Chanel No. 5:
你是不是梦到过掉牙, wink :confused: :rolleyes:
Losing teeth may symbolize a feeling of - or fear of - getting older or impotent or losing sexual attractiveness. Or they may represent a retreat to infancy (when, toothless, you enjoy your mother's breasts and nourishment), and hence a refusal to face reality. Alternatively, they may symbolize the start of a new phase in your life (knocking a tooth out sometimes featured in male initiation rites in mythology).作者: 私家侦探 时间: 2003-8-4 15:08
行政助理是老板的心腹哦,一人之下万人之上,当然震耳欲聋 作者: 行政助理 时间: 2003-8-4 16:42
什么叫老板的心腹啊?这么弱智的话你也说的出来!“一人之下万人之上”?李连英啊? :mad: 平时你说话挺幽默的呀,怎么变成了文字就这么不贴谱呢? :confused: 再这样下去,以后在街上碰到我不要跟我打招呼啊,我丢不起那人!
对了, 你家的电话录音该换了吧,要不要我帮你录几句悦耳的?