
标题: dancelovers舞蹈爱好者俱乐部 [打印本页]

作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-19 17:51
标题: dancelovers舞蹈爱好者俱乐部
交谊舞和国标舞虽然有相同的舞步,却有太大的不同,学习的过程也大大的不同。交谊舞的学习,礼节和舞步很重要,参加SOCIAL DANCING 的舞会,对服装,化妆的要求都很高,要让人看着舒服,舞要跳的正规,男士要大气,跳的好的男士要照顾在场的其它女士,不要老和跳的好的女士跳,这样才会使舞会越办越好,来的人也越来越多;女士也同样,不要因为跳的好,就随便拒绝男士真诚的邀请。和越多的人跳,经验越丰富,朋友也越多。好的SOCIAL DANCER 都有很多位跳得来的舞伴,成为一个圈子,大家常相约舞场,其乐融融。很多人的SOCIAL DANCING 都是在舞会上学到的,当然也有参加交谊舞的培训班等等。


   竞技国标的舞者就不是这么回事,从学舞一开始他们往往就找好了自己认为最好的启蒙教练。没有好的教练,就不可能有好的开始,非正规的习惯一但养成,改起来就很不容易。训练的场地通常也不会是舞会等等。尽管有很多参赛者也去舞会借场地训练,因为毕竟单独租场地是很贵的。但是,这对其他的SOCIAL DANCER 是不公平的。就好象是学声乐的人  去卡拉OK 练习唱歌一样。影响到跳交谊舞的人的正常活动。笔者曾经也去过SOCIAL DANCING 的舞会练习,一是不敢放开来跳,怕弄不好碰倒了其他人。二是一遍遍的跳重复的动作,别人看着奇怪。曾经有一位跳拉丁的朋友,也常和我们去同一个SOCIAL DANCING 的场地练习,他一来就是练习站立,一站一小时,好比太极中的站桩。然后他要练习RUMBA WALK ,一练也是半小时,他的舞伴也是同样。然后他们就提了包走人了。其他的人都很奇怪,问我他们是不是有毛病?来了面壁而站,然后走上一阵子就完事了。这叫什么练舞啊?我大笑起来。想想也是啊,在SOCIAL DANCERS 的眼里,这真是不太正常。其实他们只不过是借场地练习基本功,这样好不影响其它的人跳舞。结果还被人误认为有毛病。而我呢,常常一身运动服去SOCIAL DANCING 的场地。同样是和周围的风景不协调,其实也是不太好。只不过大家熟悉了,慢慢他们了解到我们是他们的异类,见多不怪。且同情我们穷,让一块场地给我们练习。比赛的时候,也有一些来自SOCIAL DANCING 的朋友前来助威。这也就是相互理解了。






作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-19 17:57
作者: 小甲虫    时间: 2003-6-20 16:27
作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-20 17:07
加拿大属於Alain & Anik

Alain Doucet & Anik Jolicoeur是加拿大的骄傲。他们是唯一一对曾经赢得世界冠军头衔的加拿大人,已经连续四年得到世界职业十项舞冠军的称号。不仅如此,他们目前还拥有加拿大全国职业摩登,拉丁和十项舞冠军头衔。现在你可以说他们就代表了加拿大。上一次在有人能在他的国家同时得到两项第一已经是很多年前的事情了。
八十年代,在职业和业余领域,加拿大似乎都产生了大部分北美最好的选手,甚至世界最好的选手。Alain & Anik基本上是那个时代的产品。我问他们对加拿大面临的问题有何感觉,什么导致加拿大今天人才缺乏的局面,他们提供了一些有趣的看法。



Alain:我姐姐开始跳舞,我表姐France (Mousseau)也跳舞,所以我也开始了。


Anik:她重新开始了。她停了十年,然后又和Danny Quilliam重新开始了。



Alain:我最近和Ron Montez上了一节课,他说“你跳摩登时做了些什么,在拉丁中也得一样。”它们彼此促进。


Anik:在加拿大,现在两项职业比赛都只有半决赛,跟美国不一样。所有以前比赛的选手,Jean Marc & France,还有Pierre (Allaire) & Mireille (Veilleux) 都退休了。也看不到什么新人出现。我们不喜欢这样。我们曾经希望Stephan (Champagne)和Manon (Hurteau)不要退休,因为我们需要动力。


Alain:加拿大就不接受这样。Denis & Adele (Trembley)曾经想代表加拿大跳舞,但是没办到。
Anik:加拿大当时规定很严格。Benoit &Lorraine (Drolet)也曾想代表加拿大跳舞,但因为Lorraine是英国人,他们不能这样做。如果加拿大能把大门打开,更多的人就会来到加拿大。这是美国现在这么强的原因,因为大门是打开的。

作者: helloman    时间: 2003-6-20 18:22
Social style ballroom dancing is only popular in North America.
If I am not mistaken, in Asian and European ballroom dance clubs,
they dance mainly(or exclusively) international style.

If you say that international style dancers only dance with their own partners,
then it means that in Asia & Europe they don’t dance with other people.
I find it hard to believe.
Isn’t it also quite boring ?

I would think that you refer to COMPETITIVE international style dancers,
as opposed to non-competitive international style dancers,
about not being able to dance socially with others.

By the way, does the “DB” refer to “dance beat” in your article on Alain ?
作者: sibylj    时间: 2003-6-21 15:17
Support! I like dance too when I was in university. But not so professional. and always want to find a dance club and continue to learn.
作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-22 00:17



拉 , 二人之间似有一根无形的柔索,将思念无限牵引-----

收 , 久别重逢,如旱苗甘露。





作者: leonardo769    时间: 2003-6-23 01:40
作者: yayaya    时间: 2003-6-23 10:45
作者: yayaya    时间: 2003-6-23 10:47
作者: XiaoYuEr    时间: 2003-6-23 12:26
哈哈,感慨! 以前上大学时练过一段国标,当时我们学校有国标舞队,我们学校也是以舞蹈水平高著称。加上自己的爱好,从大二到大四一直好舞学舞,在最后大四一年跟当地国际职业国标舞获奖者练过一段现代舞(华尔兹,维也纳华尔兹,探戈...)和拉丁物(cha-cha-cha,伦巴...) 毕业以后一工作就丢掉了。今天看到这个帖子真有一种怀旧的感觉。 如果有什么活动,需要帮我,一定要招呼一声,比一定要跳(说实话,起码现在没有舞伴,我指国标舞),给你们做做义工,看看你们跳舞就很满足了。

Guys, cheers!!
作者: XiaoYuEr    时间: 2003-6-23 12:33

哈哈,感慨! 以前上大学时练过一段国标,当时我们学校有国标舞队,我们学校也是以舞蹈水平高著称。加上自己的爱好,从大二到大四一直好舞学舞,在最后大四一年跟当地国际职业国标舞获奖者练过一段现代舞(华尔兹,维也纳华尔兹,探戈...)和拉丁物(cha-cha-cha,伦巴...) 毕业以后一工作就丢掉了。今天看到这个帖子真有一种怀旧的感觉。 如果有什么活动,需要帮忙,一定要招呼一声,不一定要跳(说实话,起码现在没有舞伴,我指国标舞),给你们做做义工,看看你们跳舞就很满足了。

作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-23 14:11

乡村舞会 【法国】雷诺阿
作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-23 14:16
wink    eek!  交谊舞和国标舞是两个完全不同的概念,交谊舞是指传统的华尔姿、探戈等宫廷社交舞蹈和民间自娱性的交际舞蹈。国标舞是一个简称,它的标准称谓应该是:国际标准舞,是指在传统的交际舞基础上发展出来的一种表演性舞蹈,它的动作有独特的规范,讲究技巧性,花样复杂,并且以比赛为主要方式。国际标准舞现在已经成为一种融合了表演和竞技的舞蹈。当然,一些国际舞的爱好者学习国际舞并不是为了参加比赛,而是追求一种美,这是很值得赞赏的。用一句话说,交际舞是传统的自娱之舞,国标舞是新型的、以比赛为主要方式的竞技之舞。  
作者: minminpan    时间: 2003-6-23 19:44
作者: 心迪    时间: 2003-6-23 20:30
作者: kyo    时间: 2003-6-24 00:06
作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-24 00:25
7月6~7日 美國 美國國際公開賽
IDSF In't open

7月20~21日 日本 富山 日本公開賽
IDSF open

8月2日 新加坡 世界青年拉丁舞錦標賽IDSF World Youth Latin Championships

8月2~3日 新加坡 第16屆獅城盃公開賽
IDSF Singapore open
8月2~4日 新加坡 國際運動舞蹈總會年會\n亞洲運動舞蹈總會執委會\n
8月4日 新加坡 亞洲國際級教練講習會 ADSF In't Coach Congress

8月5日 印度尼西亞雅加達 印尼公開賽
IDSF open

8月14日 日本 東京 日本公開賽
IDSF Tokyo open

8月28~31日 德國 曼罕 德國國際公開賽
IDSF In't open

9月1日 德國 曼罕 國際裁判講習會IDSF In't adjudicators Congress

9月13日 捷克 Usti nad Labem 世界壯年標準舞錦標賽IDSF World Senior Standard Championships

9月14日 捷克 Usti nad Labem 世界壯年拉丁舞錦標賽IDSF World Senior Latin Championships

9月20日 德國
柏林 世界青年十項 錦標賽 IDSF World Youth Ten Dance Championships

9月20日 俄羅斯 聖彼得堡 世界拉丁舞錦標賽 IDSF World Latin Championships

9月27日 奧地利
Salzburg 世界盃十項 錦標賽 IDSF World Cup Ten Dance
9月 中國 澳門 亞洲錦標賽 (含青年/青少年)IDSF Asia Championships

9月 中國 香港 香港公開賽
IDSF open

10月6日 摩爾多瓦
Moldavia 世界青少年2級標準舞錦標賽\n

10月11 日 波蘭Bydgoszcz 世界青年標準舞錦標賽 IDSF World Youth Standard Championships

10月11~12日 中華台北 第2屆台北國際 公開賽
IDSF Taipei In't open

10月12日 中華台北 亞洲國際級教練講習會 ADSF In't Coach Congress

11月8日 菲律賓 馬尼拉 菲律賓公開賽IDSF open
11月8日 捷克
Usti nad Labem 世界青少年2級 十項錦標賽 IDSF World Junior II Ten Dance Championships
11月15日 奧地利 維也納 世界標準舞 錦標賽 IDSF World Standard Championships

12月14日 烏克蘭
基輔 世界青少年十項錦標賽IDSF World Junior Ten Dance Championships
12月20日 拉脫維亞里加 世界盃標準舞IDSF World Cup Standard

12月28日 拉脫維亞
里加 世界青少年拉丁舞錦標賽IDSF World Junior Latin Championships
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-6-24 12:47
   It is nice of you to post the dance competition schedule. Are you going to any of those comp ?
Most of use probably don't have the money nor time to go to all those cities to watch.
Do you know if those competitions will be shown on TV anywhere ?
If you have the tapes of the comp, maybe you can lend us to watch.
That would certainly be fun to watch.
作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-26 15:27

1. 握持較緊密。

2. 膝蓋較彎曲(因雙腳膝蓋稍微合併,右腳稍微內扣)。

3. 出左腳時,保持反身動作位置(C.B.M.P.)。

4. 沒有擺盪或傾斜,只有身體轉。

5. 腳沒有迴旋轉(foot no swivel)。

6. 斷音(指腳到時,必須迅速停,而身體須繼續)。

7. 退後步不用腳尖,只用腳掌到腳跟,以免產生升降。

8. 腳板從甲地到乙地時,要稍微離開地面。
作者: Kitty100    时间: 2003-6-27 09:05
Thanks a lot for dancelovers' info.

作者: FRANCOPHONE    时间: 2003-6-27 18:27
本人也非常爱好跳舞,现正学习拉丁舞. 但因舞伴要回多伦多希望能再找一位热爱跳舞并对拉丁舞有所了解的男士(年龄最好在35岁以下  wink  )共同学习. 有意者请留EMAIL或电话
作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-28 16:34

作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-28 17:11
作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-28 17:15

作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-6-28 17:23

作者: peixuan    时间: 2003-6-29 09:50
我也喜欢跳舞,不知道哪里有教拉丁舞的,最好是免费的啦,或是不太贵的  wink  。另外最近好像有蒙城第一届阿根廷tango节,有人知道详情吗?
作者: The Shadow of Y    时间: 2003-6-29 10:08
Call : 3435245 They teach LA DING, the  price is about $130 for 9 course of each 1h30 min.

6900 Decarie shopping center.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-6-29 11:17
    As part of the Tango festival, there will be a free outdoor show at Place des vestiges in the old port on July 9. Place des vestiges is near the train track, close to Jacques-Cartier pier.
I am not sure about the exact time. It is probably in the evening. You can check with tourist infomation booth on Jacques-Cartier pier in the old port.
There is a wide variety of Latin dances.
The ballroom Latin category consist of ChaCha, Rumba, Paso Doble, Samba, Jive.
The Latin dances that Saida talks about probably refer to Salsa, Merenge, Bachata, tropical ChaCha, which is supposed to have a different flavor than ballroom ChaCha.

You can get a taste of the dances during free introductory lessons,
usually given by dance schools as promotion to publicize their schools and attract potential students.

The dance school that organizes the Tango festival also holds free outdoor tango dancing
and free introductory clasess in the summer.
Besides the place that I mentioned on another post
"Some outdoor activities/concerts",
that school also holds the outdoor tango lessons
in the following 2 places:
1. Tango in the Parc Saint-Viateur,Outremont.
   Free classes from 7:30pm to 9pm
   every Sunday from June 29th to September 14th 2003.
2. Place des Vertiges in the Old Port.
   Free classes from 8:30pm to 9:30pm
   every Friday from August 1 to September 5, 2003.

There are also free outdoor linedancing activities,
that are mostly for fun and excercise,
less concern over exact timing or perfect techniques.
It is one great way to enjoy the outdoor in the summer evenings.
One of the most accessible places
is the one right next to Jean Drapeau metro station.
From 7pm to 11pm every Saturday, Sunday and probably Thurday too
from June 28 to August 20.
作者: minminpan    时间: 2003-6-29 16:15
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-6-30 17:46
1.Tango in the Parc Saint-Viateur,Outremont.
The park is near the corner
of Bernard street and Querbes street.
It is a 5 to 10-min walk from Outremont metro station.
You can also take a bus going west on Rosemont boulevard from Rosemont metro station.
For further infomation,
check the detailed metro map in the metro stations.

2.Place des Vertiges in the Old Port.
Get off at Champ-de-Mars Metro Station.
Go south in the direction of the old port.
Past the fountain next to the city hall.
Continue down the slope of Place Jacques Cartier.
Just past the train track.
Before the river.

作者: helloman    时间: 2003-6-30 18:14
I just posted a new topic on the coming salsa concert under the heading
"Montreal Jazz festival: Big outdoor salsa party"
All you dance lovers should go check it out.
作者: rpw    时间: 2003-7-1 17:34

冒昧请教一下,15 岁女孩,以前没任何基础,想从舞蹈基本功学起。主要为女孩子培养优雅气质及娱乐为目的。不知哪里有此类舞蹈学校?
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-7-2 18:10
I don`t know ballet. Can`t help you there.

From I read in the local Chinese newspaper,
a dance competition will be organized
as part of the mid-autumn festival celebration.

``dancelovers`` and all the other dance lovers,
why don`t you try it out É
作者: minminpan    时间: 2003-7-2 19:51
我去了jazz festival的那个salsa party 那些跳舞的棒极 了。呵呵。。就是开始教的时候太快了,但还是满过瘾的。
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-7-3 11:33
I got to the salsa workshop at about 6:30pm
and it started raining.
I thought it was over before it even got a chance to start.
Fortunately the rain eased up at about 7:15pm.
The workshop eventually took place on the stage
at the St. Catherine entrance of Complex des Jardine.
There was a lot of fabulous dancers on stage,
from 3 different schools, St. Tropez, Montecristo & Tony Rouseo(?).
Yes, the lesson progressed quickly
so it might be a bit difficult to follow for complete beginners.
It didn't seem to matter
as everyone around me was having a ball.
There was this older couple next to me.
The wife was following every instruction well,
turning left, turning right, rolling her hips,
the whole work.
The husband,on the other hand, was quite confused,
but he still managed to try everything
and got into the spirit of the occasion.
The important thing is that
they both enjoyed the moment and had a great time.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-7-3 16:48
   I just remember one well known Ballet school.
It is called "Ballet Divertimento-Montreal",
which is located at 3505 rue Durocher, Montreal.
It is two streets west of Parc
and one street north of Sherbrooke.
There are several buses that stop close by as well:
the 24 bus (from the west or east) stops at the corner of Sherbrooke and Parc,
a short walk away from the studio;
the 80 and 129 buses (from the north and south) stop at the corner of Parc and Milton,
about a minute's walk away.
Map and driving directions:

It offers both adult and youth programs
in Ballet, Modern, Jazz and Flamenco dances.
You can bring your daughter to visit the school
to watch how the classes are conducted.
For ballet classes,
visit between 11am and 2pm on Saturday.
For Modern, Jazz and Flamenco classes,
visit between 5:30pm and 9pm Monday to Thurday.
Since your child is 15 years old,
she can enroll in "adult introduction" course.

The following is quoted from the web site:
Ballet Divertimento is a non-profit school of dance
situated in the heart of the downtown core of Montreal
at 3505 Durocher Street at the corner of Milton. It is approximately 5 minutes walk from our location
to the campus of McGill University
and the performing arts complex, Place des Arts.
Our building is entirely devoted to the school,
and was renovated in 2000 to accommodate the needs of a modern dance facility.
It includes 5 studios with sprung wood dance floors,
all equipped with mirrors, barres, sound systems and new pianos.
The studios are bright and inviting spaces
with natural light cast from rows of large windows.
The teachers on our faculty represent a broad spectrum
of international accomplishment and educational background.
They include a teacher who completed the elite diploma program of the Op閞a de Paris,
an honoured graduate of the Bolshoi Ballet Academy
and former performers, teachers and choreographers from dance companies around the world.
The staff is guided by artistic director Brydon Paige,
a renowned teacher and choreographer
who has taught and created works for prominent dance companies
in Canada, the U.S. and abroad.
Workshops are held with invited guest artists
who bring a different dimension and challenge to the students.

作者: peixuan    时间: 2003-7-3 23:17
thanks a lot, my friends. Maybe we can go together some time.
作者: rpw    时间: 2003-7-3 23:24
Hi, helloman:

Thank you so much.

You really supplied me very important information
and such details must be a great help.

Thanks again
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-7-4 11:02
From I read in the local Chinese newspaper,
a dance competition will be organized
as part of the mid-autumn festival celebration.

``dancelovers`` and all the other dance lovers,
why don`t you try it out ?
According to the newspaper,
the August 15 dance competition is organized by
the Montreal Chinese united center.
作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-7-7 20:45
Ballroom dancing 基本功之感悟1   eek!            wink  
ALLEN AND DONNA SHINGLER 这对英国选手,在近几年的大赛中,几乎都进入了前六名,尤其是她们的FOXTROT,差不多都在第四名。能够在伦墩以外的地方上到ALLEN 的私人课,我们都觉得很开心。

最近在上ALLEN SHINGLER 的课时,他也特别强调了一些我们过去从没注意过的地方,就是BALLROOM 的体育性,怎么样能让身体更自然协调地跳,怎样才能有效地运用自己的身体。

其实BALLROOM 也象其他的运动项目一样,技术一年年地在更新,很多学习BALLROOM 很多年的人感叹到,早年的那些东西如今全是不对的了。要想更和谐,更平衡,更平和(SMOOTHZER),ALLEN 这位世界前六名的选手说了很原则的几点,其中,最最深刻地留在我脑子里的有两句话。

其实我不太知道怎么样去解释这句话,ALLEN 说不会跳舞的人,是用脚走,先移脚,再移重心。是脚——重心——脚 的过程。这样跳舞就显得不连贯,一顿一顿的,而我们现在要做的是,重心——脚—重心,要想运行的幅度大,不是增大步子,而是要增加移动重心的距离。其实我们平时也很注意到移动重心,但是一和ALLEN 搭手,他的第一句话还是,“YOU ARE REACHING。”

我们当时只是通过一个练习来试验自己有没有用脚去找身后的地板了。用双手放在自己的肋部(RIB CADGE),做后退步,如果手上的感觉没有改变,说明后退步,没有REACH, 而是用重心的移动而带动的,这样的话,你的舞伴会觉得有足够的空间来移动他的重心,反则,你手上的压力增大或缩小了,说明你的身体在前倾或后仰,都造成舞伴重心的失控而失去两人的运行空间。ALLEN 用了一小时的时间来帮助我们把这一点运用到我们的FOXTROT 种,我只要一迈步,他马上可以告诉我,我是先移动了重心,还是先移动了我的脚和腿,直到我习惯了这种行走方式。再单独调教我的舞伴,然后我们在一起试,我们走出来从没有过的轻松。我开始觉得自己有点会跳舞了。整个FOXTROT 显得SMOOTH 了很多。

2, IF YOU DON‘T BEND YOU FOUR JIONTS, YOU FOUR BLOCKS WILL。不知道从什么时候开始,BALLROOM 课开始从解剖讲起了,我们都知道我们跳舞的时候讲BLOCKS。舞者把自己分为几个BLOCKS,一是头,二是肩,三是胸肋部,四是骨盆。这也是我们常说的FOUR BLOCKS, 那么FOUR JIONTS 也就是指我们的髋关节,膝关节,踝关节和趾关节。我仍然不知道怎么解释这句话才比较贴切,但是我大概能理解其中的一些道理。更多的东西只好以后边学边体会了。

为了解释以上的这两句话,ALLEN 说LUKA 的舞伴LORAINE有一次做表演,穿了一条半透明的长裤,不是为了性感,而是让观众能看到她的整条腿的动作,在整个的舞蹈中,可以看到她的腿始终是弯曲的,每一步,都能看到她的重心移动越过她的脚。(PASS THE FOOT)。也就是说,如果我们不用我们的关节来跳舞,那么我们的BLOCKS, 我们的头,肩,和身体,就不能很好的保持在中正的位置上。知道我们应该弯曲我们的关节,但要怎样的用好每一个关节,又是很大的问题,只好慢慢的学习,慢慢的体会了。

用ALLEN 的方法练习FOXTROT 感觉真的很好。不过这光是重心移动就已经是很难度的任务了。
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-7-7 20:47
Just found this free outdoor salsa dancing on the old port web site:
Salsafolie sundays at
the Old Port of Montreal.
Schedule :  June 15 to August 24
Sunday, From 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Location : Pier King-Edward
Corner of St-Laurent street and de la Commune treet
(West of Jacques-Cartier Pier). Behind the cinéma Imax. Take Métro Place d'Armes.
Rate :  Free
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-7-8 18:04
International Tango Festival

A hot and colourful show
that takes you to the heart of Argentina.  

Schedule :  8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. July 9.
Location :  Place des Vestiges

Information :  (514) 527-5197

How to get to
Place des Vertiges in the Old Port:
Get off at Champ-de-Mars Metro Station.
Go south in the direction of the old port.
Past the fountain next to the city hall.
Continue down the slope of Place Jacques Cartier.
Just past the train track.
Before the river.

作者: lapage    时间: 2003-7-10 12:00
I like this topic.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-7-10 17:18
2 dance schools will perform salsa, merengue on outdoor stages
on St. Hubert street this Friday and Saturday.
For the schedule and location,
you can refer to my post under
``Some outdoor activities/concerts ``.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-7-12 09:59
There is a dancesport competition
called "Dancesport Montreal"
in Montreal from July 10 to July 12(today).
It is organized by Pierre Allaire and Mireille Veilleux,
who are former Canadian Champion.

Bonaventure Hilton hotel
1, Place Bonaventure
Montreal, (Quebec) Canada  H5A 1E4
Telephone : (514) 878-2332
It is close to Bonaventure metro station.

There are categories by age groups,
open amateur, professional.
The dance styes are:
In international style:
Cha cha, samba, rumba, jive, paso doble,
waltz, V. waltz, quick step, tango, foxtrot.
In American styles:
Cha cha, samba, bolero, swing, mambo,
waltz, V. waltz, quick step, tango, foxtrot.

Preliminary or lower levels in the afternoon.
Final rounds in the evening starting at around 7pm.

Price: From $35 to $45.
If you want to see the evening rounds,
which have the best performances,
you can go to the hotel
anytime during the day to buy tickets.
Just ask at the hotel information desk,
they will direct you to the right ballroom
to buy tickets from the event organizers.

There will be many high calibre ballroom dancers
in this competition.
If you love ballroom dances or dance sport,
check this one out.
作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-7-13 11:53
作者: F4M    时间: 2003-7-13 20:10

作者: helloman    时间: 2003-7-14 12:49
  Your Tango picture doesn't show.

   You show a Bush's photo
but I don't understand the humour.
Can you explain ?
作者: nchstar    时间: 2003-7-15 10:11

11 juillet 2003 - 20 juillet 2003

Le Festival des Arts de Saint-Sauveur  
Ballet's Best, An Encore Performance - July 11
Cantabile, A Delightful Mix of British Humour and Harmony - July 15
International Choreography Competition Contest Finals - July 18
Robert Marien, Musical's Grandest Moments - July 17
The New World Philharmonic Orchestra - July 20
free shows at outdoor stage
作者: nchstar    时间: 2003-7-15 10:21
I tried their phone number just now and found there is a little bit discrepency between the inf. I put and the exact program schedule. Sorry.

Pls check their website for the details. http://artssaintsauveur.com

Enjoy!  :p
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-7-19 19:02
Dance sport competition to be broadcasted on TV:

W network presents W Dance -
The Snowball Classic International Dancesport Competition.

W Dance delivers a 3-part series
featuring highlights and insightful commentary
from the Snowball Classic 2003 (Latin and Standard divisions)
and The World 10-Dance events,
held this year in Vancouver, B.C.

Hosts Gary McDonald (13-time U.S. DanceSport champion)
and Thea Andrews take viewers behind the scenes
to three of the most fiercely fought dance competitions
in the international DanceSport calendar.

Showcasing glamorous costumes and intricate footwork,
these spectacular events deliver all the thrills-
from the jump and jive of swing
to the hot Latin rhythms of rhumba.

  Wednesday, July 23rd at 10pm (Snowball Latin - Part 1 of 3)

Wednesday, July 30th at 10pm (Snowball Standard - Part 2 of 3)

Wednesday, August 6th at 10pm (World 10 - Part 3 of 3)

W network is channel 101 on Videotron cable,
462 on Expressvu satellite system,
562 on Starchoice satellite system.
作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-7-22 14:22



1..点与线的结合***点与线的结合,我们从两个方面来简述:从个人形体动作来说,就是用科学的对立统一方法来艺术的处理形体线条的构架笔画。这就象我们写字一样,横竖撇捺和点,也就是线条和点的搭配,要适当。点 是一个相对特殊的笔画,点的不好,整个舞蹈形态就会变形,失去韵味;点的精彩,;那自然就是画龙点睛。

从交谊舞舞程上来说,交谊舞的流动也有一个点与线结合的问题。交谊舞是舞蹈类别中的抒情诗,而不是“格律诗”。交谊舞的舞句是有长短的,一曲交谊舞不断的舞程线,实际上是由短短长长不同的舞句连接而成的。每个连接点就是这条线上的 点。点在舞程线上错落有致的艺术处理是保证交谊舞作品字句分明、章节有序的关键。





作者: helloman    时间: 2003-7-31 13:01
When I went to watch a dance competition earlier this year,
I saw an outstanding young Asian couple
in the adult open standard divison.
Since Asian dancers are not very common in the dancesport comp in Montreal,
I paid special attention to their performance.
They eventually won that division convincingly.
Recently by chance I came across their names and web site.
This is a young and promising dance partnership
in the Canadian dance scene.
They seem to have the stuff to go far in this sports.

作者: SF6    时间: 2003-7-31 23:12
To: YEBAIHE & Kitty100:

Hello, 一起去跳舞!交谊舞、拉丁舞!
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-8-1 13:17
Friends club will host a dance this saturday, Aug 2, in the same location.

You people can all go there
to dance and meet fellow dance lovers.

Alternatively if you like to dance on the street
to a live band,
there will be an outdoor Latin concert, as part of Francofolies festival,
in the corner of Clark street and St. Catherine
at 8pm and 10 pm also this Saturday.

I watched that band before
and posted it under a different topic:
Just came back from the esplanade of Place des Arts.
the outdoor noon concert of the Cuban singer, Yussy Barbara Ruiz, was great.
Before the concert, I was concerned that the songs might be too hardcore Cuban
for the general public to enjoy.
It turns out that she picked some popular tunes of different styles,
fast salsa, merengue, Cha Cha, romantic rumba, even a disco song in Spanish.
There were also invited dancers on stage, really spicing up the show.
The whole place was jumping.
Great fun !  

作者: prupleberry    时间: 2003-8-1 17:00
hi,dancelovers,我发现你真是一“舞林高手”啊,也许我在St.Catherine见过你跳舞,但不知是否是你。当时我的感觉是“跳的真好!”,很想参加。如有什麽活动能否发Mail给我elainx@yahoo.ca 谢谢!
作者: seasonsea    时间: 2003-8-1 17:50
作者: dancelovers    时间: 2003-8-3 11:06
7号到10号,在parc fontaine 有le grand balett canadiene的balett jazz,是免费。
作者: liz1    时间: 2003-8-4 14:56
Thanks, what time?
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-8-5 12:45
Les Ballet Jazz de Montreal. 8:30pm - 10pm, Aug 7 to 10.
Montreal Dance. 8:30pm - 10pm, Aug 15 to 16.
Les Jeune Ballet du Quebec. 8:30pm - 10pm, Aug 19 to 20.
Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montreal. 8:30pm - 10pm, Aug 26 to 28.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-8-17 10:44
From I read in the local Chinese newspaper,
a dance competition will be organized
as part of the mid-autumn festival celebration.

``dancelovers`` and all the other dance lovers,
why don`t you try it out ?


According to the newspaper,
the August 15 dance competition is organized by
the Montreal Chinese united center.
Did anyone attend that event ?
How did it go ?
作者: ptf88    时间: 2003-9-21 23:35
hi,is there anybody who knows  some good dance hall for social dance and latin dance except friend club and wanna organize we people to dance toghther? let's have a dance instead of talk about it only.
作者: ptf88    时间: 2003-9-21 23:36
hi, let's go to dance together instead of talking only.
作者: Happydk    时间: 2003-9-22 00:34
Hi! Let's us dance together.  I went to a social dance party last night and I was sitting there almost for the whole evening and watching people enjoyed themselves, because I didn't know how to dance. So I am now looking for a place to learn. Hopefully, I can join the party again and dance like them.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-9-26 20:48
As part of the Quebec cultural day program,
La Maison du Tango will give free introductory lessons
to visitors on this Saturday, Sept 27.

Baladi(Oriental bellydance) at 11am, 1pm, 3pm.
Social dance at noon.
Argentine tango at 2pm.
Salsa at 4pm.

7250 St. Hubert, room 305
It is near Jean-Talon metro station.

作者: Happydk    时间: 2003-11-3 12:20
I am a beginner and is looking for a female partner (27 to 32 yr old) to learn social & latin dance together. Anybody who are interested to learn can come and join us too. Please leave your email. Thanks.
作者: 789aeb    时间: 2003-11-3 14:33
Your contact details?
作者: JHBABY    时间: 2003-11-3 14:42
Hi, I am a 25 years old female. I am interesting in social dancing. I want to join your club. If you have any activities,please email me delphinehua77@hotmail.com
作者: Happydk    时间: 2003-11-3 21:53
It's good to have four or six people learning together. Half male & half female.  My email is dkt8899@yahoo.com
作者: 789aeb    时间: 2003-11-4 12:32
Place and schedule???
作者: jammy    时间: 2003-11-4 17:13
作者: Happydk    时间: 2003-11-4 21:33
Hi 789aeb, could u leave your email or send me an email so that we can talk about it. Thanks.
作者: mlz007    时间: 2003-11-5 01:43
to Jammy: I have learned it before 8 years.But now I haven't the suitble partner.I am 167cm high.would you like to start the dance again?And would you like to dance with me?
作者: 我是神经病    时间: 2003-11-5 03:53
作者: jammy    时间: 2003-11-5 10:05
作者: Happydk    时间: 2003-11-5 14:17
Hi BlueSnow, just sent u an email.  Pleas get back to me. Thanks.
作者: Allen-Yu    时间: 2003-11-5 17:47
作者: jammy    时间: 2003-11-5 22:19
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-11-7 14:25
Wow, quite a few experienced dancers here.
Why don't you people all show up in Freind club party just to get acquainted,
then start your planning from there.
作者: salsalover    时间: 2003-11-9 01:12
Allen, I am looking for a Latin dance partner, if you have interest, contact me at sarahwang707@hotmail.com
作者: Allen-Yu    时间: 2003-11-9 17:59
I'm a girl not a boy.
作者: jammy    时间: 2003-11-10 00:54
作者: jammy    时间: 2003-11-10 01:03
作者: al    时间: 2003-11-10 01:04
作者: Happydk    时间: 2003-11-10 10:28
Hi all. I love latin dance too but I am a totally beginner.  Since most of you are good dancers, why don't you all arange to meet and get to know each other as friends first and partners later.
As Al_dong mentioned before, it's good to form a group of dancelovers so that we can go to dance or organize a party together.  Please give your opinion.
作者: Allen-Yu    时间: 2003-11-10 13:02
to Al , 我觉得组织活动很好的,有活动就通知大家吧
作者: Aesthetican    时间: 2003-11-10 16:03
Hope this login name does not scare some of you, it just show my attitude to dance.As matter of fact, I love dance very much--Latin dance, swing, Waltz, etc., I used to go to the party organized by the Friend Club, but it's really hard to find an ideal partner. Though now busy with my thesis, you guys messages just aroused my passion again. Anyone interested, contact me or leave your email address, we may hang out once a week (Do Re Mi is a good place to dance insofar as I know). Try to transcend some gender ideology, and enjoy the hobby, especially in such a harsh winter. By the way, my identity: male, 1,80, downtown. Email at: tangoocheche@yahoo.ca
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-11-10 20:04
Do Re Mi is close to Jean-Talon metro station
and it has a big dance floor, so it is a good choice. The clientel is a little older.
On Saturady, it can get quite crowdy
but still less than your average salsa club
or a downtown bar.

Other choices would be harder to get to.
For example:
1. Le Dancing de Laval.
It is located at 1881 Cure Labelle, Laval.
It is about half or 2/3 the size of DoReMi
but with less people also.

2.  Labamba Social Dance-hall
It is also in Laval.
It has an occasional Latino noght with live band.

There are other places
like the palladium of Brossard,
which has lousy sound system and poor lighting,
and the palladium of Longueuil, which is a little better.
Overall these 2 places are inferior to the first 3 clubs
because the buildings are not built for dance clubs.
作者: gl_s    时间: 2003-11-10 23:55
It's true that Do Re Mi might be the nearest ball room.  Also true that dancers there are a bit "old".

But, well, well... How about going to Do Re Mi this Saturday?

We don't need to count people in advance. Just go and meet there.

Any other ideas?
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-11-11 14:00
I go to Do Re Mi occasionally on Saturday.
I might go this Saturday.

Do Re Mi is starting to have a Latino-Social dance night
with a live band every Friday
starting this coming Friday.
The live band this week is "Groovetown".
A free beginner's lesson on salsa and Bachata
will be given in the early evening.

I notice that salsa is rarely played in a ballroom dance club,
maybe 2 to 3 songs at the most in the entire night.
In salsa club, there is no ballroom dance music at all.

For the people who like both ballroom dances and salsa dances,
the Latino-Social Friday would be a good option.
作者: asdfdsa    时间: 2003-11-11 16:22
i like to go t0 123. i have a car,. if somebody need my help, you can e-mail me hiaeamontreal@yahoo.com.cn
作者: asdfdsa    时间: 2003-11-11 16:25
i dolike to dance. sometimes, i go to 123 lonely. it is hard for me for dance with a lady no more than 10 years older than me. too bad.
作者: peixuan    时间: 2003-11-13 14:18
Winter is coming. Let's start dancing. I and my friend do like to join you to 123 specially for the salsa course. Do you know when will the free salsa course begin? Please let me know if you still plan to go to 123 this Friday. ppx999@hotmail.com.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-11-13 20:59
The club starts at 6pm on Friday.
I guess that
the introductory lesson will start at 6:30pm or 7pm,
but I am not sure about the exact time.
For more infomation,
you can phone 274-5456, extension 39.

The entry fee is $11.
If you want supper also, add $5.

Even if you don't want supper,
there will still be a small buffet at about 11pm(or before)
with salades, pizza slices, sandwiches, fruits and coffee.

I'll try to ask a couple of friends first
before I decide.

In case anyone is interested to go,
the address is 505, rue Belanger Est.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-11-14 18:39
I'll get there at around 10:30pm tonight.
I hope the band is good.
If all you dance lovers have time,
go check it out too.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-11-15 17:02
The band was quite good.
My friend told me that
the introductory lesson took place at about 8:30pm.
The band played the first 1/2 hour set at 9pm,
10:45pm and 11:45pm.
On next Friday the lesson will be on Bachata,
which is a nice slow dance.
作者: funnyface    时间: 2003-11-17 17:43
hello, 大家好,我也向参加你们的活动,因为我也很喜欢跳舞,但我没有任何的基础,要是有什么活动可以通知我吗?我的邮箱是Fenny_9@hotmail.com
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-11-20 19:23
Friend club dance party will take place
at 7pm this Saturday, Nov 22.

The organizers have lined up rides
for the partygoers who need a lift:

South Shore
Mr. and Mrs.Wang(tel.450-465-3354)

LaSalle City
Mr.Chen Weiqing(931-2333)

Cote des Neiges
Mr.Wnag DaShen(341-7723)

West Island or Decarie
Mr.Zhao ZhenJia(e-mail:bradley.zhao@itacc.org)
作者: 雨空灵    时间: 2003-11-20 20:29

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