请具体谈谈。作者: 超级流氓兔 时间: 2003-5-5 00:51
夏天去比较好哇。。。。。夏天去吧,我给你们开车,带上我的女朋友。。。大美女哦。。。。:)作者: 35 时间: 2003-5-5 01:40
不认字儿中不中?!作者: stand-alone 时间: 2003-5-5 23:40
王子岛及沿途景观,七天至十天的行程。预算大约五百元一人。作者: goldeagle 时间: 2003-5-6 09:00
I am interested. Email:magnuschen@hotmail.com作者: 雪在烧 时间: 2003-5-6 09:53
6、7月份我们可以一块去。现在有点早。作者: maylaney 时间: 2003-5-6 10:20
if you guys go in summer, count me in作者: qiqiharren 时间: 2003-5-6 16:54
Hi, stand-along,
I also have a plan to go to the east coast in this summer ( around in the end of June or the beginning of July ).
Can you pass the useful materials, such as the information about the resorts, motel, resteraunt etc., to me? Thanks in advance.
Good luck for you all!
By the way, any one want to go to east coast in the end of June, please contact me at qiqiharren@yahoo.com.作者: river2002 时间: 2003-5-7 11:14
I am also interested to join the team if somebody plan to go in the summer (July or August). E-mail: h8huang@hotmail.com Thanks. :cool:作者: coke 时间: 2003-5-7 17:59
email--justboy90@hotmail.com作者: mikako 时间: 2003-5-7 21:01
COKE你怎么也来凑热闹?? eek! eek! 也加我一个吧,带上我新交的男朋友,大帅哥哦!!!!作者: stand-alone 时间: 2003-5-8 01:20
大家都有不同的预期,所以还是需要统一一下,否则很难成行。不过考虑到现的天气确实有些冷,可以适当延后三周左右,约在六月中或下旬出发。请继续关注。 wink 谢谢作者: mikako 时间: 2003-5-8 13:28
STAND-ALONE 你还没有给COKE(justboy90@hotmail)发邮件呢。我们一车现有两人,尚有两个空位,也许还会有两人参加,他们也是一车两人,两个空位。 大家一起去吧!作者: Beverley 时间: 2003-5-9 12:13
希望参加,请和我联系。可以租车和开车。作者: azalea 时间: 2003-5-11 19:24
when you guys want to go, if you plan go there around July, I want join group, by the way I can drive作者: strangers 时间: 2003-5-11 19:44
hi, i plan to travel to east canada on the beginning of July, count me.作者: strangers 时间: 2003-5-11 19:45
hi, i plan to travel to east canada on the beginning of July, count me.作者: xulichen 时间: 2003-5-11 19:46
是不是可以留个电话以便联系,我的电话是4869979,许笠晨。作者: azalea 时间: 2003-5-12 20:13
if you decide date, can you send e-mail to me, I am looking forward...作者: windtower 时间: 2003-5-12 21:11
另外,一辆VAN上起码要3个司机轮开。这个行程来回有2500KM,我计划7月底8月初去,有什么消息大家可以交流一下。作者: shman 时间: 2003-5-12 21:19
我也有此意,且我有驾照并有开长途之经验,不知现在的计划进行的如何,可否来个mail 交流一下。 作者: 哈尔滨人 时间: 2003-5-22 23:29
如果不是想当天到的话,没必要3个司机,反正有巡航定速不会很累的。作者: corland 时间: 2003-5-25 16:10
Hi every one!
I will drive to 加东 at the middle to end of June. I will go with my wife and am looking for 2 more ppl to fill the car and share the gas. We are nice and easy-going person and we expect same type of firends, so that we could have a really enjoyable trip. Anyone interesting please email to me at corlandho@yahoo.com.
如果你的行程安排能在6月30日前赶回(因我要搬家), 请速联系我 (theoldandcold@hotmail.com), 我给你去电话.
(一大一小2人, 我不在蒙城, 但我住的城市是你必经之地).作者: 发现号 时间: 2003-5-26 17:43
i like the topic, if someone wants to travel to those areas in July, please call me. i don't have car right now, but we could rent car from rental company, the cost would be $400 + gasline per week.作者: corland 时间: 2003-5-26 18:17
Hi 老人与寒 ,
Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, We are not sure if we can come back before June 30 because I have to request day off from my company. Moreover, our preference is two girls or a young couple. Interested party please email to me at corlandho@yahoo.com.作者: venson.exe 时间: 2003-5-27 16:11
corland:When will you go? How many days does the trip need? If we have time, we will go. Please contact with us, happyface006@hotmail.com作者: honesty328 时间: 2003-5-29 10:47
好主意,能不能算我一个,最好在7月中旬。我没有车,一家三口。那时,我们是否可以考虑露营。请联系我caiyv-163@163.com作者: cliff.zhang 时间: 2003-5-29 21:35
I am also planning a trip to Nova scotia and new brunswick early july, 2 adults one car. anybody interested are encouraged to join and let us work out an itinerary and share the happiness together.
my email
cliff_fanzhang@hotmail.com作者: liquid 时间: 2003-5-29 22:05
7或8月去我们也报名,一家人,自备车。听说露营可省许多$。jianyunwang@hotmail.com作者: liquid 时间: 2003-5-29 22:07
7或8月去我们也报名,一家人,自备车。听说露营可省许多$。jianyunwang@hotmail.com作者: shaniatwain2002 时间: 2003-5-30 16:25
我也有兴趣参一份.对了,我有个不到一岁的孩子.不要认为我是来凑热闹的.我是100%认真的.原打算明年春节回国,现在是给孩子做热身运动.我和LG都是好旅游之人,没有生孩子前,一有空都跑出去.我们可是闷了一年多了,所以这个夏天不准备浪费.请不要"歧视"我们有个小一点的孩子.我们有车,除了CAR SEAT,还可以容个人.不管那个时间,我都参与.出发时请联系我,email:mimary@hotmail.com作者: cliff.zhang 时间: 2003-5-30 18:27
why not call up a tour group consisting of 2 or 3 cars ( or more), i wld like to recruit right here.
my condition:
one cartwo seats available.driving experience more than 100k km.
want to be gaspiere/edward prince island/novascotia/new brunswick.(first time).
being in itinerary design now.
welcome anybody interested.作者: Xino 时间: 2003-5-31 16:50
97年夏刚通桥时王子岛的过桥费为小车$40,只返程(离开)岛时收.你说的200应为大巴士的桥费.去年我又去那里,记得没变.作者: tongtong 时间: 2003-5-31 22:15
can you share your experience with us. I am interested in going Eastern Canada in Later June.作者: 明媚阳光 时间: 2003-6-2 12:39
我一个人,我想去,提前半个月定下来就可以。作者: HeavyRain 时间: 2003-6-2 14:17
我去年走的同樣路線。有什麼可以幫忙的﹖我的經驗﹐車不可能坐滿﹐因為你要帶大量的東西。所以不要打算什麼SHARE了﹐天天露營也是不可能的﹐超過兩天你全家就像難民了。你也不可能去玩的時候吃得太寒酸﹐所以每人每天一百塊是起碼預算。作者: Lu10962 时间: 2003-6-2 15:01
Hi,HeavyRain, You look like to have good experience for %% island. Would you show us how many days are best for this travel, and how much money is the best for this travel? Thank you very much. And wish you this summer to experience much better exciting travel.作者: govancouver 时间: 2003-6-3 19:01
737 3036作者: tongtong 时间: 2003-6-3 21:37
Hi HeavyRain,
Can you share experience with us. What's your routing.
We are planning to departure on June 28 and spend 8 days in this trip.Any suggestions?作者: huabu 时间: 2003-6-3 21:44
Hi: MTL2000, would you like to tell us your plan? I want to start my trip from July, 1st, and come back at July, 7th. But I did not set up my plan, do you have any suggestion? Thank you! 作者: tongtong 时间: 2003-6-4 15:19
My plan is listed below, any suggestion?
Should we reserve the motel in advance? I don't know it is possible I can follow my schedule. :confused:
Day 1, Montreal – Shippagan (926km)
MTL 20 132 Campbellton (NB, 732km) 11 Bathurst 11 & 113 Shippagan
Campbellton: Restigouche Sam, The Salmon Festival (June 28-July 7)
Shippagan: the Aquarium and Marine Centre
Day 6, Halifax – Saint John (307km)
Halifax 101 Kentville 101 Digby Ferry Saint John
Digby: Balancing Basalt (long island)
Saint John: Reversing Falls
Day 7, Saint John – Ferdericton (105km)
Saint John 7 Ferdericton
Day 8, Ferdericton – Montreal (823km)
Ferdericton 2 Hartland 2 Grand Falls 2 & 185 Montreal
Grand Falls, Hartland Covered Bridge作者: yokiko00 时间: 2003-6-4 15:27
6月中去是可以看到鲸鱼的,我在halifax的朋友说的作者: tormon 时间: 2003-6-4 16:59
Count me in.
Anyway, I could not drive.
When you go?作者: huabu 时间: 2003-6-4 20:01
Thank you MTL2000. You are very nice. Unfortunately, I can not go with you, I will finish my exam at 30th, June. Thank you for your information again, and enjoy, have fun. Take care. 作者: tongtong 时间: 2003-6-4 20:06
See you in PEI作者: colorevil 时间: 2003-6-4 23:57
Last year (7.4-7.19) my family (with one five-year old child) travelled to east Canada (The Gaspe,New Brunswich, Nova Scotia,PEI) for half month (Altogether more than 6000 Kms). I am the only driver. The last day I drove for 1000 KMs, Since I have never drived that long way before, I really felt I was a hero at that time .
Some of my experience may be useful to you guys:
1.Get as many maps as you can from CAA.
2.If it is possible, don't travel too many places, like us . Otherwise you will be very tired and find that you spend a lot of time on the road.
3.Since we have only two day to decide and prepare the trip, we have not reserved any mortel or camping site, it's not hard to find at that time last year.
4.The Cape Bredon High Land National Park in Nova Scotia is definitely one of the best place to go.
Have a good trip.作者: huabu 时间: 2003-6-5 18:16
Thank you colorevil for your experience and suggestion. 作者: 衫菜 时间: 2003-6-6 15:20
我是女性,来这不足一个月,想去玩但不清楚去哪。我也没有车,但是时间要在6月底前回来,因为要搬家。如果你们哪个GROUP 还没有满员的话,能不能算我一个。echocxd73@hotmail.com作者: maples 时间: 2003-6-6 15:38
My husband and I plan to go in the 2nd week of July. The trip will be about 1 week. We'll have two more seats on our car. Anybody wants to join us? Please e-mail monappart2002@yahoo.com Thanks作者: honesty328 时间: 2003-6-7 01:09
hello, maples
perhaps your email is not right. I cannot email to you.could you phone me? I want to share car with you. My phone number is 7399728.Mr.wang
thank you作者: cliff.zhang 时间: 2003-6-7 21:53
we have exactly the same period for traveling(june 28-july 7). could we go together? we drive our own car. Think we can share some experiences together.
if you are interested, pls email lily.hu@videotron.ca作者: uu 时间: 2003-6-9 08:47
we (me and 12 years old boy)are very interested in the trip of starting the end of june or begining of july.if you have the same schedule,please emil to leeann822@hotmail.com.thank you.作者: bjszmtl 时间: 2003-6-9 11:01
请教: Camping 中洗澡洗衣怎么解决? 谢谢!作者: maylaney 时间: 2003-6-9 12:25
hi, we want to go to eastern canada at the beginning or middle of july. we are two girls and a boy. we dont have a car. can we join you guys' trip? we can share the gas and pleasure. anybody have interest, please send a mail to me.作者: gene 时间: 2003-6-16 09:59
请教: Camping 中洗澡洗衣怎么解决? 谢谢!
First, Camping site has shower room but this camp need pay about $20. Or you can wash by yourself but you need take some stuffs.
Second, Cloth can be washed in any town launary room, you srend $2-3 to deal with them. Maybe there will spend your time.作者: xiangshan 时间: 2003-6-18 11:26
To: maples, Could you send e-mail to me? Thanks!作者: 哈尔滨人 时间: 2003-6-22 17:30
又回来的没有?发发感冒,我7月6日去“三个金币”之后在8月8继续东行去加斯贝。作者: mei28 时间: 2003-6-22 22:16