Post by Verdun QC
我刚到montreal,在安省考过笔试,可以在montreal直接报名路考么?还是需要从新参加笔试? 谢谢各位帮忙.
我从BC过来作者: VW 时间: 2005-1-5 12:08
魁省啊,魁省!作者: byronxing 时间: 2005-1-5 12:50 标题: what VW said is correct I've got G1 in Ontario, people who pass writing test can get G1 in Ontario, and then moved to Quebec. SAAQ told me I have to pass writing test here again because G1 can't be transferred to Quebec.
When I passed writing test in Ontario, the score was 100 ( no mistake ). But when I took writing test here in Quebec, I almost failed it. Compared with writing test in Ontario, the one in Quebec is much more difficult. But keep in mind, you have to pass G2 test and G test within 2 years after G2 test in Ontario, but here in Quebec, you only need to pass writing test and ONE road test, not G2 road test and G highway test.作者: Verdun QC 时间: 2005-1-6 15:46 标题: 多谢,VW和byronxing的指点. 再请问,这里那里有笔试的考题呢?
谢谢!作者: monkeytang 时间: 2005-1-6 16:51 标题: 来魁省多长时间了? 如果在安省刚考完笔试不久, 建议来魁省后从笔试开始.
如果在安省可以路试或快可以路试了, 可以取一点巧.
要点是不能告诉他们你是来这里后回安省考的路试, 否则 ...
多谢各位帮助.作者: Leikunwei 时间: 2005-1-9 16:20 标题: watch your Medicare card! If you hold a valid Quebec Mecical card, you are a Quebec resident. So be careful, after you go back to Ontario to attend a G2, you can not exchange it to Quebec driver's license, except you have proof(medicare card, bill payment etc.) that you have been living in Ontario at least six months before you go to Saaq to exchange the license.
watch your valid medical card, to see the date it is valid.
Otherwise, the result is, you have to do all the written and road test in Q.C. even if you got a G2.