哪位用过这玩意,能用来发面做馒头吗,或者,这劳什子是做啥用的?:confused: 谢了。或作好馒头后请您尝鲜。作者: VENUS 时间: 2005-5-24 15:38
Vegemite is developed by Australian, as big as Coca Cola to US. It is NOT REAL YEAST for rising bread/馒头/etc.
Vegemite is well know in the vegetarian world, developed from Brewer's Yeast - the richest known natural sources of the vitamin B group. (Do not use Brewer's Yeast to rise bread) For more info, search web.
If u still have your 发不起来的大面团, try adding regular yeast to get it going again. Happy cooking!作者: laurent01 时间: 2005-5-24 18:58
静候指点,谢谢:rolleyes:作者: VENUS 时间: 2005-5-26 07:07
Use it as bread spread - i.e. buttered bread, small pieces of toast, etc. Could add avocado.
It is an acquired taste and most North American don't like the taste. Don't recommend anyone buying this.