但情况又特别简单,请你带上所有证件,去税局好了,(联邦和省局几乎挨着),直接说你04年登陆一天,没任何收入,去了现问现报,填好签名就完事,no fee, all free.(那是officer的义务);) 顺便也把QST,GST 的credit搞定.作者: yourtax 时间: 2005-2-26 12:24
you are a new starter, need to file it out. and it's very easy, just report the income from 12/14--12/31 in 2004. By the way, you don't need to report your Quebec tax because you are not a resident in quebec in 2004.
Your tax return is very simple.
But it's very worth filing the tax report.:p作者: w. island 时间: 2005-2-28 14:31