做丸子不错啊,吃不完的放冰箱里冻起来。不然就包包子吧。作者: 芭蕉叶 时间: 2005-3-21 18:11
怎莫弄牛肉馅饼的馅呢,不能是放盐和牛肉吧?作者: VENUS 时间: 2005-3-22 21:23
Have u finished with the meat yet, if not, check the expiry date right away/smell it, may be going bad.
Spagetti Sauce:
In case meat is changing, fry it with/without chopped onion.
Drain fat, store in refrigerator/freezer.
Pour in Spagetti Sauce (cans/jars from store) or use whatever recipe u like.
Creamy ? spagetti sauce:
1 can of ? Campbel soup (I normally use Cream of Mushroom), add the fried+drained beef, boil. Done!
Meat Loaf:
Meat, chopped vegetable, liquid (milk or tomato soup), bread crumbs. Pack into baking dish, bake ~350c. Or shape into log, microwave.
Meat Balls:
Similar to above, shape into balls, fry or bake.作者: williamwei 时间: 2005-3-30 20:03
zuo bao zi bu shi hen hao ma?作者: buberry 时间: 2005-4-7 00:29
我是麦当劳叔叔。作者: 芭蕉叶 时间: 2005-4-7 12:12
麦当劳叔叔的主意不错,怎莫还用芥末酱阿?作者: 芭蕉叶 时间: 2005-4-7 12:18
一位名为fang fang 的厨房高手给我列了一个牛肉馅菜单: