兴!大家各自珍重,有空时多交流。作者: calm_lindy 时间: 2003-10-4 01:11
刚来这不久,真不知道什么时候才能回去过年 frown作者: calm_lindy 时间: 2003-10-4 01:16
真怀念北京,在这从没吃过好吃得 frown作者: DieHard 时间: 2003-10-4 12:52
There are a lot BJers in Montreal and the most famous is BEER. He arranged several paties this year but he was banned forever by this Sinoquebec. You can find many other Bjers on www.******.com作者: DieHard 时间: 2003-10-4 12:54
Kao, even the website name is banned. Again.
www.m t l 1 6 3.com作者: gymer 时间: 2003-10-7 18:48
Hope your Beijingers can inform each other that Zhao Jinghan's passport is here and I think she is pretty sad about losing it. Tell her and let her contact with me. Thanks.作者: Jennykeren 时间: 2003-10-7 19:01
不过一想去这些来,真觉得有点儿度日如年!作者: hp2000 时间: 2003-10-8 23:07
给我一杯忘情水 换我一生不伤悲作者: Bluesea6 时间: 2003-10-9 14:45
I got same feeling. If any one of BJers could organize a party for us, it will be great. I came from Haidian district, near People's University. Hope to meet more people from Beijing.作者: Pond 时间: 2003-10-10 12:11
bluesea6, where do you live in Beijing? I lived in ShuangYuShu, where is not far from people'university(zhongguo renmin duxu).作者: happygreen 时间: 2003-10-10 14:26
I am from Beijing too, I lived in Fangzhuang. Now I live and work in west island.
I see so many people from Beijing here in Montreal, I think we should do something together.作者: calm_lindy 时间: 2003-10-12 22:38
Hello,everybody.Happy thinksgiving day.I lived in Peking University in haidian.作者: calm_lindy 时间: 2003-10-12 22:41
我的E-mail是calm_ml@hotmail.com有活动告诉我哦,我可喜欢热闹了。作者: 中发白 时间: 2003-10-12 22:48
你们怎么不早张罗呀? 我和老婆两人去的TRAMBLANT,我老婆还说人少不热闹。我是遗憾没有人帮我看路,看小妹我眼神特好,认路总是错过。 每次都能及时知道拐错了,就是已经开过去50来米了,推不回来。作者: 中发白 时间: 2003-10-12 22:59
还有,刚从北京回来那哥几个,别老弄那吃的。给来几个近期的段子,听不到这精神食粮才感到难受哪。作者: 中发白 时间: 2003-10-12 23:05
糊不糊得听个响呀,炸糊也中。作者: Little Ball 时间: 2003-10-12 23:40
Hello, we have two parties for the friends from Chao Yang. I am so happy to get to know everyone of you. I really hope to meet you soon. My e-mail address is young0457@sina.com or belongtoyoung@yahoo.com.作者: ty12 时间: 2003-10-14 10:25
我已经去那美餐过好多次了!作者: Bluesea6 时间: 2003-10-14 20:52
Hi, Pond
我住双榆树东里,经常跑中关村的。有时间聚一聚。另外,朝阳的朋友别光自己开party.把我们也都带上。谢了,您哪。作者: haidian1 时间: 2003-10-14 23:22
msn: linpengzhang@yahoo.ca作者: 1203 时间: 2004-1-6 21:41
我也是海淀的,住学院路.真想北京呀!今年抽空一定回去一趟.作者: ressions 时间: 2004-1-10 10:47
are there any Beijingers who have been living here for about four or five years?作者: Jcell 时间: 2004-1-14 16:50
Why? I am here for six years.
Anybody will come back to China around end of April and beginning of May?
We can book the air ticket together.作者: zhaohappy 时间: 2004-1-15 10:53
I have been here for 8 years. Any party recently?作者: qiqi1437 时间: 2004-1-15 21:47
Do not forget me if you have party.A am a girl from Chaoyang and want to meet some homemate.作者: windermax 时间: 2004-1-16 00:34
辛苦辛苦, 快过年了, 给老几位拜个早年, 也顺便报个到.作者: ressions 时间: 2004-1-17 12:51
i just want to find a person with the similar situation to chat. i have been here for more than four years, have a husband and a 8 year-old girl.作者: windmill 时间: 2004-2-27 22:59
北京人都哪去了? :confused:
冬天怎么还过不去啊,我的心啊,哇凉哇凉地啊 frown作者: 黄马甲 时间: 2004-2-28 16:53