:mad:作者: jx1 时间: 2002-8-16 18:48
it is really a shame to chinese. too poor to hold their faces?作者: 花蝴蝶 时间: 2002-8-16 20:41
“先下之忧而忧”的仁人志士们,好自为之吧。作者: Ste-Justine 时间: 2002-8-18 11:20
我就是没注意过,我要是看见了就真抽,你不信?你为什么觉得我是吹牛逼,别以为别人都不那么勇敢作者: hsif 时间: 2002-8-18 15:30
I also bought two boxes of eggs from IGA last week, however, I just check whether there are some broken ones. I am really shocked to see that there are someone of us do such things. I have never thought of this kind of actions. Think that I am from China and don't have such thoughts, how can these westerns know to choose big eggs and replace smaller ones?
I really feel ashamed of them! There are always such kind of Chinese destroy our images by such litle things. Do u really think the difference among the eggs is big? It is just a kind of spirit in their heart and hard to get rid of. I feel lucky that I dont' have such spirit or at least, not obvious.
I think our impression to westerns can't change if some chinese continue to do such kind of things.作者: hsif 时间: 2002-8-18 15:33
However, I remeber one of my friends. The same kind of action happened when she buys other things. I was also shocked.
I also feel so sad about this and feel conflicted, because sometimes I feel proud to be a Chinese, sometimes, I feel so embarassed to be a Chinese.作者: Ste-Justine 时间: 2002-8-18 23:02
你少他妈说风凉话,什么窝里斗,他要不是中国人,我们管的着吗?自然要是老外这样挑鸡蛋,我不管不着。又不丢中国人的脸,但是要是老外惹了我,照抽不无,我谁也不怕作者: redneck 时间: 2002-8-18 23:19
Ste-Justine,兄弟,在这里随便抽人脸是犯法的,弄不好你得坐局子。作者: joymane 时间: 2002-8-19 00:06
DBDN:你是DSB、该抽。作者: fanri 时间: 2002-8-19 08:04
像hsif ,卖东西或鸡蛋什么地时候,我会看一下是否有破的或特别大小不一的,也因为国内的习惯了。不过我是万万不会把大的挑到一起去的。
同志们,请努力。作者: joymane 时间: 2002-8-19 09:09
看看你自己的嘴脸吧,还有人样吗? web page web page作者: tap 时间: 2002-8-19 15:56
From the discussion in this topic, we can easily see why we chinese are not united and why we can't like Korea, even Japan.
Some of us just don't do little CORRECT things by themselves, but quarrel about why and compare with someone does like this.
I hate Japan. At the same time, I also hate China, why doesn't our country be powerful? Why can't our chinese be realize the truth?
Of course, there are many factors. We can't change the situation of politics, but we can do best of ourselves and be strict with our behavior.
All Chinese, pls don't let yourself be ashamed of yourself! Do from your everyday life.作者: punk 时间: 2002-8-21 12:57
丢人呀!!!就这素质还来什么加拿大!!给中国人丢脸,遣送回国得了作者: fxzhr 时间: 2002-8-22 00:48
饿你们三天,你们还TMD去抢鸡蛋去那. :mad:作者: meiqu 时间: 2002-8-23 18:17
谁说白人就是主流社会的,有很多是难民。说了半天有的人就不忘向下比——整个阿Q精神在作怪,如果说遵守社会公德和秩序、不损害他人利益就是讨好白人,那你还是回到中国去做猪流社会吧,心里还平衡些。作者: 蓝色枫叶 时间: 2002-8-23 18:28
所以,请慎用"都"字.作者: 不得不说 时间: 2002-8-23 18:50
白人确实很难分辨是当地的还是外来移民,只能从行为举止和衣着上判断其受教育程度,可是中国人的特征却十分明显,如果说中国人中没有拖欠房租的,说明我们遵纪守法;没有捡垃圾的,说明我们不属于社会最底层,这些都是值得高兴的事,就更没必要为区区小利而志短,花半天时间凑一盒连一个鸡蛋也赚不出来吧?少吃一个又怎么样呢?今后的路还长着呢,如果有人还是觉得不占便宜誓不休,其实还是回国好,至少占些公家便宜没人说你,因为有的是比你更甚的,肯定比挑一盒鸡蛋容易。作者: kw 时间: 2002-8-23 21:25
happycanada为何没脸过去买鸡蛋了?啊!原来想当非Greedy的Greed在作祟吧!作者: 小火龙 时间: 2002-8-23 22:06
这个人实在可恶作者: doggy 时间: 2002-8-23 22:44
KW 这话说的没什么道理。偏了。我还是比较同意FANRI的看法。
大伙勉乎哉!作者: kw 时间: 2002-8-23 23:12
切记,切记!!! 小火龙外面的世界很复杂,可别善恶不辨啊.作者: Ste-Justine 时间: 2002-8-23 23:22
不就是个鸡蛋吗?干脆自己养鸡,作者: hjy1994 时间: 2002-8-24 20:34
when you buy eggs, just check if there is broken or not.ok?!作者: chen3363 时间: 2002-8-25 08:03
骂挑鸡蛋的素质不高,可我们这些高素质的怎么也对骂了来了.看来素质问题只有别人才有,自已吧,...作者: boboda 时间: 2002-8-25 08:33
good topic!
let me start with 4 questions:
--why they need big eggs?
--how much they value their time?
--how much they value of being looked down?
--what kind of person that mother want her daughter to be?
if that eggpicker doesn't value her time or dignity at all, an easier way to make a buck or two is just asking money on the street.
if she doesn't know what selfrespect is, by all means, just do it! i don't care she is chinese or not, i just know she is very cheap...作者: wang8 时间: 2002-8-25 08:50
eggs, all you ask is only eggs, the big ones, for sure. who needs big eggs? real woman need them! so many people don't understand you and even ashamed of you, wang8 will give them a boot, a big boot!
just send a email to me, i supply you all the eggs you can eat for a life long time. big! guaranteed!!!作者: meiqu 时间: 2002-8-25 14:10
Wang8,can you offer eggs? U can only offer wang8 egg. If you can not understand Chinese, keep out please.作者: wang8 时间: 2002-8-25 14:27
my egg is too expensive for you wallet and too spicy for you mouth, and you can not find it at IGA.
chinese? oh, gosh, my chinese is much better than the combination of your grandpa, your father and you.
if you don't understand english or humour, get lost!!!作者: david_li 时间: 2002-8-25 14:58
if no warning sign of not alloed chose eggs,
pls chose eggs at your wish. Canada is a free country. Native even stole sth from IGR作者: Voir 时间: 2002-8-25 14:59
Wang 8 is so eager this time that he'll give his Eggs to that kind of shamed women!
Maybe we should say that without this angry topic and Wang 8 won't come back. So, we should thank those two ladies who chose big eggs and HappyCanada who posted this topic.But wish you be really happy in Canada!
Everything has two sides, right? So many people called Wang8 Back and no response, but this anoyed thing happened and Wang8 couldn't keep silent. This time, you won't leave,right? We need the honest guys like you.
Welcome back again, Wang8.作者: MJ 时间: 2002-8-25 15:39
ha...voir....wang8 came back is beacuse of montrealwinter's love,not because of this BIG EGG. for wang8, woman is always more important than egg! 作者: jk return 时间: 2002-8-25 19:07
starting to work at a very first day when landing in canda is by no meaning of not a shit. A shit can get started at very beginning and pick up eggs as well.作者: jk return 时间: 2002-8-25 19:27
guys. do you understand, wang8 is coming back from a summer holiday? new semaster is starting, if you need to graduate, you have to come back.作者: changchun08 时间: 2002-8-25 20:50
people who are anxious to get wang8 back are so emotionly wrenching and a lot less daunting.
wang8 is always prone to ranting ....
Voir worte perfect chinese-english jobs well done.作者: meiqu 时间: 2002-8-26 10:33
Wang8, calm down. Nobody here except MW is interested in you or your egg. So your egg worth nothing. It's you who don't understand humour. Coarse invectives are not humour.作者: Voir 时间: 2002-8-27 10:40
Wang8 is so powerful and when he appears, he brings Hurricanes to those who stay with any topics he involves in. Look at things this time. Voir just wrote something to welcome Wang8’s coming back, which made Changchun08 so annoyed since nobody pays attention to him. We know for sure this time Changchun08 is so jealous to Wang8 that he even gives himself a name after Wang8. He’s Changchun 淋巴. Come on, if you want everyone to treat you friendly and warmly as we do to Wang8, just be as good as Wang8, OK?
Voir thanks you for pointing at his poor English writing, but he thinks ridiculously that your English is even worse than his as you could write “chinese-english”. He wants to give you an advice: Before you do, just thought it a little. Use your brain, young guy.
Voir doesn’t want to quarrel or argue with anybody. He cries for peaceful and rational articles or comments towards all topics we have in Sinoquebe. He also hope these comments can help us overcome our shortcomings, to improve our overall life quality. Any article like 不得不说’s is really the welcomed one. Don’t you agree?作者: changchun08 时间: 2002-8-28 15:24
rule number1.Learn chinese-english following wang8.
rule number2.don't always barking voir作者: Voir 时间: 2002-8-28 19:34
Oh, my God, who is barking here? Changchun08, a dog?
Anyway, let's save our energy and learn English from anybody who writes and speaks better than we do. Agree?作者: wang8 时间: 2002-8-29 10:31
how dare someone talking about wang8's eggs???? just leave my eggs alone, ok???? my eggs need to serve some good courses, not the dishes you can afford!作者: hsif 时间: 2002-8-31 11:38
:mad: :mad: :mad:
楼下的假hsif, 干嘛盗用我的ID, 要是感兴趣就跟我说一声,送给你就是,别偷着用,那样不好 eek!作者: saya 时间: 2002-8-31 12:37
让谁看见也别让站在你身边的中国人---我看见,我会让你的脑袋成为最大个的鸡蛋 :mad: