标题: 现在蒙城越来越不安全了。。 [打印本页] 作者: Wells . 大西瓜 时间: 2002-4-5 03:20 标题: 现在蒙城越来越不安全了。。 星期四早上在COTE-DES-NEIGES那里又有枪击案,有个男的被别人连开几枪。最近几个月已经看到很多这样的新闻了,特别是凌晨在酒吧里比较的不安全。大家出外要留意着点啊!作者: Matrix 时间: 2002-4-5 11:56
I like Canada not the States because it has gun control. But when I reached here I found there are lots of gun fights here, is it a kind of swindle? 作者: Wells . 大西瓜 时间: 2002-4-5 12:19
加拿大这条贼船都算大喽! 作者: TG 时间: 2002-4-5 13:12
"a gangland settling of accounts"!
详细新闻请看: 22-year-old shot several times in drive-by作者: Matrix 时间: 2002-4-6 00:21
Something happened today. A man was stabbed to death. Better stay home. :p作者: chen3363 时间: 2002-4-6 17:18
Guys,better stay in China, never coming here.作者: Angel_lyj 时间: 2002-4-6 20:18
哇咧~~~~~不是吧???我住在BOURRET啊,是不是要打算一下搬家了~!~!~!~!~!:(作者: Wells . 大西瓜 时间: 2002-4-6 20:56
我听一个住在VERDUN的中国人说,那里有时会有枪战! eek!作者: Matrix 时间: 2002-4-7 02:28
Wells_Xu, it happened a week ago but not as terrible as you describe. By the way, I live in Verdun.
Mom Boucher 作者: Matrix 时间: 2002-4-8 16:22
A 19-year-old woman was found dead and it appeared that she was raped before. frown作者: Wells . 大西瓜 时间: 2002-4-8 17:02
Take care,girls and guys!作者: ciqi 时间: 2002-4-9 11:54
Matrix, could you tell us where is the news from?
i live in Verdun also, but i feel it is not so bad.....作者: Matrix 时间: 2002-4-9 17:35
Stay cool,ciqi, the news of that woman didn't happen in Verdun.
I stay home everyday doing nothing but listening to the News almost all day long.
Actually I am not doing nothing, I am just waiting for the beginning of Concordia's summer session. :cool:作者: 辛弃疾 时间: 2003-5-23 15:39
that happened one year ago作者: doraime 时间: 2003-5-26 22:21 本地中国人圈子里也不安全. 请看:
Topic: 店老板殴打顾客, 怎么办?作者: 玉蜻蜓07 时间: 2003-5-26 22:51
啊?不会吧? 好可怕!!!!!!!! 以后不敢出门了! 乖乖呆在家里! 就不怕咯! 真希望今年能回国! 可是~~~~ sars那么严重,就怕能回去,回不来了哦! :rolleyes:作者: 孔子 时间: 2003-5-26 23:03
呆在家里也危险,concierge和以前的房客都有你的钥匙,一觉醒来,可能满屋的人你都不认识!!作者: mengnan1 时间: 2003-5-26 23:38 action now作者: 阿呆 时间: 2003-5-27 09:04
大家不要制造紧张气氛啦,偶正要享受蒙城迷人浪漫的夏季呢,不要扫偶的兴,再说啦,偶比较相信乌鸦嘴之说,刚看完了这个贴,就有个小破孩从窗口丢了个石子儿进来,气氛ing! :mad: :mad:作者: canaduck 时间: 2003-5-27 11:41 我们应该:
惩奸锄恶 :cool:作者: cheetahcj 时间: 2003-5-28 23:38
呵呵,我们中国人这么多,要是都团结起来,联合起来,恐怕人数最多,声势最大,最强大的黑帮就是我们"china帮"了,哈哈。。。。。作者: cheetahcj 时间: 2003-5-28 23:41
害怕的人不是我们,而是鬼子了.与其我们自己担惊受怕,干嘛不让鬼子来担惊受怕,我们就大可睡觉,哈哈。。。。。。。。。。作者: deying 时间: 2003-5-30 12:26
Why do you always talk about the bad things? If you are really think like that, you will do nothing except staying at home.作者: downtown 时间: 2003-5-30 12:29