cote-vertu地铁站这里有家大的西人花店,质量还是很好的。推荐你去看看~作者: 知心星星 时间: 2005-1-27 20:43
Thanks for all response.
you said the price is 1:1 comparing to China. What does it mean? If we buy 100 RMB's bouquet, it is 100 CAD or 100 RMB here? Thanks.作者: 知心星星 时间: 2005-1-27 20:44
I bought my dress in China. Sorry, I have not find the right place for my hair and makeup.作者: jiujiu 时间: 2005-1-28 12:53
本人可做新娘妆及盘头,提供免费试妆,有兴趣请发邮件至iphotoca@yahoo.ca作者: fairyl 时间: 2005-1-28 15:09 标题: flower Hi, the price is not very cheap in that store. But I think it deserves. I bought my wedding bouquet there.100 RMB bouquet in China costs about 100 CAD there. Wish you joy and happy!