
标题: 壁球高手请进 [打印本页]

作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-9-30 20:21
标题: 壁球高手请进
我现居住地downtown apartment有一免费壁球场,希望高手不吝赐教。当然了请先给我讲讲壁球规则,壁球拍的鉴别及出售地。不用急,陪练两天,您就有了一位同行高手可以切磋啦!  :cool:
作者: siena    时间: 2003-9-30 22:30
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-1 09:15
知道规则这就讲讲,打得不好没关系,重要的是我们一直在进步。downtown near subway atwater,pa store.告诉我那里可以买到壁球拍?谢了。
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-1 11:59
Is it the building on Fort, below St. Catherine ?
I played there once years ago.
It is an American size court.

I can show you how to play
if you have all the equipment.
You can buy the equipment package,
which includes racquet, ball, eye protector, bag, from the YMCA on Stanley.
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-1 18:37
yes,helloman,you are right.the building is located at the south of st.catherine.keeping the court for me until today,so i should play it well as soon as possible.thanks for your information.i will take the combo equipment this week.would you like to be my teacher for a week?  wink  you mean you play it more than one year?  :confused:   
作者: JOEYAU    时间: 2003-10-1 19:11
自从我喜欢上打壁球后,我就放弃了打网球,因为这是两种不同的挥拍姿势,我有一副全新的球排,和新球,到这以后,都没开过封,正苦等着球友,规则我知得不多,有兴趣可联系一下,NICE TO MEET YOU. mailto:JOEYAU88@HOTMAIL.COMJOEYAU88@HOTMAIL.COM</a>
作者: alex xu    时间: 2003-10-1 21:18
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-1 22:43
Sure, I can show you and anyone else
how to play.
I think that a better arrangement would be that
You schedule a game or a practice session
with other players on this board.
On that day,
I will show up earlier to explain the game.
While you people play,
I'll stay on the sideline
to observe and suggest corrections.
Both of you would improve together.

you mean you play it more than one year
I meant I played on that court one time
many years ago.
I used to play a lot but hardly any in recent years.
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-2 13:44
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-2 13:49
  早期的壁球场地受地域限制,规格无法统一,出现了好几个不同版本,其中尤以北美地区派生的场地差别最大。经历了12年的讨论(1911—1923年),一块于20世纪初建的,位于伦敦巴斯俱乐部内的场地被选作标准场地。它的概念是一个封闭的室内长方型空间,长 9750毫米,宽6400毫米,前墙高4570毫米,后墙高2130毫米,净空高度应不低于5600毫米;分前后场,后场又分成左右两个半场。场地系统包括:前墙,两面侧墙,玻璃后墙,木质地板,照明系统、空调及通风系统,空调系统的送风口应位于靠近前墙的房顶内。
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-2 13:50


作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-2 13:52



  玩壁球堪称一项高效率的健身休闲运动。据国外运动医学专家多年研究证明,相同时间内,同等水平选手之间的壁球比赛,其运动量和锻炼效果,是相同条件下网球比赛的3—4 倍!高节奏的脚步移动、击打频率和变幻莫测的球路,与灵活的技战术结合在一起,使参与者在相对短的时间里不仅得到心肺功能及肌肉、关节和韧带的锻炼,而且使其灵活性、协调性和柔韧性得到很好的改善;判断力、应变能力和果敢性也同时得到相应提高。

作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-2 13:59












作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-2 14:07


1. 发球一方可以选择在右后场或左后场地发球

2. 发球一方在发球的一刻,必须以一只脚踏在发球区内(不能踏线)

3. 发球离开球拍后必须直接接触前墙,在前发球线以上及边界线以下,当壁球弹离前墙后,必须落在另一方之后场内

4. 壁球在发球时击中发球线,边界线,地发球线,半场线等均被判出界或发球犯规


1. 每一个有效的击球必须接触前墙一次,壁球在底界线之上以及边界线之下

2. 每一个击球必须在球弹离前墙后,在未触地板或只能一次弹离地板后击出

3. 在比赛过程中壁球击中边界线,底界线等均被判为出界

4. 若发球一方击球失误或未能回接对手所打出的好球,发球权则转给对手,同样若接发球球员击球失误或未能回接发球一方所打出的好球,则发球一方将获得1分


作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-2 21:30
thanks helloman's information,this afternoon i got the squash package from ymca at the price of $80,and from the sprts expert store,i also find the professional shoes for squash from $39.99-149.99.and according to regulation of my building,everyday we can play one hour under the pre-arrangement.okla,i am ready,how about you?
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-2 22:45
I'll be free for an hour between 4pm and 6pm this Saturday, between 1pm and 3pm this Sunday.
After you book a court, you can announce it here
so that if Alex Xu, JOEYAU and Siena are free,
they can go too.
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-3 01:30
10月2日18:30-19;30我适应了一下场地。9月底刚刚修整好地板。一开始感觉壁球的弹性太差,用的是蓝点球。壁球在sports expert store售价3。99/个。用力打才可打到后场。运动量还真有点大,有点地像我上青藏高原的缺氧。网球的击球姿势加上羽毛球的步伐,专用壁球鞋很有必要;多用滑步来救球。但有助于练好网球的反手击球。对侧击球理解不够。正面墙的击球回合可达几十次。此楼还有免费游泳池,卫生间内有淋浴和桑拿,楼顶有花园观景台。两个管理员15:30交班,处理好有两次打球机会,我会慢慢做通他们的思想工作。周六的时间可能性比较大。周日15:00-17:00我有事。欢迎指导,谢了!
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-3 11:57
Yellow dot ball is the regulation ball,
that is used in regular games and competitions.
Blue dot is the bouncier version.
It is easier to hit the blue dot to length.
Though less challenging than yellow dot,
it serves as a good starting ball to learn the game.
You should get a yellow dot ball too
as you will need to switch to it eventually.
Hitting a hard and fast shot is only part of the game.
Hitting a good lenght shot(meaning to the back)
is even more important.
If you want to save energy and hit it to the back of the court,
you can hit it high up on the front wall,
then the ball will go farther to the back.
Yes, it is true.
The backhand in squash is very different
from the backhand in tennis.

After you decide the exact time and book a court,
you can post the details here.
作者: JOEYAU    时间: 2003-10-3 17:54
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-3 21:37
location:rue du fort+st.catherine southeast corner,behind the postoffice.northeast corner is the store named provigo.no.1411 building with 27 floors.take subway to green station atwater,go east 600 meters along st.catherine.highway720 exit at atwater go north,turn right when get st.catherine.
i should go to store provigo at 16:00 on saturday afternoon in red jacket.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-3 22:38
OK, I'll meet you people at the front door of Provigo at 4pm tomorrow afternoon, Saturday.
I'll wear a dark red jacket and carry a squash racquet.
You'll bring the ball, blue dot or yellow dot.
If by any chance you have any change of plan,
please post the infomation on this board early
because I am not sure I would have a chance to access
the internet after 9:30am tomorrow morning.

See you guys later.
作者: JOEYAU    时间: 2003-10-3 23:52
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-4 23:46
周六下午16:20pm,在helloman的热心扶植下,我的第一堂训练课正式开始了。helloman,a so nice professional teacher,teach me step by step.热身准备活动;正反手的挥拍要领;寻找球感的方法;发球的注意事项;比赛规则等等。受益匪浅。其间还和autumn进行了9分制的训练比赛。在此再次感谢hellomand的教导和autumn的合练。需要几天的消化理解。重要的是要不断的进步。同时希望蒙城的壁球爱好者不吝赐教,给我一个交流提高的机会。
这里的免费场地每天向您开放,如果您早来,目前还是有机会赢我的!  wink
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-5 17:49
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-5 17:52

作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-5 18:02
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-6 11:47
It is truely an exciting game.
the unique feature of this game is the angle shot.
I've seen some amazing angle shots in tournaments, that take your breath away.
For example, from the front court,
hit the ball high on the front wall,
the ball then bounces off high on the left side wall,
travelling high in the air to the back of the court,
landing almost vertically to the back corner of the right side.

Another point I want to add is that
since both players play alongside in the same room,
footwork is important not only to get to the ball,
but also to back away from it after hitting the ball,
so that your movement would not hinder your opponent's run to retrieve the ball.

When I used to play a lot years ago,
there were times that I had such an exhausting game
that I was totally drained
and almost had to crawl out of the court
after the game.
The feeling was one of happy exhaustion.

Since there is now a chance to play the game
without court cost,
it is a wonderful opportunity to pick up the sports.
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-6 23:58
today i try more than 20times about your amazing angle shot as  amazing angle shots in tournaments, that take your breath away.from the front court,
hit the ball high on the front wall,
the ball then bounces off high on the left side wall,travelling high in the air to the back of the court,landing almost vertically to the back corner of the right side.

only once can reach your point almost in the opposite direction for the reason that i am the left-hand player.tomorrow i go to mcgill gym to be used to the international court.hope to get good results.thanks for your encourage.i keep going to make possible progress.anytime welcome to be here or there to teach many more skills of squash.thanks anyway.
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-7 00:10



作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-7 11:50
For a beginner, after learning the basic techniques,
doing drills alone is as important as playing games with other players.
"Drill" means that
you do the same shot(or shots) repeatedly,
for example 20 to 30 times in a row.
The patterns can vary from a single shot
to multiple-shot combinations.
The purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of the movements,
then reinforce the movemnts into muscle memory,
so that when you are in a game,
the movements come as instinct, second nature.

I'll have some free time this coming weekend
to show you some more.
As usual, anyone else interested to learn or play
is very welcome to join.
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-8 10:52
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-8 11:54
I will probably be free at around 4pm this Saturady.
I'll post again to confirm by Thursday evening.

Yes, international court is more challenging and exciting for playing games.
American court can serve as a drill court.
Originally Amercan court is designed for a different, faster ball.
The ball is called "70+" ball.
I think, though not sure,
the name "70+" refers to the temperature in Farenheit.
Anyway 70+ ball is very bouncy,as much as a pingpong ball.
You can just imagine how the game looks like.
With the ball flying by left and right all over the place, it can get chaotic quickly.
The techniques and strategy for 70+ ball in American court
is very different from those for yellow dot ball on international court.
The paradox is that after getting used to the speed of 70+ ball,
a player doesn't need to move as much
because the ball will come to you most of time.
In yellow dot squash game, a player has to get to the ball,
so need to spend more energy.
The popularity of traditional 70+ game
has been shrinking for years.
I think very few people play it these days.
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-9 19:13
今天在sports expert买了比赛用的黄点球。练习了一会,的确弹力差了许多。好在最近开始恢复羽毛球锻炼,脚下步伐跟得上。需要增强反映和判断力。再练。
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-9 19:18
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-9 19:20

(1) 發高吊球:握緊球拍,將球從另一手中拋高使之下落到約腰部高度時,球拍自後方沿身體向斜前上方揮動,然後順勢向斜上方緩沖。將球擊向接近界外線高度,並以拋物線先撞側牆而落到後場。關鍵是擊球之高度、力度及角度,使對方難以回球。
(2) 發平快球:將球拋高至發球線高度以上,握緊球拍,並充份利用轉身及前臂帶動的爆發力向前方用力擊球。使球撞牆後直接落到對方身上或側牆及後牆的死位。關鍵是發球的力度及對方的位置。
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-9 19:22


作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-10 11:45
I'll be free after 3:30pm tomorrow afternoon.
Please confirm the time that you want to practice
and where to meet.
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-10 15:09
same place in provigo store at 16:00pm tomorrow afternoon-saturday.thanks.
作者: freedom    时间: 2003-10-10 17:32
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-12 13:57

作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-12 16:56
helloman,i send you the court information through the email,hope to see you again soon.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-14 11:48
Wei, I got the mail. Thanks.

It is important to wear protective goggle.
Start by wearing it in practice
to get used to the feel and develope a habit.

In a squash game, one is supposed to follow
the movement of the squash ball at all times
in order to be able to react quickly.
As long as protective goggle is worn,
it should not be a problem to look back
even in front court.
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-17 20:37
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-20 21:56
According to the string repairman,
the cost of restringing my old racquet
is not worth the effort.
I will need to use a different racquet.

   I would like to familiarize myself with another racquet.
Are you game for a practice session at about 6pm tomorrow(Tuesday) evening ?
Please confirm.

A suggestion:
you can link up with other squash players in your building
by posting a note somewhere in your building,
for example, the bulletin board in the laundry room.
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-21 11:07
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-22 22:45
I knew beforehand
that my body would ache after a match.
I still couldn't resist to run hard during a game.
Well, the running wasn't really all that hard
by my old standards
but my long-underused muscles were not quite ready yet
for the stretching, lunging, sudden change of
direction, bending and the various demands of a squash game.
Now I am sore everywhere,
especially in my right hamstring.
I think I might even have strained a muscle in there somewhere.
For the next few days, I will be moving in sloooow
motion until my body recovers.
Overall, I am mildly satisfied by my performance
in the match this evening.
The fact that I could hit length shots
and stayed in the game was a step in the right direction.

   Thank you for your hospitallity.
Sorry for not dropping by to return the ball
but the library was going to close soon,
so I had to run, well more like limp, rightaway.
If I recover in time,
we can probably have a practice session this Sunday.
We'll see in the next few days.
作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-23 18:26
helloman,hope your recovery comes soon,have a good time to play squash with you.
Toronto, October 14, 2003 – The world’s top squash players will be back in Toronto to fight for the US$40,000 purse in the 2003 Pace Credit Union Canadian Classic from November 17 to 20 in the Allen Lambert Galleria of downtown Toronto’s BCE Place. The main draw event with 16 players commences at 6 p.m., Monday, November 17 and will be played in a glass squash court with seating for 550 ticketed spectators.

i should be there at that time.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-24 11:53
My recovery is slow so far.
Weekend dancing is now a doubt.
I hope that sauna and soaking in hot water
will speed up the recovery.

It is good that you will have a chance
to watch the top players compete.
Everytime you watch a good match,
your horizon of the game will expand.
You will see how the good players execute their shots
in smooth and efficient manner:
how they move around the courts effortlessly like cat;how they apply different strategies to gain edges.

When I was active in this game long time ago,
I find that my game improved the most
after watching top players play,
then got back to practice with renewed enthusiam and vision.
After you have solid basic techniques,
you need to play a wide variety of players
to deal with different styles and gain match-play experience.

In Montreal, some clubs organize open tournaments
once or twice a year,
for example, Montreal Amateur Club on Peel street
just north of Maisonneuve;
Atwater Club on Atwater street just north of Sherbrooke.

The following sites might be of interest to you:



作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-24 23:29
weekend dancing is now doubt,how about disco at jet club?hope you have a good rest this weekend.donot worry about my practice of squash.i keep it going well.see you next chance.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-28 18:07
How was your Jet club outing ?

I think I recover enough to hit a few balls this Thursday.

Let me know if you can practice.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-28 22:12
It is not that rare for one side to get no point in a squash game. I've seen similar cases in tournaments.
I've also seen players coming back from 0-8
to win a game at 10-8.
Even in high level matches, it is still very possible.
In the final of 2003 World Junior Women's Championship,
Australia's number one player, Brown,
lost 3 straight games, getting not a SINGLE point in all 3 games, to Egyptian's number one player,
who happens to be world junior champion.
See part of the report below:
Egypt declared themselves world champions today in historic fashion when they beat the Aussies in style to claim the title. Playing on their home court, and in front of their home crowd, the Egyptian team proved to the world their unchallenged strength in the finals against Australia.

The opening game between Badr and Australia's Urquhart was the closest of the match. Urquhart was put on great pressure by the Egyptian's attacking, basic game. Badr made very few errors and constantly moved Urquhart to control the " T " and match, and won in three. The Australian had put on a huge fight but Badr was just the better player today.

Next came world junior champion, Abdel Kawy, against Australia's number one Brown. Brown had played a five game thriller the previous day with England's Pierrepont and some may have thought that the Aussie could offer the world champion some challenge.

Those who thought so were very wrong.

Playing dazzling squash, Abdel Kawy refused to drop one single point in the entire match, illustrating the huge gap between her and the other players in the tournament. Everything the Egyptian did was just perfect. There were no mistakes from the Egyptian's side and Brown found herself helpless to a determined Abdel Kawy. With Abdel Kawy ' s 27-0 win Egypt won the title. "Winning the team title completes my dream. This is just great for Egyptian squash and for Egypt," said the eighteen year old world champ.
In the dead rubber El Waleily only dropped three points. Egypt had won the match and team title in spectacular fashion in front of the cheering crowd.

作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-28 22:44
I just found out that a squash tournament
will take place this coming weekend, Oct 31 to Nov 2.
The club is Mirabel tennis and squash club in Pointe-Claire, near Fairview shopping center.
The first rounds in all categories will start at around 6pm on Friday.
Most good matches are usually found on Saturday, with the semi-finals and finals on Sunday.
From my past experience, it is free for anyone
to go in the club to watch the matches on tournament days.

If you are interested in squash,
you should definitely go to catch a match or 2.

作者: 2002weiwei    时间: 2003-10-28 23:53
glad to see your information of squash.unfortunately,i have to go back to toronto this friday afternoon because of something urgently to deal with,and i am not sure when i can come back to montreal according to the situation.so tomorrow afternoon,i will go to mcgill gym;thursday should be our last squash practice before my leaving.as you are familiar with our building squash court,welcome you to play whether i am in or not.thanks for your teaching and glad to meet you here.see you thursday.
作者: helloman    时间: 2003-10-29 12:44
I'll see you at around 6pm Thursday.

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