ysha@REMOVEME.sympatico.ca作者: Bob9999 时间: 2004-2-16 17:25
There are two in my lab.作者: protein 时间: 2004-2-18 15:13
来一次南大校友聚餐如何? 有兴趣的朋友可以留下email 或发email给我. 并提出你的建议.
我是南大79级地理系的, 我侄女去年也从南大毕业.
江苏同乡会与华人信息技术协会联合活动 -老港溜冰+赏焰火
Where: Bonsecours Basin, Clock Tower Pier entrance
When: Feburary 28, Saturday, 6:30pm meet at the Chinatown Place-d'Armes Metro station
with Mr Qin Yi(秦毅先生), then walk to the Bonsecours Basin.
Please bring your own stroller for you, or you will rent one there.
Price: Adult $3(pay for yourself at the gate), Free for children under 6 y.o.
Details: http://www.itacc.org/jiangsu/ , and click Montreal Old Port Activities link.作者: protein 时间: 2004-2-20 12:37
有几位南大校友报名, 还有没有人想一起聚聚。 聊聊南大,聊聊南京。多年没有去了,还真有点想南大呢。特别是近些年毕业的南大人。作者: mchr 时间: 2004-2-20 12:53
xsli@hotmail.com作者: emily8888 时间: 2004-2-22 12:59
Me, '87. Email: wanglh2003@yahoo.com作者: chemwb 时间: 2004-2-22 14:58
Hello, everyone, I finished Master in the Department of Chemistry, Nanjing Univ in 2000. Two month ago, I finished study in U. of Saskatchewan and didn't find job in the past half an year. So I enrolled in McGill for PhD. I have been working in Nanjing University Graduate Student Union for three years to help on students' life. I hope it's a good suggestion to gather friends together to do something.作者: chemwb 时间: 2004-2-22 15:16
大家好, 我的 email chemwb@yahoo.com, 电话 3448251 (home), 3985501 (lab). 有兴趣的朋友就打电话聊聊吧.谈谈看什么样的活动形式比较好.