结语:铁路技术还有其特殊之处,其后备维护工作量巨大,而且时间动辄以数10年计,我们不掌握关键技术,让日本从中任意高价买其设备、耗材,其不是拿国人民众的血汗钱长期为日本供血。因此,眼前,日本人要价低,其凶险用意决不可以善意估之。作者: DORIME 时间: 2004-2-15 20:29
Just come back, and saw your outrageous topic. Please don't do that again. Canada is a multi-cultural society, and this type of discussion topic should not be tolerated by anyone who seeks for an opened and fair society. I hope you don't plan to become a Canadian citizen. If you do, please read your vow of your citizenship ceremony before you become one. Probably, Canada is not a suitable country for you.