I am so happy to be here but I am sorry not to use Chinese. I am from Beijing and just come here and I miss it very much too. How about you?作者: Little Ball 时间: 2003-7-21 00:20
If you like, I really want to join. I am not from Chao Yang, but I go there often.作者: Minnie 时间: 2003-7-21 07:27
I am come from ChaoYang.
Email me.作者: falls 时间: 2003-7-21 09:08
I used to live in ChaoYang where just behind the Fulllink Square. But why you are so interested in some people who's coming from so particular area?作者: ^0^ 时间: 2003-7-21 10:23
各位哥们姐们儿, 我没有意思要搞什么分地分区的意思, 只是想家和老乡, 任何人都可以在这里说自己想说的话, 如果有机会的话, 真想和大家认识认识.作者: eternalpunk 时间: 2003-7-21 14:53
听说鬼街又重新开了。。。。。。想家了。。。。。 frown作者: ^0^ 时间: 2003-7-21 17:56
我前些日子看到姜昆来到蒙特利尔了, 好像是参加这里的笑星节.作者: nathalie_wull 时间: 2003-7-21 19:49
我也很想念北京啊....作者: Little Ball 时间: 2003-7-21 21:05
I forgot to tell my e-mail address to everyone. I am from Chong Wen. But I miss everything in Beijing very much. Well, if anyone is interested in this topic, please e-mail to me at young0457@sina.com and I really want to be your friend. Thank everyone for I am the new member.
作者: x11 时间: 2003-7-21 23:08
(原材料由我提供),谁会呀?作者: gang58 时间: 2003-7-22 07:10
I live there for a long time. Suggestion: set up a mmailing list, so that,s easy to communication.作者: 行政助理 时间: 2003-7-22 07:34
正在放假有大把的时间,我也要去,饺子馄顿我都会包 也喜欢吃! 作者: eternalpunk 时间: 2003-7-22 09:45
我会吃,可以吗?? :p作者: Van2003 时间: 2003-7-22 10:06
我也要加入联系Miss Ma 7690750作者: Minnie 时间: 2003-7-22 11:32
I was living in SanLiTun, ChaoYang.
I love to join the party, email me.作者: 小米草 时间: 2003-7-22 16:20
偶,索海淀的。作者: Canadianwind 时间: 2003-7-22 19:02
I want to join you. My email wilsonwliu@yahoo.com
Me too. I think you interest the word, BMU?!作者: JC 时间: 2003-7-22 19:55
真高兴有这么多的北京朋友响应,加我一个,我北京白家庄的,希望能和大家认识。有什么活动的话一定要通知我。作者: rencontre 时间: 2003-7-22 20:01
Hi, I am from Chaoyang! Beijing is a big city, i can understand that people want to find friends near them and talk things they are more familiar with.I live close to Wang Jing, i used to study in Haidian, and work in Cofco plaza. Is there anyone who has some of the same experiences?作者: strangers 时间: 2003-7-22 21:17
i am from dongcheng district, is that ok? enjoy montreal作者: bj_canada 时间: 2003-7-22 22:03
我也是,如果想按,安排地方,请通知我。。。我住在左家庄作者: x11 时间: 2003-7-22 23:30
subject: Party
由于本人住在西岛,Pierrefonds, St
交通不便,到时我可以来Cote Vertu 地铁
Alias Name: Email Address:
eternalpunk eternalpunk88@hotmail.com
van2003 gmatimm@hotmail.com
(Miss Ma 7690750)
Canadianwind wilsonwliu@yahoo.com
小米草 nydia_nanyu@yahoo.com.cn
rent2262 rent2262@yahoo.com.cn
JC shenyue2000@yahoo.com
strangers hongxihxcn@yahoo.com
Little Ball belongtoyoung@yahoo.com
eternalpunk eternalpunk88@hotmail.com
falls anyone1991@hotmail.com
gang58 wcq582002@yahoo.ca
x11 hyvision@videotron.ca
-------------------------作者: aidspig 时间: 2003-7-23 09:53
hello guys,i am from beijing,and i live chaoyang,i live beside landao da sha,eamil me if who is free,i am so sorry i can not type chinese,because i am at school.my mail-aidszhu@hotmail.com. who live at around dong da qiao,that is my home.i am so happy to know friend who is from chao yang,and beijing.
i want to join the party,please mail me if u make sure date,i will bring my mouth to ur home.作者: ^0^ 时间: 2003-7-23 10:04
太好了, 太好了, 有这么多的兄弟姐妹.
偶的e-mail: 1yilin@myself.com
x11 记得要联机我呀!作者: leeleelee 时间: 2003-7-23 12:22
I would like to join u.
email back to lixiaojiao@hotmail.com作者: weiwei an 时间: 2003-7-23 13:29
HI 我家住安华桥,还有地儿吗,算我一个。很想认识大家。我的E_MAIL:yeyanqian@yahoo.com 谢了。作者: Canadianwind 时间: 2003-7-23 17:39
本人住在城(Rue Fort),希望接送,谢谢。作者: Canadianwind 时间: 2003-7-23 17:57
我住在北四环才两年... //sigh作者: nchstar 时间: 2003-7-25 08:39
还赶趟儿吗? :rolleyes:
wander_ha@yahoo.com wink作者: ^0^ 时间: 2003-7-25 13:39
x11真是个好领导, 要努力加油!作者: sagafish 时间: 2003-7-25 16:20
加上我一个, 我是红庙的.jack 482-4201作者: Brenda 时间: 2003-7-25 18:25
偶家住白家庄东里团结湖!!呵呵~~~~ 两年半没回去了!!本来今年要回去,但看情况也没戏了!!说要回去都说了两年了!! frown作者: x11 时间: 2003-7-25 19:50
的朋友能跟我联系或留下联系地址?谢谢作者: Little Ball 时间: 2003-7-25 23:56
I have got your e-mail, thank you X11. Could I take one more friend with me. If I can, please call me at 514-288-7935. I live in Saint-Domique. If any friend is just near me and wants to take the subway to the party, please call me too. Thank you. Do you need me to bring some food and drinks, please tell me too. I am really looking for this party and want to make friends. Thank everyone to read this.
wink作者: Little Ball 时间: 2003-7-26 00:02
I forgot to tell everyone that I can make dumplings and meat pie, very delicious. 作者: x11 时间: 2003-7-26 01:12
That is great! We count on you now, Little Ball.作者: icilabas 时间: 2003-7-26 23:06
饺子吃的真不错,发展大计聊的也不错,特别谢谢两位主人的热情和好意!!!作者: x11 时间: 2003-7-27 04:28
我们下回再见!作者: kxj 时间: 2003-7-27 12:26
感谢x11及女主人的热情款待,玩的开心聊的也不错,还有百饺齐放的饺子宴,下次聚会再见!作者: weiwei an 时间: 2003-7-27 16:45
认识这么多新朋友,听到久违的乡音(京片子)似乎找到回家的感觉。期待着下次的聚会。作者: Little Ball 时间: 2003-7-27 20:57
Hi, I am late to say "Thank you". I am so happy to get to know new friends and thank every one especially the whole family of X11. Your supergirl is very very cute. The dumplings are very delicious but I feel a little regretted not cooking the meat pies for everyone. See everybody next time. wink作者: happyfish03 时间: 2003-7-27 23:48
侃得很愉快,希望下次接着侃。作者: leeleelee 时间: 2003-7-28 11:09
感谢孙先生一家所作的一切,下次我们来一些户外活动。Keep in touch!作者: Canadianwind 时间: 2003-7-29 18:52
I had a wonderful time with everyfriend. Much thanks X11 couple.
Please send me an email next party (indoor/outdoor) and keep in touch.作者: ftiger 时间: 2003-7-30 10:56
我今天才看到这个topic,很遗憾没与大家认识。希望下次聚会别拉下我。我的email 是zhiyu@ypage.com 不过我已有幸与在次留下电话的朋友聊了,很高兴。作者: Van2003 时间: 2003-7-30 12:07
真有幸认识两位高中的校友和其它的新朋友。感谢孙先生一家热情招待。抱歉这么晚回帖,现在上网有些不方便。作者: 真烦 时间: 2003-7-30 13:04
下次一定叫上我!作者: Nihaoru 时间: 2003-8-2 13:11
朝阳的朋友们,我来报道。我小学酒仙桥中心,初中80,家在望京(Y23Y23,你是望京什么地方?),希望大家多联系,bjerinmtl@hotmail.com.作者: ^0^ 时间: 2003-8-2 20:43
邻居邻居, 你好, 我住在望京大西洋新城, 没准儿咱还见过呢.作者: scoutmaster 时间: 2003-8-2 21:35
趁现在天气好,大家多聚聚!!!作者: 锅盖 时间: 2003-8-3 07:54
锅盖来了,二外的,应该也算朝阳吧? 作者: Nihaoru 时间: 2003-8-3 11:10
看来朝阳的不少,估计望京的都够组织一次大型活动的了,谁挑个头。我9月份回去,有同行的吗?作者: strangers 时间: 2003-8-5 21:28
hi, i will go back to beijing in september, how about your departure time? maybe we can go together作者: marcolai 时间: 2003-8-6 00:25
email:laijp@hotmail.com作者: mnmn 时间: 2003-8-6 14:02
首都机场,远了点儿,也算朝阳作者: Nihaoru 时间: 2003-8-6 18:36
大家别都来报个道呀,应该组织一些活动,不然报个名有什么用。体育运动,郊游,大家发表发表意见。作者: lxiong 时间: 2003-8-6 21:49
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: ttoonnyy 时间: 2003-8-7 00:57
亲人们,可找到组织了!我在欧陆精典住,安贞小木偶剧团旁边也有我的窝。纯正朝阳人,向大家问个好!作者: Yoko 时间: 2003-8-7 02:09