都明白了吗??作者: hannah 时间: 2001-5-14 14:10
Thank you, ha ha.
but i still have another problem. how to prove the studying status and how prove reporting tax. i reported tax once at this year.
父母探亲子女是天经地义的事情,签证官也是有父母子女的人,知道家庭团聚对人的重要。但是如果文件准备的不好,让签证官认为申请人有移民倾向,就有可能被拒签。作者: hannah 时间: 2001-6-4 09:31
多谢 作者: HaHa 时间: 2001-6-4 09:47
不需要。作者: moderator1 时间: 2001-6-5 00:35
Topic: do I need fill "the details of education and employment" form for my mother's vistor
Junior Member
Member # 1247
posted 06-05-2001 01:25
do I need fill "the details of education and employment" form for my mother's vistor?作者: HaHa 时间: 2001-6-5 21:32
只要在中国申请签证,就需要填。作者: Moderator1 时间: 2001-6-9 08:30
: 我的银行存款多少为佳
Junior Member
Member # 1177
posted 06-09-2001 03:45
我八月上学,现在家.是否开学后办父母来加探亲为好?银行存款额多少为佳?作者: FrBJ 时间: 2001-6-9 09:28
时间非常紧,急急急,先谢过各位了!作者: hannah 时间: 2001-6-25 08:59
谁能提些好的建议?谢谢谢谢!作者: alan 时间: 2001-6-25 09:54
我也一样,我想写个E-MAIL去使馆抗议,说我有移民倾向差不多,老人家六七十了,什么狗屁不通的移民倾向.TMD... :confused: :mad:作者: HaHa 时间: 2001-6-25 12:30
如果单独申请老妈过来最近有不少被拒签,也许他们以为老人家孤身一人,反正在国内也没什么亲戚了,干脆到加拿大来投奔你们,这也许就是所谓的移民倾向。作者: alan 时间: 2001-6-25 18:37
I have my father, my mother has her own laboratory, my father has his own clinic, I think the visa officer is crazy, so I sent a e-mail to them, any way, I want to 出口鸟气. :confused: :confused: :confused:作者: moderator1 时间: 2001-6-25 21:45
Junior Member
Member # 604
posted 06-25-2001 22:42
a) Inviter’s most recent Notice of Assessment issued by Revenue Canada;
b) Inviter’s employment letter showing salary;
谢谢!作者: mtl160 时间: 2001-6-25 21:57
a.如果你们今年已经报过税,你会收到Revenue Canda寄来的一封Assessment信。如果还没收到,可以去要。
b.如果是学生,你们就没有办法出具这个文件。需要出示证明学生身份的文件。作者: hannah 时间: 2001-6-26 11:11
alan告诉我大使馆的email,我也写一封!作者: alan 时间: 2001-6-26 11:28
beijing-immigration@dfait-maeci.gc.ca作者: HaHa 时间: 2001-6-26 12:14
应该说探亲没有什么年龄上的限制,我老妈申请探亲时比hannah 的妈妈还年轻两岁,不过她是在上海申请的,一般来说上海要比北京松一点,比如探亲、商务考察签证方面都要松一点。其实我倒觉得拒签后应该找律师向大使馆上诉,把情况说明一下,有朋友的妈妈就这么申诉成功了,否则难保下次还被拒签。作者: G.Student 时间: 2001-6-28 13:28 标题: 父母探亲要求面试怎麽办 本人公公婆婆今天去北京使馆申请探亲签证, 使馆说要面试. 他们已是第三次申请, 前两次都被拒签. 不知这次的面试是凶是吉.
相信各位网友中有很多有申请父母探亲的经验. 请问哪位了解面试会问什麽样的问题, 成功的可能有多大?
:confused: :confused: :confused:作者: Laurent 时间: 2001-6-28 15:03
Are you still student?作者: Moderator1 时间: 2001-6-28 15:54
Your topic has been moved to http://www.sinoquebec.com/ubb-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=7&t=000281作者: husnow 时间: 2001-6-29 16:56
我们是今年初才来的,自然没有税单,这样的情况怎么办?我们都在读COFI,希望过来人指点。作者: G.Student 时间: 2001-6-29 18:01
1.我们的邀请涵有拿到一个COMMISSIONER OF OATH 那里去宣誓签字. 邀请涵内有保证我们父母不会成为加拿大政府负担的字句.
3.与在国内亲属,朋友的合影, 及与他们的狗的合影.
4.父母拟了一封信给使馆, 说明他们不会英法文, 年岁也大了, 无法适应国外的生活; 在国内有房,有亲友, 有狗, 生活舒适, 绝不会放弃.并保证一定在签证到期前离境.作者: jojo4fun 时间: 2001-7-4 22:11
Can someone tell me what do they check in the medical exam?
After an interview in Beijing, my parents were asked to take medical exam before being issued a visitor's visa (for about one month short visit).
My mother has light diabetes and my father has a little high blood pressure. Will they refuse their application?作者: G.Student 时间: 2001-7-5 20:02
I do not think those illness will matter, as long as they are not severe. But, if they have infective diseases, there will be problem.作者: G.Student 时间: 2001-7-12 22:31
糟糕, 这下要暴露身份了. 我给一家移民公司做事. 我们有个COMMISSIONER OF OATH, 你可以在他面前宣誓, 签字.
另外, COMMISSIONER OF OATH 到处都是,华人服务中心也有, 宣誓费不会超过5块, 因有政府规定.
我的建议是, 你留个EMAIL地址给我, 我发个样本给你, 你照葫芦画瓢写一份, 找地方宣誓,搞定. 你若愿意, 我可以帮你支支招.作者: snowfish 时间: 2001-7-20 16:18
顺便提醒一下:如果确实有想探亲后申请移民的,还是不要宣什么誓了,白纸黑字的,要返悔就难了!作者: willingdon 时间: 2001-7-28 01:04
本人妈妈昨天签证被拒绝。 说是有移民倾向。我真不知道为什么。 我妈妈以经70 多岁,爸爸还不愿意来, 只是我母亲一个签署。各位朋友有什么建议? 有什么办法?作者: sparrow 时间: 2001-8-8 12:35
Now I prepare concerned documents to my parents for applying for Visit Visa, I do not know what kind of 存款证明I need to provide.I phoned the bank, it will cost 15$ to have a kind of custormer letter with account balance specific information. Can I print one from internet account, is it in Valid? or any other certificate? besides I have to provide all statement from Bank for six months( I have lost them).
we have not received the assessment notice of my husband ( he is invitor)from Revenu of Quebec, we just provide notice from Canada revenu, is it OK?
if we provide the employment certificate with fixed salary, is it necessary for my parents to make bank statement in China.
Thank your for your answer :eek:作者: Friend 时间: 2001-8-9 21:04
Hi, Willingdon,
看来父母双亲一人办签证不太好办,不知这能不能算一个理由,哪怕是一个荒谬的理由。因为本人实在想不出哪里有被拒的理由。作者: julia.liu 时间: 2001-8-20 17:20
一般以移民倾向被拒,过多长时间再去签比较好,请问哪位朋友有这方面的经验。多谢。作者: Leona 时间: 2001-8-23 00:18
G Student,你公公婆婆在面试时对于前两次被拒得到什么样的解释呢?很少听说这种事。我父母七月底被拒,移民官定是哪根筋不顺,把当天所有的老夫妇全拒了,夫妻中一个人申请的都批了。我觉得应讨个说法。 :mad:作者: moderator1 时间: 2001-8-27 15:28
本站已经将样本转成PDF格式放在网上,需要的朋友可以到本站“生活指南”栏目里“申请父母探亲”阅读打印或者下载。作者: xtd306 时间: 2001-8-29 18:07 标题: 无交税凭证,可否申请探亲? 我想邀请我母亲来加探亲.我们来加才五个月,没有税收状况证明,我先生有工作,同时想由我们来提供母亲来加的费用.
谢谢.作者: Potter 时间: 2001-8-29 19:18
好象不容易! 不过任何事情都可以试一试.
祝你好运.作者: Moderator1 时间: 2001-8-29 20:47
Any question about "申请父母探亲",Please follow this topic 如何申请父母来探亲? to continue.
To make BBS concise, this topic has been closed. Sorry about that.作者: commando 时间: 2001-9-27 08:26 标题: 关于父母探亲 我于7月26日登陆,投资移民.目前无工作,也不打算找工作,刚刚注册一个公司,父母在家很思念孙子(父母均为私营企业主),想申请探亲.我无法提供移民局要求的加拿大税务部门签发的税收状况证明及说明收入情况的受雇信和过去六个月来的工资单等文件,但我可提供5万加元的存款证明,不知是否可成功申请父母探亲?
谢!作者: Moderator1 时间: 2001-9-27 08:35
Please refer to :<a target="_self" href=http://www.sinoquebec.com/ubb-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=7&t=000281><font color="#0000ff"> 如何申请父母来探亲? </a> 。Any problem concerning this subject, please follow that topic. To make BBS more concise and informative, this newly opened topic has been closed. Sorry about that.作者: moderator1 时间: 2001-9-27 10:08
From commando
Junior Member
Member # 3226
posted 09-27-2001 09:26
From: toronto | Registered: Sep 2001作者: Di Di 时间: 2001-10-14 16:50
:rolleyes:作者: Crystal 时间: 2001-12-11 18:42
是啊,也想知道,是每人5千到8千还是一共5千到8千。作者: HaHa 时间: 2001-12-11 19:01
一共。作者: Crystal 时间: 2001-12-11 20:50
谢谢HAHA ! 作者: pengzhong 时间: 2001-12-27 12:41
急需在12月底寄出宣誓书赶上父母申请探亲签证用。请教网友哪位COMMISSIONER OF OATH 这两天上班。多谢。急!作者: xk 时间: 2002-2-13 23:45 标题: 父母探亲的银行存款多少合适? 有办过父母探亲的朋友知道我要提供的银行存款是多少比较合适吗?作者: Moderator1 时间: 2002-2-14 00:04
Please refer to: 如何申请父母来探亲? and follow your question there.作者: duoxie 时间: 2002-2-14 15:33 标题: 关于父母探亲报税的问题 我刚来半年,还未报过政府的税。想办父母探亲,是否需要提供在国内的税项证明?或提供别的相关文件。
谢谢答疑。作者: HaHa 时间: 2002-3-14 21:06
父母自担保最好是美元作者: windsup 时间: 2002-3-15 12:19
我正在办理父母探亲,已按照本站提供的样本写好了自己的宣誓书(多谢!)。但在与满城华人服务中心的Commissioner for Oaths联系时,被告之不可以用我自己准备的宣誓书,而只能由他们来做,总费用约130加币。这与各位朋友所说相差甚远,我觉得难以接受。所以,请教哪位知情朋友,指点一条正道,通向Commissioner for Oaths。多谢。作者: fanri 时间: 2002-3-15 14:23
他说可以有地方,使用自己准备的誓言,宣誓费只有Can$5,请问是什么地方?作者: icerain 时间: 2002-3-15 22:35
按它所要求的准备文件,至于批不批,看签证官了,我认为宣誓书于是无补。作者: HaHa 时间: 2002-3-15 22:44
我一年前帮父母申请也没有宣誓书什么,只是照章把材料准备好,一交,据父母说,没有什么周折就拿到签证了。唉,不知现在怎么真的这么难。当然,当年我父母是在上海签的,也许北京比较难?作者: free70 时间: 2002-3-16 14:57
父母申请探亲,两次被拒, 因为有移民倾向.不知该不该申请第三次.是不是三次被拒就永远也不能签了?
很苦恼,请各位大虾支招.作者: lisamei 时间: 2002-4-4 20:17 标题: 父母探亲需用完税证明原件吗 1邀请人最近6个月的完税证明是指原件吗?如果用复印件可以吗?
谢谢有经验的朋友的指点! :confused:作者: yangzi 时间: 2002-4-5 13:14
You'd better submit the ORIGINAL "Notice of Assessment"
of your tax return. The Canadian Embassy will give you
back the original documents once it finish evaluating
your parents' visa application.
The imployer letter should include the invitor's
annual(or monthly) salary. You must make the Canadian
Embassy believe that you can afford your parents' live
in Canada if they come here.
Good luck!作者: lisamei 时间: 2002-4-6 12:27
再问,如果申请一方的父母探亲,是否需要我们夫妇俩人的所有资料?作者: yangzi 时间: 2002-4-9 12:07
I think it better for both of you to submit the related documents.
You can get more details by choosing Sheng-huo-Zhi-Nan, you will see "apply for visitor visa for parents" red link.作者: JQI 时间: 2002-4-9 21:31 标题: 正在为父母申请移民的朋友 我母亲现在蒙城,是探亲身份。请教我如何为她申请移民。1,是申请魁省团聚移民还是申请联邦团聚移民?
非常感谢!作者: Amy bibi 时间: 2002-4-19 23:46
我的父亲快70岁,来加探亲,是否要体检?是先体检还是先签证?谢谢作者: boyou 时间: 2002-4-24 22:17
如能赐教,不胜感激.作者: jscjhm 时间: 2002-4-26 06:20
E-mail:chine9876@yahoo.com.cn作者: icerain 时间: 2002-4-26 15:05
my mother got the visit visa on apr.09.2002, and i did not provide any 宣誓书.作者: Tony2002 时间: 2002-4-28 00:43 标题: 紧急求救 各位前辈,
我download了Commissioner for oaths 样本,但是上面
的格式是:1。That since......我是要用这样的格式写
I am landed immigrant and work in Montreal. I want to invite my mother to visit me this summer. Meanwhile, I prefer my brother going with my mother so he could take care of her during the trip. If so, both my mother and my brother need to apply for Canadian visitor's visa.
Do you think it is ok to have my mother and brother to apply for the visa at the same time?
I heard that it might be difficult for brother/sister to get the visitor's visa. So maybe I should first ask my mother to apply, then my brother? I want to firstly secure my mother's visa.
Can some of you share your experience or provide suggestions? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I am landed immigrant and work in Montreal. I want to invite my mother to visit me this summer. Meanwhile, I prefer my brother going with my mother so he could take care of her during the trip. If so, both my mother and my brother need to apply for Canadian visitor's visa.
Do you think it is ok to have my mother and brother to apply for the visa at the same time?
I heard that it might be difficult for brother/sister to get the visitor's visa. So maybe I should first ask my mother to apply, then my brother? I want to firstly secure my mother's visa.
Can some of you share your experience or provide suggestions? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry to have mixed the former post with the message from another friend ..作者: HaHa 时间: 2002-5-5 22:54
VINCENT,我没有办移民纸公证,是去满城华人服务中心花一元钱做了一个TRUE COPY,我当时也写的邀请三个月,后来听说没什么影响,因为一签就是半年。