标题: 谁想嫁给一个百万富翁? [打印本页] 作者: only4you 时间: 2005-1-18 15:20 标题: 谁想嫁给一个百万富翁? 三十六岁,未婚,身体健康,有极强的事业心和进取心,在美国硅谷一家世界著名网站公司工作,股票加分红,年收入达二十五万美元,有美国身份,白手起家现拥有百万美元身价,现诚征符合以下条件者为友:
三十岁以下,未婚,漂亮可爱,温柔善良,善解人意,善于理家理财,受过中等以上教育。 A million US dollar is not really much. But it can build a firm ground for a house. However the house will be empty if there is no true love inside. If you are qualified and also interested in a long term relationship, I can be reached by yongqiang_xu@hotmail.com. Serious reply only please.