作者: Sasimankannn 时间: 2019-7-30 15:45
Hi dear I am really interested. I am a male single. give me your qq to talk there.作者: OntarioFQ 时间: 2019-7-30 17:51
Dude, thanks for your response. However, I seriously believe that you are not able to read Chinese or you are having difficulty in understanding Chinese... either way, I don’t think I will be willing to spare any time with you.
Good luck dude.作者: buffalo171225 时间: 2019-8-7 23:48
你好,我的QQ:54025403作者: paul3691 时间: 2019-11-5 22:19
你好,在渥太华工作,IT, 想和你交个朋友,QQ: 2375306615作者: wulalla 时间: 2019-11-6 16:05
看起来就是拿着爱的名义甩卖妻子,还振振有词的找原因,其实还不是自己需要吗,找个人来协同作战吧,还来个验证合不合适,其实到最后啥都行吧。作者: wulalla 时间: 2019-11-6 16:15
不过也感谢你们这些人,解决了某些人饥渴和爱好,成全一些人,不危害社会。还是多多发挥光和热吧。谢谢作者: 渣渣 时间: 2019-11-6 17:47