标题: 爱好桥牌者请报名...... [打印本页] 作者: billding 时间: 2002-4-3 19:13 标题: 爱好桥牌者请报名...... 许多桥牌爱好者想在周末的时候轻松一下,找个安静的地方打打桥牌。前段时间一些桥友建议成立桥牌协会,因此暂定每周六下午1:00至5:00在LASALLE区定期举行桥牌活动,欢迎广大牌友报名参加和热心支持。
一切免费,只期以牌会友,详情咨询365-2415丁先生或5926933喻先生。作者: billding 时间: 2002-4-4 09:31
地址:9419 BOUL LASALLE,APT 108# H8R 2M8
欢迎大家在此跟贴或留下电话,我们每周五晚之前会和您联系。作者: iebuz 时间: 2002-4-4 12:20
I am coming with my partner.作者: billding 时间: 2002-4-5 12:06
A 组:何、储夫妇,iebuz及其搭档刘先生。
B 组:王康宾先生,Charlie-yu、张萍。
想参加下周桥牌活动的请继续跟贴报名,先报者优先参加。作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-4-6 02:24
Nice to see you guys 10 hrs later today.作者: fmchen 时间: 2002-4-6 22:36
Here is the right place I should be in. Just a test!作者: iebuz 时间: 2002-4-7 01:01
Hi, to all,
Me, on behalf of the participants of the bridge game this afternoon 04/06/02 at Mr. Billding' lodge, feel grateful to both the host and hostess for their warm hospitality, and let us hope for the next.
iebuz作者: billding 时间: 2002-4-7 20:20
A 组(开室南北队)的搭档配合默契和其精湛桥艺以较高比分(比分差距3430',其中两手牌因未有记录不计成绩)战胜B 组(闭室南北队),可喜可贺;同时希望B组搭档加强配合,继续苦练基本功(包括我和于工),争取下次取得好成绩。
感谢大家对桥牌活动的热心支持和踊跃参加,特别是像iebuz那样友好善良的朋友们,我---作为桥牌活动组织者之一---是非常欢迎你们的参加。希望你们通过桥牌认识更多朋友,增添生活乐趣。 作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-4-11 22:55
Very pleased to know you guys. Everyone is just as wonderful. Especially Bill Ding, iebuz, Michelle ... Stay in touch.作者: fmchen 时间: 2002-4-13 21:12
Hi guys,
Did you have a game this afternoon? I'd like strongly to join this wonderful team. I might play once per 2 weeks. Actually I have no Partener in Montreal but many on-line ones(They are too far ofc). My favorite system is SAYC (close to natural in China) with some convention. Precision is also ok. I'd like to find friends with same interest. Please contact me if there is a vacant seat.作者: billding 时间: 2002-4-15 11:01
sorry FmChen
we have arranged the weekend game before friday,and we'll do as so every week.if u r interesting to play bradge.u'd better post a reply here or contact with us before friday.sorry for reply too late.by the way,there's too many players to come here last Saturday.hope to meet u this weekend.作者: billding 时间: 2002-4-15 18:28
本周桥牌又增加了几位新成员,桥艺水平相对较高,新搭档在未经切磋磨合的状态下,依然发挥的非常出色,以微弱差距(16副牌打完贴点后仅差29个IMP)输与主队(开室南北队)。希望爱好桥牌的朋友们继续加强合作,打出水平,建立友谊。作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-4-15 21:57
Hi Bill ---
I would like to join the game in the forthcoming Sat if there is still a room for me.
Thanks for your message.
I have no chinese editor to type it. So only with english. Please count me in the next weekend (april 20) if there is still place.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Fmchen作者: billding 时间: 2002-4-20 22:51
特别值得感谢的是王先生赠送的“比赛计分换算表”和秦先生设计的“比赛叫牌表”,以及老牌友们的热心支持和默默奉献......作者: iebuz 时间: 2002-4-22 21:56
Congratulations to the visiting team, and courage to the host team.
You have contributed much much more than anyone else in this bridge activity, Mr Billding, especially your domicile turned to be something like a bridge club on saturday. We all feel thankful, and will bear it in mind and keep it in heart.作者: passerby113 时间: 2002-4-22 22:23
bridge game, very interesting?作者: frankwang 时间: 2002-4-23 09:58
Mr. Billding
Thanks for your hospitality. So much contribution to bridge lovers.
Frank Wang作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-4-23 12:18
Exactly. The other good stuff is we all come to know each other rather than ever before. It makes our life in Montreal, distant from where we used to live and work, more funny, probably more colorful either. In my mind it is a great experience, and the friendship through the bridge games in many of the cases may last for the rest of our life.
Thanks, Bill. Thanks to your wife and your lovely kid. Thanks, everybody.作者: 克鲁德 时间: 2002-4-24 11:33
老噌人家的我都不好意思了。作者: billding 时间: 2002-4-24 20:16
Come on,don't mention that.What we have done for bridge players is our willing to do and just a piece of cake.Our family are enjoyable with all of you friends togather.My wife supports me to hold this kind of activity and provide her best service as a hostess.Please don't worry about anything,take it easy.Just play bridge,needn't to bring any gift and some people have contributed a lots.Such as Charlie,Iebuz,Changsha,Wp_xu,Xiexie...etc.
Hi,guys,Let's only play and chitchat...anyway,thanks for your kindness.作者: iebuz 时间: 2002-4-24 21:35
Good idea. I agree to Claud's suggestion. Sorry, Claud, if I put your name wrong from Chinese into English. By the way, you have an English or French name? If French, it seems more likely to be spelt as Cloud.作者: billding 时间: 2002-4-25 10:40
最近有位中国留学生---兰凌云小姐不幸溺水身亡,英年早逝,可悲可叹,许多中国同胞都表示深切的哀悼和同情。兰凌云的父母已来到蒙城料理后事,我建议我们这些富有同情心的桥牌朋友们,联合起来帮助兰小姐的父母渡过难关,有钱出钱有力出力,给其父母一点精神上的安慰而已。不知大家意下如何?作者: fmchen 时间: 2002-4-27 21:36
Here it's, Frank.作者: mtlbridge 时间: 2002-4-28 20:52
To billding:
We really appreciate that your wife
and you offer such a good place to us
bridgelovers.We had a good afternoon
BTW,God wasn't on our side Yesterday.
I bet that we will defeat 7DXX next
That was a very nice weekend again we, all members of the Bridge Family, shared together friendlily and competitively. Thanks lots for your great contribution.作者: yaohua 时间: 2002-5-7 23:01
现在还可以报名吗?作者: Jingren 时间: 2002-5-11 21:26
我好喜欢,只是没时间跟帖子。作者: billding 时间: 2002-5-14 19:00
To Yaohua :现在当然还可以报名,欢迎你参加。以牌会友嘛,我们会一如既往地对外开放的。
至于牌技水平嘛,嘿嘿嘿......暂时保密。 作者: fmchen 时间: 2002-5-17 10:24
Hi my friends,
Here is the Canadian Bridge Federation web site: www.cbf.ca
You'll find from here if you (or We) win the CBF matches, you could represent CANADA to play bridge all around the World.What a free country, just need competence!
Maybe one day we'll see the names like Billding, weir, ... in the bridge list of CANADA team, even I thought that there is still a long way to go.作者: billding 时间: 2002-5-21 22:22
本周末桥牌活动恢复正常,请朋友们趁早和我联系,以便及时安排好搭档。作者: fmchen 时间: 2002-5-25 08:15
See you today.作者: billding 时间: 2002-5-28 19:08
本周桥牌因7缺1未能进行开闭室比赛,不予公布站果。作者: xulao 时间: 2002-5-28 19:37
10-yrs ago, Montreal bridge club had at least two professional players (with intl master points), one from HK, and the other from Shanghai. Both are still here. If you guys are interested in improving the skill. you may wish to have them join the game, and show off a bit. xulao@yahoo.com作者: fmchen 时间: 2002-6-4 22:45
There are many Bridge Clubs around Montreal region. For those of interested friends, here is one website useful: http://www.fqjr.qc.ca/bridge/mbl/mbl_clubs.html作者: billding 时间: 2002-6-7 20:05
I'm very sorry for not reporting result of bridge comptete two weeks.Because of lacking of participant.
To let everybody know,There are enough participant to play bridge this weekend.I'm afraid there is no space for the person who haven't made appointment by now through telephone or post here.Excuse moi.
Reply XuLao: We are eager to improve our bridge skill.Please invite the expert you proposed to teach us something next weekend if you are competent to do that.Hope we can meet them as soon as posible.Thanks in advance.作者: kevins119 时间: 2002-6-8 18:35
今天在丁兄家玩的很开心...谢谢丁兄..谢谢大家了..作者: billding 时间: 2002-6-9 16:50
现在公布本周比赛结果:A组(二李、徐、秦)和B组(二朱、陈、于)队员的水平均发挥得很出色,比赛打得非常精彩。经过4小时的鏖战B组战胜A组,24副牌的VP总比分为3:17,其中每8副牌的比赛成绩(A:B)分别为12:8、1:19、7:13,希望牌友们再接再厉,达到更高境界。作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-6-9 17:44
Kexi(?), kexi(?). I lost the chance this time. May I suggest a contest among all, Shuangren one. Playing bridge in the manner of contest would be more challenging, and probably more funny.作者: kevins119 时间: 2002-6-13 21:22
hi,Mr.Ding, I am going to you on saturday for bridge playing, will the bridge contest be still available that day? and at same time? if not, or any changes, reply here to let me know, thanks作者: 凤 时间: 2002-6-14 12:39
Bill Ding 家的Modem坏了,请电话联系。514 365 2415。作者: billding 时间: 2002-6-15 22:45
下周桥牌比赛初步拟定于Angrignon公园举行,视天气情况落实具体活动场所,希望爱好桥牌的同志们及时联系365-2415。作者: frankwang 时间: 2002-6-16 11:40
So fun, you guys. I lost the chance作者: kevins119 时间: 2002-6-16 13:08
可惜你们太眷恋拱猪了..耽误了晚上的烟花表演..可惜......作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-6-19 16:44
Welcome you all next time when a chance be. Maybe not a raining day if BBQ is looked for.作者: 616 时间: 2002-6-19 20:08
本人也喜欢桥牌活动,但好久没实战了,还能报名吗?作者: 凤 时间: 2002-6-20 12:04
Bill Ding 家的Modem 又坏了,Videotron 的东西真是很差。还是电话联系吧。作者: kevins119 时间: 2002-6-21 11:01
呵呵...丁兄,干脆弄个fax/modem备着吧,可以临时凑合用着,用netzero免费上网,每个月10个小时的那种作者: 凤 时间: 2002-6-21 11:14
网络已恢复。拜托各位牌侠晚上打电话不要超过11点,夜半惊铃总是不太令人愉快。多谢谅解!作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-6-21 15:25
Technically there is a way to set the phone not to ring between 11:00 pm thru 7:00 am. Or just simply unplug the jack. However, some may not be comfortable in this way in case of any emergency call in the mid night.作者: billding 时间: 2002-6-21 16:32
To Louvain66 & Frankwang:
We always meet new friends through bridge.Welcome all of the bridgelovers in Montreal to join us.If you have any question,don't hesitate to contact with us on(514)365-2415 Mr.Dean.we'll be waiting for you in any time you are free. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:作者: billding 时间: 2002-6-21 18:02
本周末(6月22日)桥牌比赛活动计划在Angrignon公园举行,下午1:00在地铁站门口集合。明天气温偏高,请大家带点饮料和零食,注意照顾好自己和孩子们,有孩子的最好带上儿童玩具。作者: mtlbridger 时间: 2002-6-23 19:49
先开始的队式赛,就进行地异常紧张激烈。B组(二陈、二朱)凭借最后一副牌的出色发挥逼和了A组(丁、喻、秦、于),IMP为 18:18 。
We all really enjoyed yesterday.
Have a good week, everyone !作者: billding 时间: 2002-6-25 15:25
因为当晚Concordia的舞会,我非常遗憾没能参加mechel家的尽兴赛,意犹未尽,希望下周末的桥牌活动搞得更精彩,更希望桥牌高手屈先生和徐先生能加入我们的队伍,与民同乐嘛。 :p :p :p作者: iebuz 时间: 2002-6-25 19:29
It was really a wonderful gathering and an interesting game last week-end. Thanks a lot, Michelle, for your invitation and, to ChinaStory, for all your contributions, and, of course, Mr wales'(Wells'?), for you fishes, all the same. This bridge activity, I suppose, is becoming more and more interesting and is on its way towards diversities due to the constant contributions and ever-going supports from all the loyal participants.
Wish you guys a much nicer week-end.作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-6-25 21:17
Yesterday we went to a place about 20 kilo west to Mtl island. Guess what we got ? A small pig ? It took us a couple of hours just to kill "her". I am so sorry "she" was so unlucky. Does anybody have any idea about how to get "her" cooked. Or interested to share a rich BBQ somewhere in the forth coming weekend ?
Thanks to Michelle, Weir and Brian, they did a lot to catch such an unlucky "her".作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-6-25 21:19
"She" was 18 pounds, 60 cm long, probably 10 years old.作者: billding 时间: 2002-6-25 22:13
Oh,my God,
"she" is unluck enough,but all of you guys are wonderful luck.Wkd BBQ is a good idea,roast & "Kiss" 18P "she" should be excellent interesting.That's a deal?! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:作者: Ringo 时间: 2002-6-25 22:34
Hi, Guys
What's a pity that I didn't find such a nice place and so many people to play bridge in Montreal. I'd like to join you this weekend but I do have partner so far. I can play Nature or Precise. If someone else also need a partner we may try to cooperate.作者: iebuz 时间: 2002-6-25 22:35
10 years or 10 months old? With 60cm, "she" should not be a baby, but a granny.作者: fmchen 时间: 2002-6-26 21:01
Chinastory, weir, michelle, brian,
Hmmm, last time u got fishes to BBQ, this time got pig, next time when our Bridge association becomes bigger, I think we'll get a COW!!
:-)作者: slimrabbit 时间: 2002-6-26 21:51
下次捉到这么大的鱼就不要杀死她了,好吗?是Truite(鳟鱼?〕吧!把她放生好了。可以拍照留念显示成绩的。作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-6-27 19:24
Yes, sir. But "she" is not as what you imagined.作者: billding 时间: 2002-6-28 02:13
本周末(6月29日)桥牌活动继续在Angrignon公园举行,时间还是下午1:00~6:00,地铁站门口集合。据气象台预报天气晴朗,请大家自备饮料点心并照顾好老婆和孩子。BBQ活动暂不举办,留待下周Fmchen等参加(那时人多)的时候再定,我举双手欢迎Ringo参加。哈哈哈哈...... 作者: 凤 时间: 2002-6-29 22:10
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\5-29p1.jpg
双人赛第一桌作者: 凤 时间: 2002-6-29 22:12
请教各位牌侠,谁知道怎么把照片放上去?作者: mtlbridger 时间: 2002-6-29 23:01
然后进行了更为引人入胜的双人赛,各对选手在每一副牌上都当仁不让,寸土必争。经过五轮角逐,丁-于发挥出色,以较大优势(得分率为75%)夺得第一名,张-喻、陈-朱分获第二、三名。整个活动至晚上7点方才结束。大家都very enjoyed.
Have a nice week , everyone !作者: billding 时间: 2002-7-9 11:20
好啦,让我们期待周六上午11:00欢乐时光的到来吧! 作者: billding 时间: 2002-7-12 08:56
有些不打桥牌但也想带孩子参加BBQ活动的家庭,可以在此跟贴或打电话和我们联系,所需带的饮食水果请参阅其他帖子里的要求内容。作者: iebuz 时间: 2002-7-13 21:04
Hi, To All,
First of all, thanks to all the participants and enthusiatists to this bridge activity, particularly combined with the BBQ this afternoon (07/13/02)au parc Angrignon, especially for Mr Xu's presentation, from whom we all expcect for more and more professional instructions on bridge skillfulness, and we all hope to see you frequently in this self-oragnised activity.
Also a hearty welcome to all the new-comers. Your presence and presentation add more colors to this activity.
Finally, last but not least, we all feel grateful to all the better-halves for their contributions to this activity this afternoon. Everyone says "thank you".
This combination (bridge plus BBQ) is a great success, and we all hope more and more in the future ... .
Pour moi, c'est une liberation et un soulagement d'une pression. Merci a tout, et auvoir samedi prochaine.作者: billding 时间: 2002-7-13 23:47
我想今天大家都很尽兴,对比赛结果就不会很看重啦,我也就省点力气不公布A、B组的比赛结果了。谢谢大家花时间看我的唠叨!作者: mtlbridger 时间: 2002-7-14 10:39
Bon semain tout le monde !作者: billding 时间: 2002-7-20 22:35
现在公布今天桥牌比赛结果:A组(秦、刘、于、丁、朱、徐)和B组(朱、喻、谢、朱、陈、刘)经过5小时鏖战,双方牌手都发挥得比较出色,小比分小输赢。最终24副牌结束后双方握手言和,每8副牌的比分虽略有差距,但总成绩(IMP)双方战成73:73。看来经过近半年来的练兵磨合,搭档之间的配合变得比较默契,大家的桥牌水平有了相当的提高,可喜可贺。希望今后的桥牌活动大家能及时参加,既可以给孩子找到小朋友玩伴,又能提高我们的牌技水平,不也乐乎?!作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-7-22 15:53
Hi lady and gentlemen ---
As we all see, a lot of contributions come from everybody. Playing bridge with you guys is really fun to me, though I am not looking for being a professional guru. Would it be a nice idea to have every one leave his/her personal email address and land or cell phone ? In case for any emergency contacting.作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-7-22 15:54
Hi lady and gentlemen ---
As we all see, a lot of contributions come from everybody. Playing bridge with you guys is really fun to me, though I am not looking for being a professional guru. Would it be a nice idea to have every one leave his/her personal email address and land or cell phone ? In case for any emergency contacting.作者: billding 时间: 2002-7-22 20:34
I thought you proposed a good idea.I'll send my E-mail address and land to you at once.In case for emergency or arranging our bridge activity.so that we can contact with everybody in time.Please leave your information when you notice this issue.作者: fmchen 时间: 2002-7-26 10:29
Charlie and Bill,
That's certainly a huge idea! I just send my info to you.作者: billding 时间: 2002-7-26 10:57
据气象预报明天早晨有雨,白天晴好。如果明天雷雨在10:00AM结束,我们下午1:00的桥牌活动继续在Angrignon公园老地方举行,希望大家多穿点衣服照顾好孩子。明天见!作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-7-26 12:46
Thanks. FM, Weir and Bill, I will create an excel form for anybody else to fill in tomorrow. Yours will be pasted beforehand.作者: frankwang 时间: 2002-7-26 13:36
How about do we apply for a group email address, like montreal-bridge@yahoo.com, in yahoo? Everybody registered to this address can get timely notification from organizer.作者: frankwang 时间: 2002-7-26 13:39
like montreal-bridge@yahoogroups.com作者: billding 时间: 2002-7-28 16:52
本周末Agrignon公园聚会活动的中外人士太多,致使我们找不到牌桌,万般无奈之下只好委屈几位Bigman“千里运桌”,看来下次桥牌活动提前抢占有利位置变得非常重要了。借此机会我代表桥迷朋友们感谢老泉和老陈,是你们带来的西瓜和饮料使牌友们在炎炎的烈日下度过了愉快的时光。让我们期待下周再相聚吧...... :p :p :p作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-7-30 09:13
Ladies and gentlemen ---
For those who have not got a chance to tell her/his contact info (phone and email) yet, if you please, kindly hand in yours at your convenience by sending Bill Ding or myself an email.
Have a nice day.作者: ChinaStory 时间: 2002-7-31 12:58
Hi Bill Ding ---
How is your road test prep ?
Tried to call u several times, never got thru yet. Would you please send me another email telling ur email address ? I am sorry I can't find out the original one you sent to me last week.
Have a nice day.作者: billding 时间: 2002-8-2 14:47
It'll be a nice day tomorrow as the weather forecast.Our bridge activity will be taken according to schedule at the same time and place.Hope to meet you all in this weekend.Good luck!
To Chinastory:my Email address is dyb7780@hotmail.com. Thanks.作者: 凤 时间: 2002-8-6 11:35
BTW, Bill 家的网络又罢工了,Videotron 说到本周六才能复工。
请电话联系。 作者: iebuz 时间: 2002-8-6 19:03
Felicitation! (Congratuation to you, Billding)