名额有限, 请尽快报名 TONY weiliang@cae.ca, 941-9488作者: doraime 时间: 2003-6-26 00:03
我一个人没有同伴行吗? 能穿裙子吗?作者: xgissue 时间: 2003-6-26 07:25
skirt? you will have to put on wet suit and life jacket. and you will surelly fall into the rapid. you may check frank's post to see some picture of his trip.
~ 男生短袖短裤, 女生比基尼..... ok 随便吧, 反正照全身都会浸在水里那样穿, 我们肯定会游泳的! 再带一套暖一点的换洗用.
~ 凉鞋, 球鞋均可.
~ 防晒油
~ 戴眼镜者须带防眼镜飞脱的链子
~ 到时会配备救身衣和头盔, 每条舟上都配有一个专业负责人.
~ Rouge River 方面有很好的安全记录, 但每一个参与者都应该知道水上活动有一定的危险性, 若需要保险, 须单独购买.
For more details, you can refer to the website http://www.propulsion.ca/html/frame2e.html作者: Big_Mont 时间: 2003-6-26 11:05
get drowned, no Luo Sheng Jiao around作者: canaduck 时间: 2003-6-26 12:46
补充一点, Rouge River 是最正宗的漂流, 也是离MONTREAL最近的一个,开车一个多钟头. 每一条舟上有一个专业向导, 事故率是很底的. 我公司的电话: (514)341-6780x2790,作者: canaduck 时间: 2003-6-26 15:25
看来车是够了, 还有空位, 请速报名. 作者: 沐平儿 时间: 2003-6-26 19:52
could anybody tell me the water-temperature lately since that's the only one of my attention.
canaduck:did you know?
Desiring to take a trial once more.作者: thanksgive 时间: 2003-6-26 20:11
ET-X: Don't worry about the temperature...I've been there last Sat. and it was hot enough, wink
szhome: Don't worry. As long as you aren't afraid of water. I dont swim either...but I am less scared than those who can swim. And at last I neither fell out of the boat nor lost my paddle.
But Canaduck's company price is a bit higher than my friend's company though...maybe u should bargin more. :p作者: 沐平儿 时间: 2003-6-26 20:29
Wow! sure? thanksgive
I do know the water warm late than weather. The past Sunday I shaked under tree.Are you strong?
canaduck: how many friends so far?作者: 沐平儿 时间: 2003-6-26 20:37
那边有完善的卫生设施. 那里的设施, 山, 水, 沙滩球场我们都可以进入. 随身携带的东西留存车里. 请不要携带易掉的金银首饰, 不要多代钱. 另外请大家准备两套衣物和鞋:登山用和游泳用, 还有浴巾.
好了大家, 我该睡觉了. 再重复一遍我的联络办法: Tony Chen
Tel work: 341-6780x2790 (day time)
Tel cell: 941-488 (night time)作者: xgissue 时间: 2003-6-27 07:51
well, my friend went there once. he told me that it is possible to take pictures if you have water proof camera. (normally, you can buy it on the site about 20$). your car key/wallet can be kept at cashier. it is important to put on wet suit. and you can put the camera in the wet suit so that you won't lose it.
and, the company will take picture and video usually. the picture i posted here is taken by the company during the trip of my friend.作者: thanksgive 时间: 2003-6-27 10:58
谢谢夸奖,女中豪杰不敢当,去之前心里还直打鼓呢,怕自己心脏承受不了 :p 不过我不怎么怕水倒是真的。
祝大家玩得高兴。这个周末好像要降温,各位早上去的多注意点。作者: 沐平儿 时间: 2003-6-27 13:27
Sounds I become one of the 健壮勇猛的护花使者!? That`s my great pleasure. So I understood why I couldn`t sleep well last night just now . :cool:
Hi guys,don`t hit me pls. I`m really strong.
thanksgive: I`m gona take the second try, thanks for your encourage! since you said warm of the river. wink
canaduck:"ET-X : 多谢你顶兄弟!" How will you do? You didn`t give me any preferential price even facing 3 tickets in my hand! frown作者: canaduck 时间: 2003-6-27 14:57
我们要去的 Rouge River 离 Montreal 有 100 多公里, 开车要一个多钟头. 大致方向是 15号以北, 然后50号以西, 再148号以西. 出发当天我会发放地图给大家. 有的朋友误会Thanksgive 说是要3个半钟头,其实她指的是另外一条Mattawin河. 请大家从最低下的post开始读起.作者: JuanYan 时间: 2003-6-27 20:28
最好到达后付款作者: share 时间: 2003-6-28 06:27
Hi Canaduck, I am interested in this but I can not go on July 1st. Do you have other schedule after that? Thank you.作者: canaduck 时间: 2003-6-28 12:00
JuanYan的疑问是很正确的. 每个人都会问这个问题. 首先需要阐明的是: 大家现在都知道了我公司的电话和email - 我当初就是想大家能查得到我, 我是很热爱我的工作的, 因如此小利而影响我的工作是非常不值得的. 我此次办活动的目的是想带我圈内的朋友玩的同时也带一些新朋友玩, 这样一来中国人圈子里的活动也就多一点. 此次若办成功, 我还有其它的活动要办.
我已经联系好了星期一之前还可以报名参加, 但是我现在正在找六号车的车主, 欢迎有车的人士参加, 要不然我就只好抓我的韩国朋友开车来了(但是他不讲中文). 现在大家看的出来, 今次男生的责任重大, 希望各位大哥在紧急关头一定要勇猛一点确保女生们安全. 若这一次出什么事, 我以后不带你们玩了. wink
> share : please write me an email mailto:wei.l.chen@cae.comwei.l.chen@cae.com</a> so that I can reply you back. Basically after that, 我会组织其他的 activities 诸如: 骑马, 露营.作者: 小米草 时间: 2003-6-28 15:09