
标题: 为什么quebec的简写是PQ呢 [打印本页]

作者: KennyFong    时间: 2002-7-26 11:14
标题: 为什么quebec的简写是PQ呢
4 N; i- W& t' v! u+ m
5 r: M% V% F& [7 G3 j. E! zREGION SUD-OUEST DU QUEBEC& l- L" D* u, ]- d& Z  s$ L8 {1 T1 |
6 T7 x- ~; k5 z4 g# e9 |MONTREAL  PQ  H2G 1A7  ?( e: P8 w+ a8 u+ @% r
514 374-36880 F- `" P% h6 U! @  I
12 ETAPE*514 376-9230- C* ~& D" G4 U

* h$ E' E! M4 T又比如在Fedex上写QC是错误的,要写成PQ?9 K! _2 ^6 t' E) K/ B

2 D. t/ ]  J5 w6 O9 t/ W: W. t6 o哪位大虾知道?
作者: MontrealFisher    时间: 2002-7-26 11:24
PQ = Province of Quebec4 p0 o% T+ Y' J8 z2 r) ~
QC = QuebeC
作者: KennyFong    时间: 2002-7-27 15:20
作者: irene    时间: 2002-7-28 21:14
作者: Himetro    时间: 2002-7-29 00:30
作者: Ferdinand    时间: 2002-7-29 00:32
QC在加拿大范围内使用是可以的,但是出了加拿大就不行,为什么 ?
( @" N( ?0 m; w3 c) n- F! ?据俺的推测,是这样的 :因为美国的XX郡(比city大) 都简写作XC, 例如 ORANGE COUNTY 写作OC, 美国那么多County,肯定有缩写作QC的(如queens county).为了不致搞混,就把QC改成了PQ. 为什么只有QUÉBEC ?因为别的PROVINCE 的缩写不是XC.
, p' K$ o* {6 r% s. g' @) |+ v3 M这样解释科学了吧.
作者: irene    时间: 2002-7-29 02:15
作者: Ferdinand    时间: 2002-7-29 10:37
因为所有的County 都是XC, Queens County怎么改?如果把C改掉就不是County了.1 n$ x6 j2 {+ _1 o! L
     只可惜,还有一个BC。  :confused:    :confused:  
( V2 S* t9 n4 X( z2 ^     我收回.
作者: l'hiverdemontr    时间: 2002-7-29 10:44
作者: zelda    时间: 2002-7-29 16:28
PQ = Province of Quebec but who knows QC should be Province of Quebec or Quebec City.
! ~2 N' s* ^# X) y5 U$ ~/ k1 c5 f
That's why it should be PQ for province of Quebec.
作者: Ferdinand    时间: 2002-7-29 19:57
That's it . Why didn't I think of that.  :confused:
作者: Ferdinand    时间: 2002-7-29 20:09
For every problem, there is always a solution, which is so quick, so appealing, and so wrong.              
作者: Watch    时间: 2002-7-29 20:35
haha! don't be foolish.$ i+ O/ |, ?. d: Y: r

2 C1 O# J0 U2 l4 V* D* m: s8 Iboth PQ and QC are correct abbreviations for quebec province. today we use more and more QC than PQ because PQ has become synonymous with Parti Québecois, not the province itself;and   since other provinces do not have a P for province in their two-digit codes, QC was considered a more appropriate designation for Quebec.

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