然后就是今天收到第二封afe来信,说因为我没在45天之内交Declaration of Spouse,所以关闭我的申请了。可是我明明已经在申请的时候都已经递交了。现在我该怎么办呢?这两天还放假,打不了电话,只能先在这儿咨询求助了。
我还能只尽快再递交这个Declaration of Spouse来让他们继续审理我的申请么?
不好意思,问题太多,希望好心人解答,实在很着急。作者: chnnasdaq 时间: 2004-10-10 19:42 标题: Terrible My case is since april and closed for the same reason.,either. Everything seems screwing up, for i send the same document over and over almost 3 times. Anyone got a idea?作者: ce 时间: 2004-10-10 21:21
Hi, chnnasdaq
How is your status now? Did you call them and write letter to them?
Maybe the best way for me is to ask the financial office in my school Tuesday. Here seems nobody knows how to do.
Good luck to you.作者: lotusbleu 时间: 2004-10-11 00:06 标题: 大家赶快团结起来 我也是第一次申请,6月初递的表,8月来信先给了1500。 后来要我补proof of landing,其实申请时都装一个信封里,没理由没收到,更可笑的是当我上网查收到文件记录时,proof of landing明明列在上面,我还是补寄了一份,并附上一封信指出他们的荒谬。9月十几号时又被他们要求补Declaration of Spouse,其实申请时都装一个信封里,没理由没收到, 这次我也懒得花时间写信给那些猪头了,9月23日直接补寄了一份。今天倒好,收到email说因为没有收到Declaration of Spouse,把我的申请给闭了,一查loan 1500,bursary 零,立马火冒三丈。 本以为只是自己背运,没想到你们也一样,这就蹊跷了。我想我们有必要联合起来对付那些猪头。 有兴趣请发邮件至minbaria@yahoo.com作者: ce 时间: 2004-10-11 10:27
good luck, everybody!作者: lotusbleu 时间: 2004-10-12 23:49 标题: 可不可以说详细点啊? Ce,
我今天打了一天的电话,给学校,给政府,都没打通。明天准备亲自到学校跑一趟。你说学校说不要紧,可不可以说详细点啊?他们有没有说为什么我们会收到申请被关闭的信呢?谢了!作者: janeyu 时间: 2004-10-14 20:50 标题: 请问网址是多少??? 。。。。。。。。。。。。thanks.................作者: princesszhou 时间: 2004-10-18 11:36 标题: 新移民请教 我是新移民,十月刚LANDING,想请教符合什么条件可以申请L&B,该如何申请?如能告之不胜感谢.
GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE. 可以EMAIL我, princesszhou@hotmail.com作者: chnnasdaq 时间: 2004-10-18 18:16
my case is finalized. However, the decision is made based on my previous college other than my present master program outside Quebec. I 've sent all the updated file one month ago. I doubt I could get the funky money at all!
So folks, I guess you should get the loan certificate and decision very soon unless you changed your school like me.作者: bluepaper 时间: 2004-10-22 22:23 标题: 我去查l&b情况怎么是这样的? 我是14th sept邮寄出去的,申请,university的,第一次申请。今天再网上www.afe.gouv.qc.ca查询。用permenant code查的。表示他们受到乐我的申请,,下面的显示是查询结果,谁知道我大概什么时候能收到钱呢?
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=306 align=center border=0 VALIGN="TOP"><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=3></TD></TR><TR><TD width=1 bgcolor=#003399 rowSpan=2></TD><TD></TD><TD width=1 bgcolor=#003399 rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=0 width=304 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle width=16></TD><TD class=afeStandardPortail vAlign=bottom width=288>Your assistance application for full-time studies began to be examined on September 17, 2004.</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>作者: irisq 时间: 2004-11-12 14:22
请问楼主或anyone,请问refused or closed在网上什么地方可以check的到? 是Notice里边吗? 我的file今天update to 'Not applicable (n/a)', 不知道是什么意思呢? 被据? Confused:confused: