你是我的什么呢?一夜的情人吧!作者: whoknowsxyz 时间: 2003-3-18 20:20
Let me have a crack at this. You seem to have met with someone with whom you had falled in love at first sight. Unfortunately, things may not be turned out exactly the same as you had expected. Making love is perhaps just for fun for some, while others may truly consider such a sexual performance as an expression of love. Sadly, quite often sex may not necessarily mean love, to say nothing of one night stand. That being said, have you in fact told that special someone, in clear words, that you're in love with him or her? You cannot blame others if you're too reticent. On the other hand, hey, that person may not deserve your love and you would have had cold feet sooner or later...作者: comodidad 时间: 2003-3-18 20:34
whoknowsxyz:based on what you are saying, if one expresses his/her feeling clearly and the other party also gets the info but still got scared to get involved, how to do next?
In some case, silence is better to keep the dignity.作者: whoknowsxyz 时间: 2003-3-18 21:08
Dear Comodidad, I don't think this is a matter of "dignity" as you said. However, I do agree that one should not press or push the other side for a clear commitment. Give him or her some free time and fresh air to breathe, and don't give him or her a false impression that you're pestering him or her. Who knows one day you may meet and fall in love with someone else and simply have to laugh at yourself of today!作者: 春光乍泄 时间: 2003-3-18 21:41
这个世界上的骗子那么多,从他们的角度来说,他们并没有做错什么,而错的人是被骗上当的傻瓜。如果没有人受骗上当,也就不会有骗子吧!作者: timothy 时间: 2003-3-19 11:20
不要伤心。理想与现实之间总会有差距。就想买东西,总想希望买得合意,实际总有些缺憾,也许缺憾在某种程度上是生活的一种方式吧。希望你能开心起来。作者: heartbreaker 时间: 2003-3-19 12:30
谢谢大家关心。我会开心起来的,只不过需要时间罢了。作者: heysexylady 时间: 2003-3-19 17:58
热诚地去爱也许会很受伤,但这是让人生完整的唯一方法。作者: whoknowsxyz 时间: 2003-3-19 18:39
We seem increasingly trapped in a morass of life between sexual attraction and life-time commitment which, in a perfect world, ought to form an integral part of love within the true, complete meaning of the word. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world, for there's none, and we must learn how to identify and deal with these things properly and try to live a happy life. I hope we don't have to learn it the hard way!作者: helenee 时间: 2003-3-19 21:09
还有大海为你唱首歌。作者: heartbreaker 时间: 2003-3-20 10:19
i want a perfect ending of this story.it's not finish yet.i'll try. Trying to trust him, trying to be brave, trying to be happy everyday. Right?!
i'll keep in touch with this topic. Share my story with ur guys.作者: 小魔女 时间: 2003-3-20 15:02
有时候勇敢也很难,即使你一向勇敢,也可能会裹足不前,因为害怕答案不是自己想要的,宁愿在沉默中慢慢煎熬自己的心。其实这样会伤得更深。如果能够确定那是爱,就大声说出来吧。同意whoknowsxyz的意见,这里不存在尊严的问题,相反,无论对方是否能回应你的爱,他都应该尊敬你,尊敬你的勇气和热诚。如果他不这样做,只能说明那不是值得你爱的灵魂。爱是堂堂正正的事情,如果可能,我愿意对全世界宣布,那个人是我所爱。这并不卑下,特别是在你们两个人之间。不管他接受与否,你都做了你所能做的,没有遗憾了。过把瘾就死,其实他不接受又怎样?不必追究原因,因为你永远不会知道真实答案。你还可以再恋爱,总有一天你会遇到Mr. Right。这个城市里,很多人都因为孤独而影响了判断力,一些温情感觉象爱情那样甜美。好好想清楚什么是自己想要的,确定了就大胆行动吧。幸福也许象天上掉馅饼,可不会掉在懦弱的人头上。 wink作者: discovery 时间: 2003-3-20 15:29
快看! 馅饼!幸福来了!.......作者: heartbreaker 时间: 2003-3-21 13:13
小魔女说的很对,我们可能都是在安慰鼓励别人的时候会分析的头头是道,但是真正当自己遇到了那样的情况,往往不知道该何去何从了。爱也好不爱也好,只希望他能开心,如果跟别人在一起比跟我在一起要开心,那我会祝福他的。 就算自己没有得到预期中那样美好的幸福快乐,时间也是最好的良药。也许若干年之后,会因为我这次的放弃,而迎来一个更适合我的人。
可遇不可求,我想应该是这样的! 作者: Phoenix FE 时间: 2003-3-21 18:49
Heart breaker, I suggest, before deciding "give up" or not, ask yourself a question: "Is this what I really wanted?". A mature person should know what she (he) wants, and not be confused by whether it is reachable or not.
In my opinion, "love" is such a luxury good that it only exists in one's dream.
It seems to me that you are still not find your "Mr. right" yet. Since life is so short, why don't you say bye to the past, and move your life on?作者: timothy_zhao 时间: 2003-3-21 19:10
也许为了顾及家人的意见 ,你们没有在一起。
你宁愿这样关心他, 总好过你们在一起而有天会分手。
特别是这样,你还是知道,他永远会关心你的。做不成男女朋友,当他那个特别的朋友,有什么不好呢?你心中的这个特别的朋友...? 是谁呢?
祝自己开心!也祝你开心!!!作者: whoknowsxyz 时间: 2003-4-2 17:20
However heartbreaking maybe, just don't follow the step of Leslie Cheung, albeit he might have taught us, directly or indirectly, the true meaning of the words "life" and/or "love"...作者: 小魔女 时间: 2003-4-2 19:31
真高兴看到世界上又多了一个快乐勇敢的女孩子。 wink 作者: discovery 时间: 2003-4-2 20:09 作者: heartbreaker 时间: 2003-4-3 09:52
天上为什么老是掉馅饼呢?? eek! eek!作者: pig_yassine 时间: 2003-4-3 14:58
你都说他是骗子了 干嘛还为他伤心 为骗子伤心 那你是什么作者: Phoenix FE 时间: 2003-4-3 17:44
What else you expected for free? Pear rain? then there is going to be a third world war!作者: 小魔女 时间: 2003-4-3 22:47
D老能看见天上掉馅饼,幸福得都淤了吧? 作者: heartbreaker 时间: 2003-4-3 23:00
大概是吧?!幸福的晕掉了 作者: Brenda 时间: 2003-4-7 02:42
有些失去是注定的,有些缘份是永远不会有结果的,爱一个人不一定要拥有,但拥有一个人就一定要去好好的爱她。作者: windbell 时间: 2003-4-7 03:32