That is too bad, Jadore, do you have the same experience?作者: baobao 时间: 2003-4-30 23:09
我也是一个手冷的女孩.我一直以来都觉得手冷的女孩没有人疼.我等了好多年了,我真的认为手冷的女孩没有人疼了.在我觉得真的没有希望的时候,命中注定疼我的男人来到了我身边,一切都是缘分.其实手脚易冷的人是身体某些部位不健康,并不是没有人疼,平常要多做一些健康的运动(不要太过激烈的),或者去看看医生,听听医生的建议.祝大家身体健康,不要悲观,要对自己有信心,尤其是女孩子.开开心心的度过每一天. 作者: hs_girl 时间: 2003-4-30 23:35
baobao 你说的没错,女孩子应该开开心心的过好每一天, 人只有心情好了,才会更漂亮,不是吗? wink作者: viviane 时间: 2003-5-1 10:13
其实Viviane也是个经常手脚冰冷的女孩子。据说A型血的人比其它血型的人容易这样,医学上叫什么肢体末段血液流通不畅,也没什么大不了的,多运动就可以啦!来了这边后冬天有暖气好很多,国内的时候可惨,常常手脚冰冷的象块石头。好在Viviane有个好爸爸, 手冷的时候往爸爸温暖的大手里一塞,脚冷的时候就揣进爸爸的怀里, :p Viviane经常坐在沙发上看电视的时候把脚放在爸爸的怀里,很快就暖和了。 想念我亲爱的老爸,希望今后能找一个象老爸一样有一双温暖大手并且疼惜我的男朋友 。 作者: Negative 时间: 2003-5-1 12:06
我的手很温暖,但不是很大。 :rolleyes:作者: hs_girl 时间: 2003-5-1 19:33
是吗? A型血的人容易手冷吗?我是A型血的耶作者: baobao 时间: 2003-5-3 12:46
我是B型的作者: bangmeng 时间: 2003-5-4 22:43
看了你们的帖子,觉得好笑,其实几乎所有的女人(不只是女孩)都是手脚冰凉,那就是说所有的女人都没人疼爱了?手脚冰凉是女性的特征,从中医上讲就是阳虚,所谓阳虚通俗点讲就是缺少阳刚之气。而男人正好相反,总是手脚发热,也就是阴虚。当然从中医上来说,无论是阴虚还是阳虚都是阴阳不平衡的表现,需要加以调理,但绝对不是什么大病,几乎所有的人都是这样。希望你们都有人疼爱,找到一双温暖的大手。作者: songhua ye 时间: 2003-5-5 12:16
My wife has the same problem with you guys. What she wants most before sleeping everyday is to be in my arms. She has pretty cold feet and hands. She wants me to warm her up all the time.
I have a warm hand and feet, I am very glad to do that.
In addition, I am cold in the summer and warm in the winter. My wife told me that I am a special gift to her from God.
Recently I find out that not only Chinese women have 'cold feet and hands', but also European immigrant women. At several occassions when I shook hands with them, I found out that they had cold and day hands. I am pretty sure that I gave them very good impression after I shook hands with them simply because I really gave them a warm and safe feeling.
Especially during winter time, woman needs to have someone else to comfort her. A pair of warm hands really turn her on.作者: labatt 时间: 2003-6-6 00:44
up作者: kylin 时间: 2003-6-7 23:33
希望你们在蒙城都有人疼!!!作者: smokingtooless 时间: 2003-6-8 12:26
我很疼。作者: 无心插柳 时间: 2003-6-11 02:15
天啊,为什么我一天到晚手脚发烫,难道不正常??? eek! 作者: 呵呵 时间: 2003-6-11 07:11
谁?你 的 手脚在发热,建议你摸摸自己的头,看看有没有发烧作者: labatt 时间: 2003-6-11 22:04
Hi J'adore,
I think J'adore is a name of France perfume, isn't it?作者: Cystal 时间: 2003-6-11 23:08
CD's J'adore, very strong perfume taste, which u can tell instantly. 作者: J'adore 时间: 2003-6-11 23:33
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: shaniatwain2002 时间: 2003-6-12 15:54
你说A型的人容易手脚冷,我觉得非常有道理,也揭开了我心中多年的谜.我就是A型的人,我原来是住广州的,但我的手脚从来都不暖.特别是入秋以后,就更是这样.不过,好在我命好,找了好LG,他正跟我相反,是个非常体热的人.我的手脚都是他给我暖的.所以大学一毕业,我就嫁给他,就是因为他能给我暖手脚.所以,我觉得只要缘分来了,就赶紧抓住.作者: labatt 时间: 2003-6-12 22:42
To J'adore and hs_girl,
回答:事实证明----Not really.
A lot of women find their guys to warm them up.
Although you don't have someone to comfort you, I think you are not far away from there.
What you need to do is to shake hands at first with men you meet. If he could turn you on, as said in message below, he would be your big fish.
You have to do whatever it takes to marry him.作者: autodidact 时间: 2003-6-12 23:35