sadis_chn@hotmail.com作者: 超级流氓兔 时间: 2003-4-20 02:15
Very good!!作者: shujie 时间: 2003-4-20 03:15
do u have any plan?作者: leo39 时间: 2003-4-20 09:39
the matter of immidiate urgency is to attract certain volunteers,of course some females are dispensible.
free/equal/voluntary/ to choose parner or not should be the faith stuck to by all.
i am afraid that thousands years of feudalistic tradition will hinder those yearn for felicity from pursuance.作者: Villager 时间: 2003-4-20 09:55
If you have a belief or religion, you should believe in those -- If you are unsure, then you should abandon them. An army will never conquer its enermy if they have doubt of success, that they have dreamt of.作者: leo39 时间: 2003-4-20 11:49
the matter of immidiate urgency is to attract certain volunteers,of course some females are indispensible.
free/equal/voluntary/ to choose parner or not should be the faith stuck to by all.
i am afraid that thousands years of feudalistic tradition will hinder those yearn for felicity from pursuance.
welcome here to create something fascinating!作者: Villager 时间: 2003-4-20 19:33
A Man Should Not Be Afraid of ...because a man has already conquered fear when he was born ... - Bilble Page XI403作者: fcsce 时间: 2003-4-20 19:47
圣经有一个小故事,有一个国家那里的人被主全灭掉了。什么原因呢?是因为淫乱!想一想人为什么能做人呢?因为人有人的规范和准则,否则的话,神不会让人去做动物做的事情,现在瘟疫泛滥,是否是神对人的警告呢?作者: Villager 时间: 2003-4-20 19:58
There was a big church in front of Montreal General Hospital. On this site, a new condo is being built; If you look around the churches, more and more people are turning to Yoga, Sprituality, New Age...etc to find the inner herself or himself. God has failed in the new century because God has stopped bombing and killing. God has not created jobs for you. Instead, God loves you when you donate inside churches... Now I know why men are afraid of...a big confusion!作者: 般若 时间: 2003-4-20 23:55
en,thing about it !!!作者: 般若 时间: 2003-4-20 23:56
think!!作者: oneandone 时间: 2003-4-21 17:21
think 什么?还打着感叹号,看你的名字就知道是一个和尚,你是哪个庙的?主持同意你出来逛了么?作者: lottoer 时间: 2003-4-21 22:58
顶!作者: 般若 时间: 2003-4-21 23:06
我再想!!!想你为什么关系我想什么啊!!呵呵作者: leo39 时间: 2003-4-22 01:06
welcome here everybody!
just a moment ago received the first email from a oneself-called female. mm,let me check it out.
here again appear for brave woman to tell us what
you need. in fact,there have been already some good guys waiting for comfort you. don't be hesitative any more.作者: exchanger88 时间: 2003-4-22 14:35
good idea, check your email, i send you a message at the first day you posted this.作者: veterinarianNo1 时间: 2003-4-22 15:08
就是在北美这片令你无限遐想的自由天空里,你跑到公开场合吆喝一声你倡议的DD,看看到头来是谁要被戴上一真家伙的“枷锁”。这年头儿,像你这种真君子真是英雄倍出,还要遍地开化(花)呢。你真叫一无耻者无畏。 :cool: :cool: :cool:作者: oneandone 时间: 2003-4-22 15:40
sadis, 你这个家伙挨骂了吧?哈哈,这年头,真有意思,出来回击啊作者: great1 时间: 2003-4-22 19:42
:cool: 英雄难过美人关哪! 作者: fra dss 时间: 2003-4-22 19:49
别讲得那么酸,什么英雄什么美人的,不就是男人和女人吗?作者: great1 时间: 2003-4-22 21:08
:cool: 都说武二郎是英雄, 没人讲武大郎是英雄!西施是美人, 孙二娘是母夜叉! 作者: Folks 时间: 2003-4-22 21:29
英雄是干出来的, 而非整天高谈阔论.给你发 EMAIL 的那位所谓的女子如果不是男的同性恋就是丑得只有关了灯才能看的亮女;不然的话, 世界上很多真正的英雄早已经把她们吸引了.作者: hpo 时间: 2003-4-22 21:50
这里有婊子,其特点:狗改不了吃屎。 努力去找吧作者: hkqi 时间: 2003-4-23 08:09
有些事是能干不能说的,有些事是能说不能干的.这事对有的人是能干不能说的,另一些人是能说不能干的.不知道SADIS是那一类.作者: veterinarianNo1 时间: 2003-4-23 11:10
djkkii ,与你有小小的商榷。
“圣经有一个小故事,有一个国家那里的人被主全灭掉了。什么原因呢?是因为淫乱!想一想人为什么能做人 呢?因为人有人的规范和准则,否则的话,神不会让人去做动物做的事情,现在瘟疫泛滥,是否是神对人的 警告呢?”作者: 懒人用长线 时间: 2003-12-18 00:15
TO k....k:
望领导批准,相应增加活动启动费用为盼。作者: 避孕套我还是用 时间: 2003-12-18 06:29
算我一个! 常联系: xinxin4@msn.com作者: kkkkkkkk 时间: 2003-12-18 10:25
You are so funny. eek! eek!
You can attend any group 作者: 懒人用长线 时间: 2003-12-18 21:35
thanks, as VIP.