高品质家具,保养得非常好,家里没有动物和抽烟的,定期有家政打扫卫生。一月初搬家,必须出售。价格可以商议,如果三套都买,更加优惠,比买新的可以省>$6000。 1) 五件套实木卧室家具 5-Piece King Sleigh Bedroom Set (1 king bed with hugestorage drawers, 2 nightstands, 1 dresser and 1 mirror) - $1800 In excellentcondition and looks like new. The mattress is NOT included. From a clean homewith no pets or smokers. A new set is pricedat >$3300 + taxes + shipping at Ashley Furniture.
2) 真皮转角沙发+内置沙发床 Mobilia Nolan leather sectional couch with a pull-out full-size bed - $1800 High-quality leather well cared for. It measures 117 inch x 82 inch. A new one costs $3500 + taxes + shipping at Mobilia.
3) 台球桌+乒乓球桌+所有配件 Billard table convertible to table tennis (excellent condition) - $1500 Brunswick 3-year old and look like new. The table tennis top + net is not shown, but looks like new. The same model is currently about $3800 + taxes at costco.ca
联系电话514-885-8667,电邮 jinxia.liu1@gmail.com