
标题: 搬离蒙城与ei [打印本页]

作者: maplebear    时间: 2005-6-1 21:21
标题: 搬离蒙城与ei

望有类似经历的人答疑!Thank you.
作者: gonow    时间: 2005-6-2 10:18
作者: jasperlin    时间: 2005-6-2 12:21
As I know, if you quit your job, you can't apply EI,

if you're fired, or laid off, you could.
Before move to other provinces, don't only calculate your gross salary, you should calculate your income or cash after tax. That's what you really got.
作者: maplebear    时间: 2005-6-2 20:43
不,自动辞职可以拿到EI,但视情况,像与配偶团聚就可以。网站说理由必须reasonable and justified.就不知道什么叫reasobanle.困惑ing.真诚盼望有累计经历的人指点。也许贴在多伦多的网站会更合适。他们是过来人吗。谢谢
作者: joycegu    时间: 2005-6-2 20:59
作者: Alma    时间: 2005-6-3 00:04
按照俺的经验,应该是没有问题的,因为俺就是这样申请的。和楼主的想法正好相反,俺是太太在这里找到30k的工作,先过来的(去年5月份的事儿),俺只好辞去15k的勒脖工,举家迁到这里(哎,现在后悔呀! 这是后话),然后向HRDC申请EI,没有什么问题,从去年7月一直拿到今年2月为止。 申请的理由就是 family relocation,这一点HRDC还是挺通融的,唯一要注意的是,从辞职后拿到ROE算起,28天之内必须在土狼屯申请,否则就要给出绝对reasonable 的理由。

作者: maplebear    时间: 2005-6-3 07:09

我要打电话给HRDC.在这里问是想找一些比较合理的理由,以防他们问起。官面的文件谁都看得懂,而我正是看了管面文件,才对reasonable reason 的尺度把握不好。

作者: georgewhz    时间: 2005-6-3 09:56
It is not as complex as you thought.

The reason for you quit your job, because your husband find job in other city, they don't ask you what kind of job he will do, but you should have the employer's name and the job starting date, in case they ask you for detail.

You need apply EI in Ontario, not Quebec. For relocation HRSDC treat it very loose, there are no time limit for 28 days.

But they maybe ask you some questions, and you need to tell them you believe that you can find job in Ontario very soon base on your experience.

I quit my job last July from Ottawa and we move to Montreal in October, I still have my EI coverage, but the start date postpone to November, but I can get pay 9 months until the end of next month. By the way I will work in the middle of July.

Be care to the agent you are dealing with. They make decision. Don't talk too much with them.
作者: Alma    时间: 2005-6-3 13:31
标题: 回复 maplebear:
是没有那么复杂,在网上申请的时候,只需要给出 family relocation 的理由就行了,HRDC不会问太多的(最好是问什么你回答什么)。至于28天,也纯粹是俺个人的经历,搬家过来能上网申请的时候,已经过了个把月了,于是网上申请的时候就要求给出解释,实话实说就行了。总之,不用太担心,总的来说HRDC还算是比较nice的。 Good luck!
作者: gonow    时间: 2005-6-3 21:34
各位的意思是不是配偶可以直接向单位辞职,不用申请Lay Off?

作者: georgewhz    时间: 2005-6-3 22:21
Yes, your wife can quit her job by herself because relocation. When she gets the Record of Employment letter, she can apply EI in Ontario. Good luck.

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