
标题: Shopper+ 诚聘人事行政经理一名 [打印本页]

作者: shopper+    时间: 2022-3-14 16:09
标题: Shopper+ 诚聘人事行政经理一名

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ShopperPlus是加拿大领先的电商平台,由阿里巴巴早期员工Jack Zhan于2008年创建于加拿大蒙特利尔。经过多年的深入探索与持续发展,公司已经建立了一系列全触点,多渠道,高性价比和创新型的DTC品牌,品类囊括办公用品,3C电子产品,家居收纳,五金厨卫,厨房和小家电,宠物用品,婴儿用品和生活基本品等。通过自营网站和电商平台,ShopperPlus每年服务数百万加拿大消费者。
ShopperPlus在加拿大蒙特利尔建有运营总部,仓储中心和自有配送网络,在加拿大温哥华建有仓储中心,在中国广州建有新品类开发中心和网络技术研发中心。2021年8月,公司获得超一亿元人民币A轮融资,投资方包括凯尔特亚洲创投,加拿大商业发展基金、加拿大国家银行、Wish 联合创始人Danny Zhang以及前红杉中国董事总经理潘旻等知名投资机构和业内人士。
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1.     负责人事行政部的日常管理和运作(含蒙特利尔、温哥华和广州);

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2.     为业务部门提供人员规划、人员招聘、员工培训、员工绩效管理、员工薪酬福利以及员工关系处理等人事方面的支持;

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3.     为公司及各部门的正常运作提供行政服务,包括但不仅限于:协调政府的关系、办公用品管理、考勤管理、办公室及仓库的租赁谈判及维修安排、电话网络的安装、电和燃气的开通、办公场所的清洁和消毒、车辆及财产保险的询价和谈判等;
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4.     在总裁办的领导下,不断完善和推动公司文化的建设;

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5.     上级主管交办的其它任务。

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1.     加拿大本地管理或人力资源专业毕业。CHRP资格证书者优先考虑;
1 o. n& x+ a0 K3 D2 e
2.     熟悉魁省的雇佣法律法规,并有在实际场景如招聘,解聘,工作场所健康,员工关系等的实践经验;
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3.     至少8年以上人力资源工作经验,其中3年以上本地人力资源管理经验。对招聘、员工关系和绩效模块中的1-2个是熟练的,对其他人力资源管理模块有了解;

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4.     具备一定的行政管理经验,包括:办公场所的租赁、供应商管理、政府沟通等。

  k- q' L& X! W- F* e3 R
5.     能非常熟练的使用英语,可用法语进行沟通,会中文者将优先考虑;

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6.     熟练使用计算机,尤其能娴熟应用word, excel和PPT;
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7.     较强的人际沟通技能,懂得倾听和理解员工的心声。
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ShopperPlusis Canada's leading e-commerce platform, founded in Montreal, Canada in 2008 byJack, an early Alibaba employee. After years of in-depth exploration andcontinuous development, the company has established a series of full-contact,multi-channel, cost-effective and innovative DTC brands, including officesupplies, 3C electronic products, home storage, hardware kitchen and bathroom,kitchen and small Home appliances, pet supplies, baby supplies and basic dailynecessities, etc. Through its own website and e-commerce platform, ShopperPlusserves millions of Canadian consumers every year.

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In Montreal,there is one order fulfilment center and its own distribution network, onefulfilment center in Vancouver, Canada, and one merchandise center inGuangzhou, China. The company has completed Round A venture capital investmentin August, 2021. Thefulfilment center on the West Island of Montreal has also expanded to 250,000square feet (2.5 times the size of the previous one). Meanwhile, an intelligentwarehousing robotic order picking system is introduced to break through thebottleneck and to position Shopper+ in the front line.
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Job Description:

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Title: Human Resourceand Administration Manager
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Location: Montreal
Report to: PresidentOffice
Roles andResponsibilities:

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1.     Determine the global human resources management strategy, inrelation with the company’s vision and business plans;
2.     Establish a plan of actions to realize the short, mid and longterm HR objectives of the company;
3.     Manage and oversee the HR team with a mentoring approach;
4.     Ensure compliance of practices and decisions related topersonnel management with applicable laws and policies and act as an advisor tomanagers and management in their interpretation;
5.     Develop and administer the policies and procedures related toworkforce management;
6.     Exert a positive influence, leadership, and knowledge to supportmultiple divisions/departments from HR perspective in a professional manner;
7.     Lead various HR projects and initiatives (hiring, performancereview, training, salary review and C&B structure design, francization,employee manual update, social committee, etc.);
8.     Drive the change and build up the company’s culture, includingbut not limited to defining/redefining company’s vision/mission and corevalues, and implementing them across the functionalities;
9.     Organize employee activities to strengthen the employeerelationship on a quarterly basis;
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10.  Provide administrative support to all divisions/departments inan efficient way, including but not limited to looking for new warehousefacilities, renovating current office, purchasing commercial insurance, copingwith the public health or safety crisis etc.
11.  Other duties assigned by the immediate supervisor

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·       University degree in Human Resources Management or relatedmajors, MBA or CHRP designation is an asset;
·       At least 8 years experiences in human resources management and 3years experiences in a manager’s role;
·       Thorough knowledge of laws, regulations and procedures relatedto Canada Labor Standards and occupational health and safety;
·       Familiar with e-Commerce industry is a plus

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" p8 b! k+ B2 Y4 ?1 y8 I/ p- E
·       Bilingual (English & French), at least can use eitherEnglish or French as a work language. Speaking Mandarin ispreferred;  
·       Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint;
·       Excellent interpersonal skill and communications skill;
·       Strong leadership skill;
·       Excellent presentation and persuasive skill;
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·       Sense of responsibility
·       Integrity
·       Active team player
·       Adaptability to change
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Pleae send your resume to: job@shopperplus.com
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