
标题: 厕所堵塞,后果谁负? [打印本页]

作者: Angel    时间: 2001-10-2 16:57
标题: 厕所堵塞,后果谁负?
2 E5 V" Q1 C- U1 V8 w小孩把玩具小摩托车扔进厕所冲走了,继而堵塞了厕所.打电话给房东,他说要我们自己负责出资更换,大约200多块.我很是愤愤不平,照此下去不用多长时间他的这栋房子里面的各种用具都让我们房客给他免费更换啦.世界上竟有这等免费的午餐?总是听说有的房东不愿要有小孩的住客,看来这皇历要改写啦,小孩越多越好,整天不是搞坏这个就是搞坏那个的,那他那东西不就全让俺慢慢给他置棋啦?$ B' `: W  u* w, L
请教诸位,魁省有没有这方面的规定该谁负责更换?房东的这个价钱有水分吗?# g" I0 l: B$ x% Z: W) [
饱受折磨的孩子妈盼望各位的答复  :mad:   :mad:   :mad:
作者: Leona    时间: 2001-10-2 18:14
/ u  Y0 z' Q  j2 [! f  D9 iI had once a blocked toilet, and landlord said the same thing. But before I called a plumer or someone like that, my husband did clean the mass, he used a basin and poured water in. It tooks a while untill the pressure from above and gravity help out. So, don't worry.
5 {/ |( h1 I( i9 @Sorry, my chinese keyboard skill is poor. Good luck, and keep us informed.
作者: mtl160    时间: 2001-10-2 21:47
Sorry to hear that.     
7 e& m0 a8 q8 c" x- T2 X0 d$ sAre you sure that toy stuck there is made of plastic? If it is, pour acid in and make the suff melt and rush it away. This may not be the best way, but it is a way to try.' l. n8 k; P% t, S4 q) V% ^
For inqury about landload's charge, call Regie Du Logement at: (514)873-2245.) C9 u9 E) c- K
Please update your news about this matter. it would be great reference to other families.     ;)

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