标题: 乙肝表面抗原 [打印本页] 作者: helphelphelp 时间: 2002-12-11 19:22 标题: 乙肝表面抗原 最近在验血时查出我是澳抗阳性,做化验的实验室把它报告给了一个政府的公共卫生机构,他们给我来了封信,要与我谈一谈。我现在很不安:不知这是否会影响我找工作或入籍?我是否从此就上了他们的黑名单了?万望有经验的人士给予解疑,十分感谢!! :confused: eek!作者: yinyang 时间: 2002-12-11 19:43
my friend, don't worry. At first, you should make an appointment with doc for treatment. When surface antigen is active, you are contagious. You should prevent it from being transmitted to others. This is moral. If you r immigrant, u r ok. nothing to do with work or becoming a citzenship. U have right to be sick.作者: helphelphelp 时间: 2002-12-11 19:58
非常感谢你,yinyang! $ i& }) g' i/ F# J/ Z4 C我是移民,问题是我在来加拿大之前就已知道自己是澳抗阳性,是无症状携带者,办移民时也没人问我这个。最进的这次检查只不过是想确认一下自己肝脏没事,结果也确实是除了抗原外一切正常,没想到他们就给报上去了。我就怕他们问我感染多长时间了,如果照实说的话(来加之前就有),他们会不会认为我办移民时对自己的状况有所隐瞒,而做出对我不利的行动呢?万分感谢你的回答!作者: yinyang 时间: 2002-12-11 20:55
So if u didn't report it when you submitted your medical results during the application, i think u know what u should say now. Any medical treatment remain same, and hope you get treatment, health is the most important, esp. Hepatitis B, watch out!作者: milkytooth 时间: 2002-12-13 17:55
Correction: surface antigen (HBsAg) only tells you that you are a carrier and you ARE infected. - ] l- e J4 [: T2 v4 mIf you also have positive HBeAg, you are highly contagious. But if you have negative HBeAg, you still can pass the disease to others via sexual relation, needles or even saliva. K `( Y* x% ]. }" [ " x1 n3 E/ i8 s. L& k1 w5 VBest regards.作者: e.w 时间: 2002-12-13 18:12
i had the same experience. Even worse, i told my doctor that I had contracted the diease for 3 years. Last month, my doctor told me that some sort of committee would probably telephone me for a talk. But so far i have not gotten any call . My question is: does it really seriously affect my application of Canadian citizenship? Does the committee report the case to any governmental department?作者: milkytooth 时间: 2002-12-16 23:48
C'est une maladie a declaration obligatoire (MADO). C'est certain que les travailleurs de la sante publiquee aimeraient savoir qui sont infectes ou qui sont a risque pour MIEUX PROTEGER LE PUBLIC.+ i; ]/ h( G% A7 y5 N5 h0 q
Et voila.作者: mfeous 时间: 2002-12-18 13:29