
标题: 请教同胞们,在西人工厂受到辱骂时,该怎么办? [打印本页]

作者: 咋办    时间: 2005-1-29 12:20
标题: 请教同胞们,在西人工厂受到辱骂时,该怎么办?
朋友在西人大型工厂一个部门流水线上工作,工资按件计酬的支票工;1月24日那天,活很少,工头不给划打钟,按理此种情况下工头要给部分人打钟的,但此工头很不好,他不给打钟这是他的一贯作风,经常欺压工人,使大家做的活很少,更气愤的是:下午1点20分左右,他故意过来找茬,从他轻蔑的语气,歧视的眼神;就让人很不舒服,起初他提地两个小问题,朋友接受并校正了,当他提出第3个问题时,朋友因不知毛病在哪,遂小声地问他哪儿有毛病,他没回答,轻蔑地看着朋友,接着就大声地骂"fucking",朋友当时也大声说了句“我要投诉你“的气话,此工头不肯善罢甘休,他忿忿离去,下午break time之后,他恶人先告状,把朋友叫到office,想借office把朋友开除掉,朋友陈述事实,officer取证:一西人惧怕工头作伪证说没听见,一同胞坚决举证骂人事实,officer审问时,有工会一成员在旁;第二天问此工会人员,她告知你如去投诉他,肯定会赢,但只能伤他一点毫发,可以后他会报复你;这几天他偶尔来骚扰,但看得出他有点顾忌,有点憋着感觉。
作者: Smokers2005    时间: 2005-1-30 13:31


一同胞坚决举证骂人事实,officer审问时,有工会一成员在旁(equivalent offcial document)

Go to court and take actions against him
作者: bylogic    时间: 2005-1-30 16:29
如果工头是工会一成员, 去Commision des normes du travail 告他。

如果工头不是工会一成员, 去工会告他。

作者: 咋办    时间: 2005-1-30 22:54
thanks smokers2005 and bylogic你们说地很有道理,朋友准备写complaining letter
详细点,thanks a lot.
作者: Smokers2005    时间: 2005-1-31 00:52


1。 Commision des normes du travail
2。 Human Rights



Discrimination and harassment

What is harassment?

Harassment is behaviour characterized in particular by:

Post by bylogic
如果工头是工会一成员, 去告他。

如果工头不是工会一成员, 去工会告他。


作者: Smokers2005    时间: 2005-1-31 16:46

Psychological harassment at work

Since June 1, 2004, every employee has been entitled to a workplace free from psychological harassment.
Psychological harassment means any vexatious behaviour in the form of repeated and hostile or unwanted conduct, verbal comments, actions or gestures. This vexatious behaviour affects an employee’s dignity or psychological or physical integrity. It results in a harmful work environment for the employee. A single serious incidence of such behaviour that has a lasting harmful effect on an employee may also constitute psychological harassment.

Regardless of the employee’s hierarchical level in the undertaking, he can benefit from a recourse in the event of psychological harassment. However, the place designated for exercising his recourse varies according to whether he comes from the public or private sector and according to whether he is a unionized or non-unionized employee.

Non-unionized employee subject to the Act respecting labour standards, including senior managerial personnel

Commission des
normes du travail

Customer services
Montréal area
(514) 873-7061
Elsewhere in Québec, toll-free
1 800 265-1414

Unionized employee

Union to which the employee belongs

Employee of the public service not governed by a collective agreement, including the members and heads of agencies

Commission de la fonction publique
(418) 643-1425
Elsewhere in Québec, toll-free
1 800 432-0432

A non-unionized employee subject to the Act respecting labour standards must file his complaint in the 90 days following the last manifestation of the psychological harassment.

See also the section of the Act on this subject.

When you consult a section of the Act, we suggest that you also refer to its interpretation.
作者: 咋办    时间: 2005-2-2 19:59
作者: 咋办    时间: 2005-2-3 21:05
thanks hao7110 ,thanks everyone.今早officer 和工会负责人来调查

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