本科教育院校类别排行榜(UNDERGRADUATE )
1 ST.Francis Xavier
2 Mount Allison
3 Acadia
4 Winnipeg
5 Wilfrid Laurier
*6 Bishop’s
*6 Trent
10 St. Thomas
11 Saint Mary’s
12 Mount Saint Vincent
13 Lethbridge
14 Brock
15 Moncton
16 Ryerson
17 Lakehead
18 Laurentian
19 Nipissing
20 Brandon
21 Cape Breton (UCCB)
医学及博士院校类别排行榜(MEDICAL/DOCTORAL )
1 Toronto
2 Queen’
*3 McGill
*3 Western
6 Montréal
7 Alberta
8 Sherbrooke
9 Ottawa
10 McMaster
11 Dalhousie
12 Saskatchewan
13 Laval
14 Calgary
15 Manitoba
1 Guelph
2 Waterloo
3 Simon Fraser
4 Victoria
5 Victoria
*6 Regina
*6 York
8 New Brunswick
9 Carleton
10 Concordia
11 Windsor 作者: “麦克琳”杂志 时间: 2002-11-15 22:45
Obviously, due to your capability, you never graduated from 北大,清华, but have to study at Concordia.
Then you must 好好学习 there, no further choice.
again, listen to me, please don't waste your time here any more. 好好学习....作者: walmart 时间: 2002-11-16 23:47
McGill's engineering is Canada's #1.作者: jly 时间: 2002-11-17 06:23
谢天谢地康大终算榜上有名。最后也没关系啦。作者: wasa 时间: 2002-11-17 12:07
加拿大最好的engineering是U of T,Waterloo,和McMaster,美国好的有MIT,Stanford,Berkeley,Princeton,Cornell,CIT,多的是了,什么时候轮到mcgill了?
不可否认mcgill是不错,但是如果mcgill的学生都像你一样的话,我会看不起这个学校的,尽管我也是这个学校的学生。作者: wasa 时间: 2002-11-17 12:24
U.S. National Research Council Rankings released in September 1995
Electrical Engineering
CAPTION: Top Quarter
1.Stanford University 4.83
2.Massachusetts Inst of Technology 4.79
3.U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 4.70
4.University of California-Berkeley 4.69
5.California Institute Technology 4.46
6.University of Michigan 4.38
7.Cornell University 4.35
8.Purdue University 4.02
9.Princeton University 4.01
10.University of Southern California 4.00
11.Univ of California-Los Angeles 4.00
12.Carnegie Mellon University 3.94
13.Georgia Institute of Technology 3.93
14.University of Texas at Austin 3.88
15.Columbia University 3.79
16.University of Wisconsin-Madison 3.77
17.University of Maryland College Park 3.75
18.University of Minnesota 3.73
19.Univ of California-Santa Barbara 3.71
20.Univ of California-San Diego 3.57
21.North Carolina State University 3.54
22.Ohio State University 3.53
23.Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst 3.44
24.Polytechnic University 3.42
25.University of Washington 3.42
26.Rice University 3.36
27.Virginia Polytech Inst & State U 3.30
28.Pennsylvania State University 3.28
29.U of Massachusetts at Amherst 3.28
30.Yale University 3.26
walmart同学,我发了两篇贴子,不是完全针对你的,其实在每个学校都有这种情况。说句实话,我也觉得mcgill不错,自己的学校,谁都不想骂,但是每当我听到有人凭空乱说的时候,我就特别反感,有种想打人的冲动。好好学习,以后为学校做点贡献才是真的,空口说学校好是没有意义的。作者: walmart 时间: 2002-11-17 13:23
If you are in U0, taking courses like Physics 131 with Pro. Yeon Sangyong, Gen Chem, with Fenster, ....I think you have to rethink. Those are damn easy courses...I would be SO SURE you would be pround of being a student of McGill when you've reached your U2, if you could survive. Enjoy your life, and, we may celebrate every single pieces of our success together, in the future! or maybe we could eat together. Btw, how's your second chem midterm? you will do well I hope. 作者: wasa 时间: 2002-11-17 16:50
18,还可以吧作者: walmart 时间: 2002-11-17 22:47
what is the total?作者: wasa 时间: 2002-11-18 14:30
90%. the total is 20作者: walmart 时间: 2002-11-18 17:04
You are doing fine.作者: kfr 时间: 2002-11-18 20:25
我讨厌“出炉”这两个香港字。作者: smokingtoomuch 时间: 2003-1-17 00:32
Ai.!!!作者: heros 时间: 2003-1-18 14:17
to walmart:
walmart到一家local公司谋职面试完毕,乘电梯下楼。在某一层电梯停住了,门 打开,
逗的语 气问:够淫荡吧?
walmart控制住汹涌的思潮冷静分析,人家local pepole 就是不同,人家的女职员就是开放,怪
walmart说:淫荡是淫荡了,但我喜欢淫荡" local white man"。
walmart才醒悟,原来她说的是:Going Down吧?
这件小事促使walmart下定决心、排除万难、在本世纪头20年力争"speak english well"