
标题: 谨防假冒BIDPAY的Auction欺诈邮件(建议置顶) [打印本页]

作者: rainguy    时间: 2005-5-14 19:15
标题: 谨防假冒BIDPAY的Auction欺诈邮件(建议置顶)
: f  R9 s5 c# X8 M- w9 I/ ?' ]7 g8 }8 H5 f5 |! a; M
1,你的Auction Item上有人留下email,对你的item出了一个高出Buy Price不少的价格。付款方式为“WESTERN UNION AUCTION PAYMENT BIDPAY”, 递送方式EMS, 并且寄到Nigeria9 A' o4 _; S- W  E; I; B( |4 d- w

  i; y6 ?* ]8 S8 o$ U: u! m2 Y) X2,你回信过去,对方会要你提供姓名,地址等。' M1 I/ w( T4 q8 H: `7 Q

- K4 x) ~+ Z& V! {: h. z( N3,你会收到2—3封地址[email="Accounts@BidPay.com"]Accounts@BidPay.com[/email]的邮件,最后一封会作如下说:
' R: {; M% u9 T  e# p; V' M9 O! e5 j% {# A" y5 X; j' q  R
Ø      AUCTION PAYMENT APPROVED# X; T" A: o4 x$ u% s% W
& k4 ^3 q  Q" h" D% Q  t6 k
Ø      SHIPPING INFORMATION: *****country: Nigeria
8 R- J. B8 N$ Q
( s! C, X  K$ U, M& s2 xØ      You are expected to make the shipment with 48 hours of receiving this Payment Approval Notification and get to our Costumer/Technical Dept. with the tracking number for payment Verification.' r0 q, {- u- h, q9 `
9 f6 X" R: w: h. \- j
Ø      The Money OrderSM will NOT be dispatched until shipment has been verified.
9 O* @) {/ U7 q
/ b9 \5 s/ y/ L/ h; Z: ^& h4,Seller provide “TRACKING NUMBER of the shipment at: bidpaypaymentdept@fsmail.net0 Q" D& b2 a% X- M

1 S  M: J  z7 k4 g( c- c& R <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o:p></o:p>
) ~( u/ k) g9 A, @' Z5 ^7 i* T; Z  Q$ R) F5 j1 c
如果你果然寄出了东西,通常的结果是,东西确实寄到了Nigeria, 你却永远收不到对方的Money Order, 或者只收到不能兑付的美国邮政的Money Order (USPS INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER)
: A- W' r/ c& l8 l9 N0 b0 C0 @; [( \( B
; V4 G/ |/ @$ V( r! G; `# a4 A4 {  Q
大家到eBay forum去查一下,search Accounts@BidPay.com bidpay scam”,能看到很多介绍。很奇怪的,中文eachnet上却没有这些。唯一的一条post上有人反映碰到了这种情况,结果跟贴的6个人一致说“没问题,只管发货吧”……
7 C! n% C  G# L) z& A& _/ Z9 _9 h9 S
<o:p></o:p>4 H8 F1 c) R% l

/ m9 R# ^( u4 N: }6 Q- b我还从真正的BidPay公司得到了确认([email="bidpayservice@bidpay.com"]bidpayservice@bidpay.com[/email]), 那些邮件是骗子冒用他们的名义行骗的:“This email was, in fact, not sent out by BidPay.com, but by another entity not authorized to use the BidPay name. No payment has been made to you through our service. BidPay does not ask for tracking information and never requires you to ship your item before you have received your payment. At this time, BidPay does not accept buyers or sellers from Nigeria, due to the high volume of internet fraud centered in that country.
作者: qq5354    时间: 2005-5-15 12:24
作者: qq5354    时间: 2005-5-15 12:28
标题: 怎么好些字给吞了?
作者: rainguy    时间: 2005-5-15 13:37
BidPay给我的回信说他们didn't and won't use email address like ACCOUNTS@BIDPAY.COM, 我觉得还是你的猜测可能对--"行骗人实际用的是另一个邮件地址,只是作了某些处理,使收件人看到的是来自BIDPAY的邮件"。

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