我觉得如果第一次去,可能对那边很不了解,不如大家可以在这里讨论,然后约在一起去报一个旅行社,人多还可以砍砍价钱,有导游带着走就好些。以后再开车去就会比较方便了。作者: maybe100 时间: 2003-6-16 10:28
please count me in and e-mail me.life_100@yahoo.com.cn作者: maybe100 时间: 2003-6-16 10:29
please count me in and e-mail me.life_100@yahoo.com.ca作者: kiwiciel 时间: 2003-6-16 21:37
最好聚聚商量一下,约个时间,我现在什么事也没有,哪天都可以打电话给我 849-8001作者: 衫菜 时间: 2003-6-17 15:36
count me .echocxd73@hotmail.com作者: sprite 时间: 2003-6-17 20:29
i wanna go with you too.
contact me: doutmost@hotmail.com作者: kasseler 时间: 2003-6-18 11:40
去的都是男的还是女的阿?作者: qingting 时间: 2003-6-19 12:06
I plan to go at early of july. I will drive my car. There are two seats more. Is Anybody interesting? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:作者: kiwiciel 时间: 2003-6-20 10:37
我发了邮件给回贴的人,目前有一个给我打电话,另外有两位给我回了邮件,我准备这个周末研究一下,如果谁还有意向要去的话可以给我发邮件或者打电话,号码在前面帖子里作者: kiwiciel 时间: 2003-6-23 18:41
:rolleyes:作者: seaflower 时间: 2003-6-25 11:07
i was in quebec city once, nice city, would like to go again in summer, count me in. you can mail me.作者: kiwiciel 时间: 2003-6-25 14:08
Since there's not enought people contact me, the plan should be postpone to the early of july. If anybody still interest in the trip of quebec city, please email or phone me. The number is in the pervious post.
BTW: I still have no idea about how the trip will be, so if you gonna go, we should discuss the details.作者: JuanYan 时间: 2003-6-25 17:22
我开车路过quebec city 可带上两未,请看这里 http://www.quebeclick.com/cgi-bin/forums.cgi?forum=5作者: chj 时间: 2003-6-27 10:28
下周去QUEBEC CITY, 有两个座位, 当天往返.有意者请留下电话或EMAIL. 谢谢作者: maybe100 时间: 2003-6-27 11:42
life_100@yahoo.ca作者: kiwiciel 时间: 2003-6-27 12:02
To the couple that gonna have a trip to quebec city next week:
there's another guy contact me by phone said he gonna go with you as well. this morning i forgot to ask your phone number, so please tell me in order for me to discuss the detail of the trip.