标题: 关于LASIK激光治疗近视 [打印本页] 作者: lily lily 时间: 2002-1-21 12:53 标题: 关于LASIK激光治疗近视 请问乡亲父老们:8 [6 j" u+ y8 c" x" ?/ u* H
LASIK激光治疗近视安全吗?哪间医院做此手术较好?LASIK MD MONTREAL的口碑如何?( Q L' Q' H7 J: [% p6 p
小女子谢过了 作者: xiao xiao 时间: 2002-1-22 22:43
5年前我在一家私人的医务所做了LASIK 手术, 效果很好, 把我的散光与近视都医好了, 当时是4800 元, 如今是2400元. 我觉得LASER 手术简直是最伟大的发明,想想现在的2.0 的眼睛, 太棒了. . Q5 z# Q/ m P1 k) p3 x3 L9 V ' S9 A/ C* I( f4 w" G: u3 y给我做手术的医生是北美这一领域最好的医生之一, 非常权威, 我也是一些本地朋友介绍的,他们同样很满意.作者: goodstuff 时间: 2002-1-22 23:59
Would you post the address here to benefit all of us? Thanks作者: lily lily 时间: 2002-1-23 08:25
xiao xiao:/ m0 f/ x8 W% i* D3 v
Thank you so much,would u please tell me the name of the doctor and the clinic?作者: xiao xiao 时间: 2002-1-23 18:36
Laservue, 1100 rue beaumont, suite 201, CLINIQUE my doctor is GORDON BALAZSI, Tel:514-7386666作者: xiao xiao 时间: 2002-1-23 18:37
LASERVUE, 1100 rue beaumont, suite 201, CLINIQUE MEDICALE RENE LAENNEC, my doctor is GORDON BALAZSI, Tel:514-73866664 e& u; Q6 V/ F0 X( O
8 E& @* K" F Q& H1 |6 ~. U
GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY.作者: leeson 时间: 2002-1-24 20:44
In Vancouver as I know the LASIK only cost $1200. All the operation is controlled by computer, the doctor just operated the machine by indication, no personal elements.6 Y3 P! |1 ^% L9 x
The result is good.Don't worry.作者: xiao xiao 时间: 2002-1-25 08:28
$1200 may be for one eye , they always post the price like that on their advertisement. Before you go ask first.作者: tjhjqh 时间: 2002-1-25 22:31
请教LASIK是什么意思?不知对于儿童弱视有无治疗作用?作者: xiao xiao 时间: 2002-1-26 09:00
LASIK 是最先进的激光眼科手术, 手术无痛, 快捷(5分钟); 但要23岁以上的人才适合做, 小孩太小,眼睛没发育完全,恐怕不好. ) m! {* b( r+ ^* z b/ i/ p+ z+ } + y; q p" x1 b0 q; l你还是问医生的意见吧.祝好运.作者: EnjoyLife 时间: 2002-1-26 10:05
For your information about laser operation:( _% t4 i( Y" n: W- \- w
: f8 l5 b+ d, z% a- k* F
I have several friends that have done vision operation in China. One had it done 10 years ago; no computer, no laser, the doctor held the knife to cut the JIAO3 MO2; two other friends had laser vision operation about 4 years ago, I guess the computer was used then (?). $ C& y" G( C0 v* _' X . [ ]/ X6 d0 X, W- ]; iAs long as I heard from them, their vision improved, indeed. However, all of them have some problems, such as, their eyes are easier to get tired, they could not see things clearly at night, they all use YAN3 YAO4 SHUI3 on a daily base. R8 R; b: i3 P+ W
6 \' v5 ]- x( ^- F8 \7 J7 T
One year ago I heard from one of the above friends that Toronto has one of the very best cliniques for this kind of operation. The price is around 3000 CAD for one eye. He also told me there are only several doctors in the world that are able to have this advanced technololgy. I don't remember all the terms. But it is definitely better than the numerous cliniques everywhere, some of them only charge you $500 per eye. By the way, Tiger Woods had his eyes operated by this very best technology -- I heard. & [" W; @# w. Y; H+ j+ q * u7 p, D! t S |( {One more piece of info, it is said that experience is very important for you to evaluate the Doctor's capability. So, if you go and check the numberous websites of these cliniques, some good ones will claim how many eyes the doctor has worked on. & _0 Y! V. P6 G
: C* p) B f& }) m, S " i. X u! m, e# H( O" h- ^2 ~1 k nI have been interested in LASIK also. But till now,作者: minicat 时间: 2002-1-28 03:38
我的两个朋友分别在3年前和去年做了激光手术。是在国内。目前效果良好。且价格是7000元人民币,二只眼睛。这样的话,在加拿大做手术还不如回国做。便宜,质量也有 保证。作者: leeson 时间: 2002-1-28 18:44
$1200 for two eyes. I had them done in Vancouver two years ago.& Q: S7 w r; T+ t
Now I am free from near-sighted.The clinic is at Geogria Street, downtown VAncouver.作者: jane yu 时间: 2002-2-9 21:02
我的近视度数很深,很想做手术,请问做LASIK要符合哪些要求?谢谢。作者: jane yu 时间: 2002-2-9 21:04
我的近视度数很深,很想做手术,请问做LASIK要符合哪些要求?谢谢。作者: dmyang99 时间: 2002-2-9 21:22
激光手术前,一定要进行认真的眼底检查。有些人并不符合进行手术。 作者: GUGUGA 时间: 2002-2-10 22:48
I have been considering to take the LASIK for a long time, but I am just hard to make the decision,since it is something about the eyes, the most fragile part of the body. Did somebody know how sophisticated this technology is ? Will there be any side-effect from this operation ?作者: wanttodoit 时间: 2002-3-22 10:53
Hi, EnjoyLife: 2 G% M. a u4 Scould you please tell me the address and doctor of the LASIK operation, which charges 3000CAD per eye?" o* f& f% j3 Z- l* i
thanks a lot!!作者: lala 时间: 2002-3-22 11:33
谁知道眼科保险能cover部分费用吗?作者: cdgame 时间: 2002-3-22 11:35
作手术还是这里比较好了,国内虽然便宜,可是眼睛毕竟不是衣服。。。有个医院在蓝线acade(?)地铁,不错,我去做过检查,可惜我的眼睛不适合做这个手术。你可以去看,透过玻璃窗可以看见医生作手术的全过程。他们有个网站,忘记叫什么了。。。作者: wanttodoit 时间: 2002-3-22 12:18
HI;# r1 P. o' y. k. f5 |, |, ]
why your eyes are not suitable to do the operation? 6 N. X) Z% u; t
:confused: :confused: 3 F& O& `5 g, p- F* r! j
thanks作者: dandan 时间: 2002-3-30 19:47
其实不必过分迷信加拿大的医疗水平,我是在国内做的PRK的手术,因为近视不够650度,现在三年了,一点问题都没有,费用是5000人民币,当时的LASIK报价是8000-10000人民币,我有朋友做了,效果很好。国内使用的设备也是进口的,手术医生都在美国接受过专业的培训,况且这种手术的复杂程度远远低于大家的想象。+ @: v8 K+ {+ [% w6 s- J P9 N
& K) B. \! [2 K# R8 v
还有个问题要注意,手术后的头三个月不可劳累,对于视力的长期 :p作者: dandan 时间: 2002-3-30 19:51
其实不必过分迷信加拿大的医疗水平,我是在国内做的PRK的手术,因为近视不够650度,现在三年了,一点问题都没有,费用是5000人民币,当时的LASIK报价是8000-10000人民币,我有朋友做了,效果很好。国内使用的设备也是进口的,手术医生都在美国接受过专业的培训,况且这种手术的复杂程度远远低于大家的想象。 . N: K9 t u% a h" H" c ! Y% m3 E* P5 x& E( ~/ t! V, f还有个问题要注意,手术后的头三个月不可劳累,对于视力的保持很重要。: v& ~. M! Z1 `' d4 Y3 l: x
1 R( b. _8 N$ G# n
650度以下的近视做LASIK效果不明显 :p作者: DonCherry 时间: 2002-3-30 20:14
"650度以下的近视做LASIK效果不明显": i: d, h0 i/ s
: Z) r T4 b% y- s5 P# Q- z* J1 }# j
能否解释一下?你这话怎么理解?+ Z* g7 h6 ?. S* w) O$ q9 J8 G
A: 650度以下的近视做LASIK与做手术差不多?( `* z+ R$ z/ P/ o
B:650度以下的近视做LASIK没有多少效果?8 S$ @5 k. d* w+ h
; H" S* t W7 Z; ~ X" A) E) X多谢作者: gamblelife 时间: 2002-3-30 21:43
I am also intersted in this eye operation.Does medical insurance cover it ?作者: 晴晴 时间: 2002-3-30 22:17
hello, Sniper and Xiao Xiao, could you please tell me that if i am a student, can i have a operation now when i am in the university?* {' @# w4 l5 v# y6 I) b ?
Have i rest for three months.: N% ?1 p! y" H, j5 ^2 C
thank you very much for your help作者: srhrjjjd 时间: 2002-3-30 22:46
我是97年初在国内做的手术,当时我的左眼1400度,右眼已超过2000度.手术后左眼1.2 右眼0.8(医生说:因我的右眼高度近视,所以有点弱视,手术只能达到这种程度)我的视力一直保持这样水平.近半年有点下降,这是我用计算机时间过长的缘故.摘掉戴了十多年的眼镜的那种感觉我想你们是能体会到的,我可以自由的去游泳,打球,娱乐.在冬天再也不会有进房间时要擦去眼镜上雾气的烦恼.在追女孩时也给了我更大的自信心.这样的手术国内国外没有太大的区别,并且国内医生的技术也并不比国外差.但这种手术的缺点是,在晚间夜视有点差,尤其是在晚间开车要多加注意,并且用眼不能过渡,否则眼睛很容易冲血.作者: monopolistic 时间: 2002-4-2 17:54
我永远不会让任何人去动我的眼睛。作者: dandan 时间: 2002-4-2 18:23
650 度的意思就是,低于或者接近650度,做LASIK的手术效果不如做PRK的效果好。高于这个度数且在1000度以内LASIK的效果最佳。当然每个人的自身状况不同,术后的效果也会不同。作者: wanttodoit 时间: 2002-4-4 20:20
我的近视大概况700 左右,一直想做, 但是有点担心, 因为我了解到这种手术最早在案1991年开池, 到现在只有11年的历史, 也就是说在这11 年, 可以有见证手术的成功,但有谁知道20,30 年以后怎样呢? 万一到了中老年,眼睛出现问题, 以后的生活怎么办? 如果只能漂亮十几年, 以后的生活有几十年的不便, 那代价可太大了.作者: lala 时间: 2002-4-5 09:56
听我的保险代理说可以cover一部分作者: xiang_qin 时间: 2002-4-21 15:33
我是两年半以前在国内做的,不久前在这里的一家诊所做了检查,检查后医生说手术很成功,所以真的不用迷信国外的月亮比国内的圆。作者: Baobei 时间: 2002-4-22 23:01
我真不明白,居然人在蒙城,为什么老是想着回中国干什么什么的呢?买张机票也不便宜,之后的检查又怎样?取于斯用于斯嘛。难道来这里不是因为向往一些什么吗,不要说人家迷信‘外国的月亮园’。作者: EnjoyLife 时间: 2002-6-12 18:00
hi wanttodoit, ) `: m2 x4 K8 C
sorry I did not see your post before. % `' E2 [: l) n5 y& @
. n, k& @+ B2 N/ i. l0 A6 F
Please check this site for detailed information:9 g# Y( E: l+ v. V9 N+ n/ Q http://www.tlcvision.com 8 \4 X. R% Y m a S/ v/ f$ H' J5 T O/ t1 Q! V
And the price is not much higher, around 1500 to 1700 CAD for one eye now. 5 r! s0 D5 P+ H* |% [ 4 { U: U7 ^% mI read a magazine months before, (Optoelectronics I think), articles there say that there are some improvements in LASIK recently, including better laser (fs pulsed laser) that can burn less tissues when operating therefore more precise; and upgraded software, that can deal with higher order optics correction. 1 V/ ^2 g3 u5 _2 y: K 3 c) {7 E4 i: N! K, Z2 kI don't think most of the cliniques have this set up now. However.作者: happycanada 时间: 2002-6-14 10:28
三思而后行!作者: Juliet 时间: 2002-8-14 17:26
xiao xiao :你所说的2400是加币还是人民币?做的是一只眼睛还是两只眼睛?作者: femalwolf 时间: 2003-8-28 14:04
还有朋友介绍经验吗?我也想做这个手术。我是在网上查了很多信息。 http://www.laservue.net 就是一个网站,国内还有很多网站(可以在Google.com里面查)。但是我不知道我们的太阳卡能否Cover 费用。有哪位前辈知道请赐教。作者: Guinness_extra_ 时间: 2003-8-28 19:51
1200$cdn/eye6 [* j1 o- M8 a3 t7 ^; u
+tax??作者: rongrong1041 时间: 2003-8-28 20:21
太阳卡不能Cover 费用作者: woodcome 时间: 2003-8-31 23:56
听说而已 - D2 D r8 t a+ [- x5 z, }0 @" ^这种手术有一些负面影响 主要是会使视网膜越来越薄 晶状体越来越突出 5-10年后 可能的结果会是不能剧烈运动 . M2 z; P' |$ U m2 W5 l0 Y0 W0 l% l: n1 w6 O* L! U
而且这项手术在中国和新加坡做的很多 日本和欧洲及北美并不太多 0 r" }5 y: x3 z/ t" |2 s1 |